How To Get Your Ex Back After Begging And Pleading — Get Ex Back After Begging For Months

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 23, 2021


Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

The most common mistake that people make when trying to get their ex back is being too eager. You see, time has to come into play here. You cannot just walk up to your ex’s house and beg that he or she comes back to you. No, it doesn’t work that way. In order for all the jittery feelings and anger and hurt to heal, you must go away for a while and let the dust settle. Give your ex some space to ponder on some things. You should also take some time to reflect upon what happened and on how to make things better the next time around.

In order to get your ex back, you have to make him or her want you back after the relationship breakup. They need to be made to feel that the breakup was a mistake and that you are the one they love and want to spend their life with.

If you have been broken up with, this can be difficult to do in order to win back your ex’s heart. Freshly after a relationship breakup, you may engage in various tactics and behaviors that will only hurt your chances of being able to get your ex back.

What are the reasons that it is always difficult to win back an ex love? You may have tried everything to win back your ex to no avail. Not only have your efforts pushed your ex further away, but you have started to lose hope of ever being able to get your ex back and restore your relationship. You may have even become frustrated, desperate and down in the dumps about the relationship breakup and your failed attempts to win back your ex.

There are many mistakes that may have affected your attempts to get back your ex. Listed below are twofold reasons that may explain your failed efforts to win back your ex and restore the relationship.

Balance of Power Shift

If you are the dumpee and are still in love with your ex and want to get them back, the sad reality is that your ex is in a power position. Since they walked away from the relationship, they are under no pressure to get back with you or take your feelings into consideration. This shift in the balance of power that leaves you at the mercy of your ex usually leads to desperation and you doing the wrong things in order to win your ex back.

In addition, after a relationship breakup especially one that caught you off guard, you may start doing the wrong things to get your ex back because you really have no tools or resources that will show you how to successfully win your ex back and restore the relationship. It is not your fault that you have no idea how to get back your ex. You have just not had the tools that you needed to help you successfully win back your ex after this shift in the balance of power.

All your desperate attempts to win back your ex will only inflate your ex’s ego and they may enjoy putting you through the drama of trying to win them back, or it may start to annoy them especially if they are trying to move on. Through your desperation, they will know that you want and need them desperately and they may use this information against you and take advantage of you.

How to get your ex back after begging and pleading: Get ex back after begging for months.

Being Available to Your Ex

As you can see, being and acting desperate for your ex’s attention in order to win back your ex will only fail and you will not be able to get back your ex. If you have recently gone through a relationship breakup, take a moment and do not rush into letting your ex know that you desperately want them back. Getting your ex back may be your goal but your ex does not need to know this. Do not become available to your ex at any time. Do not give them this power that they can wield over you anytime the mood suits them.

As a first step after a relationship breakup, keep your intention to get your ex back to yourself and try to create some distance from your ex. The same advice applies if you suspect that your ex is about to break up with you and you are thinking of begging them to stay. Do not beg him or her to stay since this will only be counterproductive. Remain calm and agree to the relationship breakup and let them leave. Do not let your ex know that you want him or her back.

Take this time when you distance yourself from your ex as a period to focus on other things besides your ex even if you have to force yourself to get out of bed and out of the house. Go out with your friends that you may have neglected or take the time to make new friends or get involved in a new activity. Make all attempts to make yourself unavailable to your ex or perform any favors for them. Be polite if by any chance they call or text you. Do not spend a lot of time talking or responding to their texts.

Do not jump every time he or she reaches out to you. You may feel that this is an opportunity to show your ex how much you love and want them back and how much they need you but trust me, this is a mistake. You will only appear like a doormat that your ex may take advantage of when the need suits them since they know that you will do anything for them without them needing to do anything for you. They may even start to get fed up with your neediness and even with you not being able to say no to them.

Stay away from your ex for a period so that they do not feel that they are in the power position due to your desperation to win them back. This will place you in a better (powerful) position and you will be able to start doing the right things that will help you get back your ex.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

