The story of pandora: The curse in curiosity

Florence Amadhe
3 min readAug 10, 2022


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The first and simplest emotion that we discover in the human mind is curiosity. -Edmund Burke

I believe curiosity fuels our existence. We would not have evolved if people had not been curious. Curiosity is the starting point for our development. What if I did this in this way? Would it result in that?

So, what makes this a curse?

I’ve always been fascinated by Greek methodologies, I find the stories to be captivating. Do you know the legend of the first woman created by the Greek gods?

In Greek mythology, Prometheus, the titan god of fire, and his brother Epimetheus were tasked with the creation of mortals.

The Prometheus-Zeus Alliance began when Prometheus switched sides during the battle between the Olympian gods and the Titans for supremacy over Heaven.

Humanity was weak, naked, and unintelligent at the time. Prometheus was displeased, so he stole fire from Hephaestus, the god of smiths and master of crafts, and bestowed intelligence and civilization on humanity.

This was only temporary. He surely did not get away with robbing the gods.

Zeus was enraged. He gave Hephaestus the task of creating the most beautiful and irresistible woman.

Pandora was crafted to perfection. Various gods bestowed numerous gifts upon her, and the gift of curiosity was one of them. Along with Pandora, an ornately decorated box was sent to Epimetheus. Zeus was presumed to have given this as a peace offering. He instructed that the box should never be opened.

I have got to hand it to Zeus, some divine joke. Gifting someone with curiosity and a shiny little box to not open.

Yes, you guessed correctly. She took a peek. It is said that the box kept calling her, which drove her insane.

Monsters and creatures were unleashed as soon as Pandora opened the box. As punishment for receiving the fire, Zeus imprisoned them in the box.

Pandora was terrified. She had unleashed monstrosities into the world and had no way of returning them to the box.

She did what she thought was most reasonable: she opened the box again. What could go wrong?

Upon opening the box again, the box let out a soothing white light. It was hope, it comforted her despite the evils roaming.

Curiosity is the essence of human existence. ‘Who are we? Where are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?’… I don’t know. I don’t have any answers to those questions. I don’t know what’s over there around the corner. But I want to find out.

What do you think of Pandora’s story? Would you have opened the box? We need to find answers to life’s questions, but at what cost?

Somebody thought about drilling the earth, and boom!-petroleum. What if we drill deeper and find something else?

Some things are better left undiscovered.

Kindly drop your 50 claps and share your thoughts in the comment section.

Watch this space for more! Thank you.



Florence Amadhe

Creative Writer || Fiction and Non-Fiction ||I’ve lived in my head longer than I've lived in this world. 🌸✨