Zoom Game: “Read My Lips”

Eli Wopat
1 min readApr 9, 2020


We have all seen or had the experience of being on zoom and saying something, but nobody seems to hear you. You continue to talk and try to get their attention, only to realize you microphone is muted!

Instead of this being an accident, we are now going to build a game around this where you and a friend (or more) will try to understand what someone is saying via zoom video but no audio.

The rules and set up are simple. One person, player 1, mutes their microphone so no one can hear them but their video is on so they can be clearly seen by everyone. Make sure that player 1 still can hear their friend(s) when they guess. People can post their guesses to the zoom chat if there is audio issues of they would just prefer to use the chat. Then, player 1 starts a 1-minute timer and now everyone else has to guess what player 1 is saying! After the phrase is guessed correctly or time runs out, switch turns.

If it becomes too hard and you need some boundaries, you can choose a topic or max length of the phrase beforehand to help give people guessing a better chance. Otherwise, enjoy!!

