How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back After Sleeping With Him — Slept With My Ex What Does It Mean

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 23, 2021


Photo by We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

Sexual attraction is an important part of every relationship, but if you are of the opinion that the whole thing pivots around having or not having sex with your partner, then you are grossly mistaken. Most people think that having sex with their ex can be an effective way of luring him or her back into their lives. However, this is nothing but a misconception simply because having sex with someone does not prove that he or she also loves you.

There are countless couples who can continue to have strained relationship but they might also continue to extract sexual pleasure out of each other. Actually, loving someone has nothing to do with fulfilling your bodily needs with the help of that person. So if, for instance, you have been able to seduce your ex into having sex with him or her in a recent meeting or if you plan to do so, then you can be sure about one thing, it will only go on to prove your selfishness!

There can be various reasons why your ex partner may still find you sexually attractive for instance, your partner might sleep with you just because he or she is used to it after a long relationship or your ex might do it not entirely with his or her consent. A post break up meeting with your ex can take any shape and it almost always never goes as planned, so you and your ex might end up sleeping together but this does not in any way substantiate that your ex has started loving you and will follow you back in your life.

The key to success here is to make sure that you do away with the idea of bedding with your ex to get him or her back, because this can even backfire. On the other hand, trying to address real emotional issues that led to the break up in the first place can help you get your ex back.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

How to get your ex boyfriend back after sleeping with him: Slept with my ex what does it mean.

Are you missing your ex boyfriend and miss the relationship that you had? Are you constantly asking yourself “how can I get my ex back?” and looking for tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back. If you are, this article lays out how to get your ex boyfriend back using these 4 methods.

1 — When trying to get your ex back, keeping the lines of communication open with your ex boyfriend without being obsessive and pressuring him with calls, texts, emails and so forth. This will only cause him to pull further away from you and you will fail in your attempts to get your ex back.

Try to talk to him a few times when you can just to remind him of your presence so that he does not forget that you exist. As you attempt to get your ex back make sure that the conversation that you initiate with your ex boyfriend is very brief and basic without revealing too much. Maintaining an element of mystery is very appealing to men.

One of the steps to get your ex back requires showing your ex boyfriend that he is not your highest priority at any given moment. One example is that if you meet him at a party or club or other social gathering and you are having a basic conversation with him, stop the conversation with him if some friends or acquaintances enter the venue and attend to them.

2 — In order to get your ex back, you will need to exercise patience and not become frustrated with your efforts. Your attempts to get your ex back should not be rushed and appear desperate as you will only end up pushing him away and not bringing him closer to you.

To get your ex back and restore your relationship, you will need to start small such as waving at him or simply saying hello. This will be a huge relief to him if it appears that you are trying to be civil. Maintain eye contact with him when talking to him and not with anybody else without taking it beyond this.

3 — Do not be stingy with giving him genuine complements every now and then. Men are easy. You do not have to be the prettiest, the thinnest, or the smartest, in order to get your ex boyfriend back. Men simply want to be around someone who makes them feel good about themselves. By dishing out honest complements, you will make him feel good and he will want to hang around you more and more often and you will be closer to getting your ex back.

Mention the good times that you spent together with him and the good memories that you have from your relationship. Remind him of the good times in your relationship. A little reminiscing never hurt anybody and will help you get your ex back. He will need to be reminded of the good times that he lost when the two of you broke up so that he can start thinking of you in a more positive light and miss you a little bit and start thinking about getting back together with you.

4 — Look your best without going to extremes in your attempts to get your ex back. This time apart from your ex boyfriend will allow you to take some time to try a new look, hairstyle, new clothes or joining a gym to help you maintain your body’s ideal weight.

When trying to get your ex back, make sure that you look your best. Try a new perfume that is hot on the market. Change things up with your appearance to keep him interested and intrigued. When you look good on the outside, your confidence levels will shoot up. Confidence in yourself and your appearance will be very attractive to your ex boyfriend and other men on the dating scene. Confidence is sexy so work on your confidence.

By attempting to be friendly with your boyfriend as you try to win your ex back will ensure that if he does decide to get back together with you, the lines of communication are open and he shall let you know.

Simply ensuring that he has a great time with you when he is around you will work wonders. Do not act too needy when trying to get your ex boyfriend back. One of the keys to get your ex back is to take things slow.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

