How To Win A Girl Back After She Lost Interest — How To Get A Girl Back After She Lost Feelings

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 18, 2021


Photo by Anastasia Sklyar on Unsplash

Trying to get your ex girl back after she walked out of your life because of a mistake you’ve made? Are you truly sorry for what you’ve done and would do anything just to get your ex girl back? Put your worries to rest because you can still win her back with a genuine apology.

Now this isn’t just saying you’re sorry and expect her to come crawling back to you. It all depends on your choice of words and how you deliver those words. It’s about putting yourself in her shoes and listening to her. Even giving an apology can take time and patience…and have several tips:

1. To give a heartfelt apology you must refrain from being defensive. She’s upset, so even if you feel like it’s no big deal to her it is. Be more understanding and sensitive of her feelings so that you won’t offend her in the future.

2. You need to sympathize and try to see it through her eyes. Try to convince her that you see her point and that you understand why she’s so upset. Tell her you understand your point of view and that you were out of line that moment.

3. If you’ve hurt her because you were taking her for granted or always yelling at her then show her that you’ve changed. Perhaps go to an anger management class to prove that you’re really sorry for what has happened. Try to appreciate her more by being compliments and showing her that you love her.

4. Don’t use the word “but” when you apologize, like “I’m sorry, but…” Using that word suggests that you’re still want to argue and prove your point, and that you’re not really in an apologetic mood. Choose your words carefully when you apologize.

5. To get your ex girl back, mention your mistakes when you apologize. Give an explanation on why you acted like you did, and ask her to forgive you and hope that she’ll understand. Convince her that you’ve learned your lesson and that you’ll never do it again.

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How to win a girl back after she lost interest: How to get a girl back after she lost feelings.

Getting an ex back really depends on how two of you broke up. Did she dump you? Did you decide to call it quits? You need to think about the reasons behind the breakup. Did the magic fade away and the relationship was stale? How did it end, positive or ugly? If you have recently broke up but now want your ex back then this article will help shed some light on the subject.

Reason #1: She Left

If she was the one who dumped you, then you need to find out the real reasons why she broke up with you. There are many contributing factors on why women dump men. Sometimes we don’t want to face the reality of things. Take a few minutes to look back at the relationship. Did you treat her bad or neglect her basic needs? Maybe you didn’t treat her right at all. It could be then you really don’t deserve her, unless you change your ways. Any changes you do must be sincere, if not all your actions will be in vain. Take a look on how you treat others before you can have an opportunity to get back together.

At the end of the most relationships, you will find out some things that really bother your ex. Take a closer look at her complaints. Was there any merit to her comments? If you are wiling to look deeper on why she broke up with you, then you can have a better chance on making the right changes to getting back together with your ex.

Reason #2: You Left

Did you dump her? Do you regret losing here and wish you had a second chance? Sometimes, my friend, the grass is not greener on the other side. If you want her back, then you have to find out how hurt she is from the breakup. Sometimes the damage is too deep and emotions are too wounded to find a way back together. The best thing is to give her some time to heal and cool things off. If she is upset at you, don’t smother her but don’t be too distant also.

If you feel that the timing is right, then you can try and approach the situation with your head held low. You need to let her know that you’ve made the biggest mistake of your life. You will also need to let her know that you are willing to do what it takes to win her back. How? Well, you need to create a positive image of yourself. Don’t be macho or too thick to be real. Make positive changes in your life that will have a positive effect for your self esteem and in you. She will want to see if you are for real and the only way to do that is, time. Since you left, you have to give her as much time to help her decide to take you back. Stick it out long enough and she will warm up to you.

Reasons #3: It’s Mutual

If the two of you mutually decided that the relationship has to come to an end, then you need to let her know that you want to give it a second chance. You need to let her know that you will work hard to make it work because she’s worth it. Life has a funny way of teaching us things and this may be what you are facing. If she feels that same way, then you have a good chance to give it a sincere shot. The only real way to get an ex girlfriend back is to be honest to yourself and to her. Look back and learn from your mistakes. Everything in this life is negotiable so never give up.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

