A Thursday Afternoon with Michael

Writer X
7 min readOct 7, 2018


@mazik via Twenty20

It was the start of the new year. I was a 2nd year at university and I was horny as hell. I was literally walking with a hard cock the entire day. I saw some damn fine boys and some ladies that I would happily take home with me. It was hard for me to focus at the introduction lectures that I had to attend. I was like, “Fuck me, soooo many boys I felt like I’m at a gay bar.” I had to keep my thoughts to myself.

In the afternoon, I managed to bump into one of my old friends Andre who was also a bisex guy like me. The only difference is he had a girlfriend, and I had recently broke up with my girlfriend. I thought it would be a good time that I need to start look at guys for a change. I’ve had two unsuccessful relationships with girls, so why not get into cocksucking? Plus, I enjoyed the last time I had a hook-up with a guy — was really steamy and fun.

So, we had a long chat. He had a wild summer break after having hooked up with his ex while his girlfriend decided they should go on a break. We ended up chatting as we usually did over a cigarette on a fine afternoon. We missed our lecture and then realised that we should go to our next lecture. Fortunately, we had some lectures together and the Economics one was one of those. I was really happy as I knew that we would have a good time talking about boys and of course he would motivate me to do well. He’s really clever, so I try to use him as a motivator. He’s got everything going for him — looks, smarts, money, what more could you ask for! Oh yeah and a very sexy girlfriend who loves him dearly and accepts him for just who he is.

As we sat in the lecture, I laid my eyes on a blonde guy who I remembered from my first year. It was 3 months since I saw my fellow peers. I didn’t recognise him. I was feel pretty hot thinking about what I would do to him. Granted of course my vision is bad, but I could still get a catch on him and fantasize. Don’t we all do that?

Lecture over and he came up the stairs. It was Michael. I had a crush on him always. I actually think he’s gay, but one of those closeted ones. I don’t know why, but I had an insight and a feeling about it. Don’t ask me why — it’s just one of those feelings. He approached me.

“Hey, how are you?”, he said.

“I’m well thanks. How are you? How was the holiday?”, I replied.

“Really awesome — travelled with the family on a 2 week holiday to the US. Anyway, I gotta run, but let’s catch up over a coffee. I’ve missed talking with you.”, he answered.

I was a little surprised. Andre was laughing at me afterwards as he knew that I had a bit of a crush on Michael. I thought it was great that he remembered me as we had some really heart to heart chats. We were really good friends, but we lost touch.

That evening when I got home, I was a little surprised that Michael had talked to me in such a sweet tone when he said that he missed me. I was a happy, but nervous too. I didn’t want people to know that I like boys and girls — it was considered taboo by most.

I was thinking and I received a whatsapp. It was Michael. I was like wow he’s really keen to talk to me. So we ended exchanging a few messages back and forth and agreed to meet for a coffee on Thursday afternoon. He picked up a cafe that was not too far from the university but also in a rather unpopular place for uni students. The venue always tells a lot about the place, right? If you’re meeting with a friend you may go one place but if you’re going on a date, you’d go to another one. Well, this was one of those places that was in-between. It wasn’t really a place for friends, but also not specifically a date — it was an any occasion.

I rocked up in my jeans, shirt, and a cap. I usually walked in my jeans — keep it simple and to the point. He was already sitting in a fedora, shirt and vest, jeans and a shirt. Very stylish as always, but seemingly a little bit more than usual or at least that I’ve recalled ever seeing him. He definitely didn’t dress like that to university.

I had my espresso and he his latte and of course cigarettes out. It was one of the rare places where you could still smoke inside. Sure, smoking is bad, but it’s so sexy, a good conversation starter, and goes well with coffee. We talked about any and everything for close to two hours. At some point, I had to say to him that I needed to leave.

“Michael, look at the time! I need to get going home. I need to study”, I said.

“Oh, it’s been so nice to chat, are you sure? I’m hungry and need to eat something. What about you?”, he asked.

“Yeah, I need to eat too. Listen, I am going to cook, so if you want come for dinner you can.”, I replied. Did I really just invite him to my house I thought to myself.

“Cool. Let’s do that. Let’s get some beer to drink at your place.”, he said.

We paid and left. We stopped at the supermarket and picked up 4 beers — 2 for him and 2 for me. He paid for them as he wanted them after all.

We arrived to my place and he made himself comfortable on the couch and put the TV on. I thought to myself, “well he definitely doesn’t feel uncomfortable as if he is at home — a little too comfortable for my liking but whatever I do have a crush on him after all.” I got the chicken, the potatoes, the vegetables out. I prepared everything and into the oven it went.

As soon as it was done, I went to the couch and sat down. The rugby was on. We chatted a little bit and I told him to be quiet while the game was on — I’m a die hard rugby fan. All of a sudden during an advert break, he pulled me to himself and he kissed me.

I pushed him off. We looked at each other. Stopping. Making exact eye contact. He jumped on me and nearly knocked me on the floor. He kissed me and shoved his tongue deep down my throat. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and pushed his arse downwards as if he was thrusting me from behind. We kissed more. I was sweating with a rock hard cock in my pants. He thrusted on me and I felt the hard bulge. And, it was absolutely rock hard.

He stopped for a second and told me how long he was waiting to do that and how much of a crush he had. I was stunned that he felt so strongly about me. It was scary to see someone filled with so much passion about me. I ripped his shirt off. I bit him. I didn’t allow him to talk.

We stumbled over towards the kitchen and I turned the stove off. I figured we definitely are not getting to dinner now. We have much more important things to do. He slapped my arse as I was standing at the stove. He kissed my neck as he did that. I had goosepimples. I was shivering. I didn’t understand why this was happening, but I was enjoying it so much.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bedroom. I went with him then I pushed him onto the bed. I wasn’t going to let him be so rough on me. I pushed him and jumped on top of him. He scratched my back and kissed me so passionately. I wasn’t ever kissed like that in my life. We continued and tried to rip the trousers off in the mean time. We managed to get the underwear with it.

I stopped for a quick second. Here is Michael with his athletic self and hard throbbing cock looking at me and my fairly built self. Probably the same build as him. Cocks throbbing, looking extremely hot and ready to go. Well, I didn’t have time to think and off we did our thing. It was my first time having full on sex with a guy and letting him get on top of me. It was great and I was probably never the same after that.

It was the hottest afternoon of my life. Michael slept over before I kicked him out the next morning at 5am. I had to get to university. I had to have a few minutes to collect my thoughts and get ready for the day. Later that morning, I saw Andre and told him the whole story. He was very surprised what happened. But, I knew Andre wouldn’t tell anyone. He didn’t want to risk others knowing about him and his darkest passions. He knew if he told people that I would return the favour.

That was my first afternoon with Michael. I didn’t know where it would lead to next, but I sat back and was simmering with hottness, a smile and relishing on the idea of doing that again with him.



Writer X

I enjoy writing erotic fiction and other types of fiction.