Raspberry Pi Colocation: Decentralized. Exclusive. Green. Unique.

3 min readNov 12, 2021


After a successful launch of the docker-based Pi Instances, we are now reaching the next milestone on our roadmap: ExaMesh PiColocation!

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With the Pi Instances, we already have specially developed rack mounts in use, which we can produce on demand using 3D printing. Due to the small form factor of the Raspberry Pi, the individual rack mounts and the available space in our decentralized edge data centers (EDC), nothing stands in the way of a thriving Pi colocation landscape from now on.

Our self-developed mounts that fit into any 19 inch rack. Produced using 3D printing.

Not Just Another Pi Colocation

But we didn’t want to launch just another Pi colocation. We needed an additional feature that you don’t find at the current available Pi colocations. Besides the fact, as stated in the headline, that every Pi is deployed in one of our decentralized EDCs. The EDCs are exclusively installed inside wind or solar parks and powered by green energy.

Based on the rack mounts pictured above, you might be able to guess what our unique feature is. More about that later.

What Is Possible With the Pi Colocation?

A lot: As with our AI and Pi Instances, we focus on a specific target group, avoid a hypervisor and rely 100% on open source. And of course, we pass on the price advantages directly to the customer.

But not everything: For example, it is not possible to run a website on a Colocation Pi, because we do not assign a static IP.

Our objective and focus group is different: Edge applications thanks to decentralization. This includes: Sync services, VPN/Tunnels, Nodes, Relays, Backups — All this is possible and much more!

What Is Unique About Examesh Pi Colocation?

With the “Pi and SSD” package, it is now possible for every user to operate a Pi with its own SSD on the Internet. A feature that is not available with any other Raspberry Pi colocation. We have also developed our own rack mounts for this purpose. The additional storage opens up thousands of new areas of applications for the Colocation Pi — How about your own Bitcoin Full Node, for example?

The setup for a Bitcoin full node, operated by one of our employees. Note: No enclosure is necessary for the colocation. Of course, we mount the Pi in our rack mounts.

Interested in a Pi Colocation?

Just navigate to our landingpage. We also recommend to read the docs before booking.

Do You Have a Special Request or Idea?

We would love to hear those. Just write to us at colocation@examesh.de.

We are open for any further development, partnerships and great projects.




The world’s first Instances that are powered by green electricity, and are housed in wind, solar and other green power plants.