How To Make Your Ex Girlfriend Think About You All The Time — How To Get Her Thinking About You After A Breakup

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 24, 2021


Photo by christopher lemercier on Unsplash

She ended it with you and you are certain she hasn’t given you a second thought! If you truly believe that, think again. Just because you are not right there with her doesn’t mean she isn’t thinking about you. Actually, she is most likely thinking about you a lot. However, if you still want to learn ways to make your ex girlfriend miss you, read on!

Out of Sight…

Yes, as I said, she does miss you! In fact, not seeing you may only make her miss you more! She will start to question her decision as she wonders what you are doing without her. She will start to think if she made the right decision to not be with you once she feels realizes that you can no longer be with her. Most girls will constantly think about what their ex is doing after a break up just because they got so used to your company.

Appear and then Disappear

After you have had some time to cool off, make an appearance! Drop by places you know she will be in like her favorite bar, coffee shop, or store. There is a great chance that you will bump into each other. It is recommended that you come with friends, that way, it will not appear obvious that you are trying to see her. And when you bump into her, don’t be all excited to see her. Treat her like how you would other people there. One important thing you should do is to let her see you having a blast. Laugh and enjoy. Let her think that you can be happy even without her. This should make her miss you more.

Turn Head By Looking Good

Before you make your grand (yet subtle) appearance, make sure that you look great. Dress up for the occasion (appropriately so of course, don’t wear a tux to a dive bar). Maybe style your hair or try a new look by shaving the old beard (or growing a little scruff). Although you cannot rely on physical attraction alone, it is one way to get her to turn her head! Once you have her attention, the rest will come easily.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

How to make your ex girlfriend think about you all the time: How to get her thinking about you after a breakup.

If you are feeling so empty and hollow on the inside because she is no longer in your life, there may be hope if you are looking for ways to woo your ex girlfriend back into your life and heal your broken heart. While the following ideas are certainly not guaranteed to work if you are searching for methods on how to get your ex girlfriend back, they are still certainly a great start to help you get proactive and not just sit around and wallow in the misery of no longer having her in your life.

You may need to tweak some of the following ideas so that they take into consideration your ex girlfriends likes and dislikes since you know the type of things that are in line with her personality. The following ideas should be helpful but they may also help you think about more stuff that will wow your ex girlfriend and help you get her back in your life where she belongs.

1. A love letter may just do the trick. This may be a great idea for some of the guys who have such a hard time expressing themselves and speaking of their true feelings and telling her how much she means to them. Writing your true feelings down may help you say the things that you really feel about her that she may not even know because you never told her because you didn’t want to get too sentimental. She is not a mind reader and some things need to be said and writing her a love letter may be a great idea. She may even be taken by surprise.

2. Wax poetic. This is another take on a love letter and most people may feel it is too cheesy but guess what, it works! She will appreciate that you took the time to write her a poem even if it is not that great. Women love to be wooed and poems are a great tool to use for this. Don’t get caught up in saying that you do not know what to write and simply write from the heart. You may also want to add some humor to it. Your ex girlfriend will appreciate it and this is one of the best tips on how to get your ex girlfriend back.

3. Never underestimate the power of a great bouquet. Most women enjoy receiving flowers or a balloon bouquet with an appropriate message. If getting a floral bouquet, get one that features her favorite flowers.

4. Ask your ex girlfriend out on a date and make it clear that she will not have to fight you off all night. Let her know that there will be no pressure. You just want the two of you to get together and catch up with what’s been going on in each others lives. Don’t give her the wrong idea by making a reservation for a romantic evening at a top rated expensive restaurant.

Pick locations that will not give her the wrong idea such as an arcade, the local zoo, karaoke bar, pizza parlors, etc. This will help her drop her guard and be more receptive to you but remember not to pressure her. I am sure you know how to be a friend so start from there.

5. Most women love animals and one of the best tips on how to get your ex girlfriend back is to suggest spending a morning or an afternoon at an animal shelter. This will also help her drop her guard around you as you both visit with and play with the various animals at the shelter.

6. Another great idea when you ask your girlfriend on a date is to take her on a themed date. Plan something fun and lighthearted such as ordering Indian food before watching Slumdog Millionaire or one of the Bollywood movies or hamburgers, french fries and milk shakes while watching American Graffiti, etc.

7. Consider going to an amusement park which is another non threatening place to take her where she will feel little to no pressure being around you. Be goofy at the amusement park with the various wooden cutouts at the park. Go on various rides including the scariest ones. Just have fun with her.

8. If things are going particularly well with your ex girlfriend, you may want to consider recreating your first date. A touch of nostalgia will be a great way for her to remember how she felt on her first date with you. This may lead you closer to getting her back.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

