How To Get Your Ex To Initiate Contact With You — Why Hasn’t My Ex Tried To Contact Me

Kelly Lacey
7 min readAug 18, 2021


Photo by on Unsplash

Breakups are so hard to bear. You would be thinking of only one thing — how to get my ex contact me? How can I get to take to him/ her again? There is a dull ache in your chest and your mind is all cloudy; you are missing him/ her badly. You can get him/ her call you with these neat little tricks:

1. Let them know you want to return something of his/ her — you could leave a message and tell him/ her to call you so you could work out on how to return something of his/ hers. You better get hold of something before you make that call — could be anything from handkerchief to game CD, book, clothes, memorabilia, etc.

2. Send message you want to be ‘just friends’ — your ex would be worried about how you are taking the breakup. In most cases, even if you split you still care for one another. It would come as a great relief to your ex if you said you accept their decision (for the time being) and want to be ‘just friends’.

3. Have some of your ex girlfriend/ boyfriend’s friends over for a party — and inform them that it is okay is he or she comes, too for you have moved on. Is he or she does not come, it often would look like he/ she did not get over you. So, they would come.

4. Excel at something your ex likes — this may not be as hard as it sounds. You know his/ her interests try excelling at something they think is super-cool. For example, get some collectibles, get tickets to some super event, find some wow bargains, etc.

5. Stay in touch — without giving the impression that you are pushing your attentions on your ex, stay in touch with simple and sweet gesture. Send flowers and chocolates for birthday (for ex girlfriend)/ music DVDs, hi-tech gadgets, or any other boy cool stuff (for ex boyfriend). This will ask for return gifts for your birthday and special dates.

6. Do sweet things for them without expecting anything — look for any opportunity to do something good for your ex. Ensure that his/ her friends get to know about it. Do not inform your ex (or his/ her friends) about it; when word gets out they would definitely call to thank you.

7. Ask for a second chance — this is more direct and requires proper timing and right manner of delivery. You should not look too eager (bordering on psycho) or too desperate (emotional blackmail) — just a person looking for a second chance.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

How to get your ex to initiate contact with you: Why hasn’t my ex tried to contact me.

There is a ton of free information out there that promises to help you to get your ex back. There are experts around every corner that claim to hold the keys to your success with varying pieces of advice, tips and tricks. And while much of this advice might hold some value to you in certain circumstances it is unfortunate that many folks follow this advice and wind up worse off than they were when they started. You see, on the internet anyone can be an expert at whatever they say their an expert at. The trick is being able to use a little common sense and put some thought into what you believe the outcome will be of following their advice.

While a lot of advice is commonly accepted as being true, right and effective, I am probably going to blow away some of the relationship experts here. I simply don’t want you to take this advice at face value and destroy what little chance you might have during this precarious time in your relationship. A few wrong moves really can destroy the chances that you do have of getting your ex back or, if nothing else, delay the amount of time it’s going to take to get them back.

Wait — You may have heard this advice from family or heard the saying that you should set your ex free and if they were really yours they will come back to you. While this method does hold some value in that it is important to give your ex a little space and time, completely cutting off all communication with your ex and hoping that they will come back to you is just foolish. Common sense should tell you that there is a pretty good chance that your ex will think that you have moved on and then feel free to move on themselves.

If you’re cool with the thought of your ex starting up a rebound relationship with someone else and doing what they have to do to break the bond with you then that is fine. But there should come a time when you do what is necessary yourself to get your ex back. This means putting forth some sort of effort to rebuild the relationship using methods that are both effective and proven. Benign neglect rarely cures anything and it can often take years for the “sit and wait” method to bring about the results you are looking for.

Counseling — If you have mental issues or are really having a hard time with the grief from your breakup then a little counseling might be in order. But to suggest that dragging your ex into counseling to work through your issues is a good way to get them to come back to you would be ludicrous. Right now your ex doesn’t want the relationship and chances are they have nothing to discuss. They think that you were the problem or they fell out of love with you or the relationship was a mistake or one of a thousand other excuses that people use to leave a relationship. Their resolution to the problems in the relationship was to end the relationship so there is little to discuss.

This method of restoring a relationship is often the product of counselors. Of course they want you to go to counseling…. for years! This is how they make their living and if nobody went to counseling they would be flipping burgers instead of using their degree!

Just as a side note, typically once a couple gets back together there is little talk of what happened formerly in a relationship. Both partners might take responsibility for what they did to contribute to the decline in the relationship and agree to wipe the slate clean and forget about the past. The simple truth is that nobody wants to talk about problems… especially not when they’re in love. Love feels much better than pain so why not move in a direction where you get your ex to focus more on the love that you had and can have in the future instead of the painful things that happened in the past? You’re catching on, aren’t you?

While these are only a couple of the things that you might be thinking of or pieces of advice that you have heard from so called experts, it often takes some patience and a good poker face to be able to get your ex back. Sometimes a skillfully laid out plan that you agree to stick to is all that is needed to bring your ex back around. Have confidence in your ability to get your ex back and find out what has worked for others in some of our other articles and avoid taking tips from so called experts that just don’t make sense.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

