Azure Durable Functions | PowerShell 7 | Chaining Pattern

Ewerton Rodrigues Jordão
3 min readSep 4, 2020


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Hi everyone, nice to see you here 😁. I’ll try to write in English again, for me, it’s so hard because in my country we talk in Portuguese, I’m from Brazil, and if my English is so poor please don’t go away from this content 😂.
Ok Here we go, I’m trying to explore Durable Functions with PowerShell 7, after I saw this post , yes now we can use PowerShell With Durable Functions in this post we focus in Chain Pattern, what is chaining pattern? Chaining Pattern in a simple way, are some steps to complete something, is possible to build a flow with functions, for example, you can trigger some function and result is an input for another function, this flow is drop-down. In this example, you can see this in action.
Let’s go?

Ok I tried to make some sketch of how this works.

In this picture we have a sample how chaining patter works, first we can call http request, listner httpstart call orchestrator and they had a workflow inside code, in this picture we had three activities to do.

Sample code here and other instructions:

Ok, now I’ll implement my code on Azure, you can use your VSCode for do this or use CLI.

CLI option:

GUI option:


Finaly, in this sample I tried to show how you can use Chainig Patter for do Adm Tasks on Azure, see you in next opportunity. If you like this post please “clap” share with others and star my repository on github =D. Thank you.



Ewerton Rodrigues Jordão

Microsoft MVP Alumni | Speaker at .NetSP, DevOps Professionals , Azure Talks, SampaDevs. | Technical Author |Pwsh é vida. DB Lover, Developer de coração