Life In Monochrome (Week 17)

A weekly summery of my 365 Monochrome project.

Erik Witsoe
3 min readJan 1, 2018
Barszcz 114/365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Sprinkles 115/365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Leader Of The Pack 116/365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Smoking Man 117/365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Weight 118/365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Contour 119/365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f
Fractured 120/365 Canon EOS 6D Mark II “L” Series 50mm 1.2f

And…its over. Another Christmas and Holiday season past and way too much food consumed under the belt. The week prior was all about the rush of the season and finding space to enjoy it while this week is all about the laziness of enjoyment and spending time with the ones you love. Such a delicious contrast and lead up to the actual event.

I enjoy this Holiday season and for much of my life I spent it in the hospitality industry, being crazy busy in restaurants without much time off to enjoy it. Now, I have since left that behind and really find myself absorbing the season as it shows up. Taking in all of the little pieces that I feel I somewhat missed serving others their holiday one thousand plates a day for the duration of the season.

This is my Eighth Holiday season in Poland and I have grown very accustomed to the sense of family and tradition that the season reflects. The top image is of my father in law making his “secret” recipe of barszcz, Polish Beet Soup, and is easily one of my very favorite dishes served at Christmas…and throughout the year. I especially love this image and cf course the soup, because of all of the effort and a bit of acting he puts into making the soup. Pride, love and little showmanship as he combines the flavors to fill the house with his work and skill. Traditionally, there are 12 dishes at Christmas and the soup is one, everyone helps out making and preparing the food.

See you in 2018!

Last weeks recap can be found here Week 16.

You can see all of the images here Monochrome 365.

Gear supplied by my amazing partners at Digital24. Stop by and tell them Erik sent you! You can also read a little about the Canon EOS 6D II that Digital24 has so generously provided (rocking a “L” series 50mm 1.2…..and I am floored by how good it is).



Erik Witsoe

I’m Erik, a Photographer focused on lifes details, passionate creative and artist who relocated from Seattle to Poznan with my muse.