I Begged For My Ex Back Is It Too Late — Begging and Pleading With Ex After Breakup

Kelly Lacey
8 min readAug 23, 2021


Sometimes we realise the values of things only after we have lost them. This is similar in the case of people too. For example, you might have broken up with your girlfriend/boy friend a while ago but you still miss them and want them back. But you have this question nagging you, ‘is it too late to get my ex back?’ Well the truth is that it is never too late to go after them again! You can try these few tricks:

Think with clarity: It has been a while since your ex walked out of your life. Do you really want them back or is it just loneliness that makes you feel so? Clarity of thought is required otherwise you will end up hurting the other person and yourself as well.

A little investigation: It has been a while and your ex might not be single anymore. Try to find out all information including whether or not they are single or not. Even if they are seeing someone, is it a serious or a casual relationship? If it is casual then you can easily break in and make a place for yourself!

Change the physical appearance: It has been a tough time for you. And hence you have not been paying attention to your appearance or your looks. But now that you going to try to woo your ex again, you have to look your best!

Drop by in common places: Now that you have made up your mind, drop into places you know your ex commonly visits. Bump into your ex and his/her friends and make it seem like it is a coincidence. Be polite and do not rush into any conversation.

Communicate and disappear: Call your ex up daily. Talk for short period of time. For a while, stop calling and let him/her miss you.

Rock at the party: At a common party dress in your best clothes and look like a million dollars. When your ex sees you, he/she are bound to be jealous! Ask your ex out on a dance and talk about general things.

Use common friends: Now both of you must have common friends so use them! Whenever you meet them subtly drop a hint that you miss your ex and want to get back. Send out these feelers and something is bound to happen! For all you know you might find out your ex still misses you!

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

I begged for my ex back is it too late: Begging and pleading with ex after breakup.

Before you think about getting back together with someone, you need to think about whether it’s really worthwhile. You need to do some honest soul-searching. Were you really happy when you were together? If you get back together, will you truly be happy?

It’s all too easy, when you’re hurting, to think of just the good times you had, and to fail to remember the bad times. But probably, if you and your ex are no longer together, there were good times AND bad times, and you really need to consider which outweighed the others.

Think about it right now, and then think about it again later when you’re in a different head space. Think about it multiple times, several days apart, and take notes — so that later you can review your thoughts at a glance and accurately assess whether you were happy with your ex, or not.

The truth is, a lot of relationships actually aren’t worth saving. Maybe you and your ex spent more time fighting than you did having fun. If that’s the case, maybe you really do need to move on. Certainly, if your ex was verbally or physically abusive, then it really wasn’t a healthy relationship, was it? If you were with someone who was mentally unstable, aren’t you truly better off without them?

But if none of this was true, and overall, the relationship was a good one — if you weren’t with someone who was abusive, and were lucky enough to have a partner who was of sound mind — consider these things to help you and your ex get back together:

First, it’s not a good idea to push or pester your ex. If you’re constantly trying to get in touch with your ex, with constant text messages or emails or phone calls — or hell, driving by their house and stalking them when they go places — you’re definitely going to do more harm than good. They’re going to think you’re desperate, and more than likely this is going to push them further away from you, rather than bring them closer.

Second, when you do talk to your ex, don’t spend a lot of time talking about your past relationship. Don’t re-hash old arguments. Don’t beg, don’t plead — like you do in your head when you’re by yourself and you’re re-living it all in your own mind. Because you can’t trust your own thoughts, when you’re emotional. You’re probably beating yourself up over all the things you did wrong, that were the reason why your ex broke up with you. You spend a lot of time thinking, “If only….” If only you’d never done those things. But the past is the past, and the present is the present, and you need to focus on the present.

So there’s no time machine here. There’s no way to go back in time, even if you wish you could. Just focus on yourself now. Make sure your ex stays aware of you, but back off and spend some time living your own life, and concentrating on your own self. This will help you more than anything else will. And as your ex becomes aware of these changes in you, they might think about you and miss you. You’ll become someone more desirable to your ex. And you’ll only be helping yourself, because you’ll be living a happier, mentally healthier, life too.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

Love and Relationship are two complicated words that go with unending unavoidable circumstances, breaking up, and parting ways. But if true love really transpires, you are one to put an effort to get your love back.

These acts may take time and needs maximum efforts. Getting your love back is not an easy task to do; it may mean starting all over again, rekindling and rejuvenating. This also undergoes series of events that demands and starts with understanding. But before understanding the process of how to get your love back you must first need to assess and understand why these things happen to you and what would be the possible interventions to be applied solving such dilemma.

Here are some tips that you should follow to get your love back by your own efforts or with all aids and support by your significant others:

1. Do not give those options or choices. Giving your ex an option or choice before breaking up is just worsening the scenario. An ultimatum of choosing between you and some things will make your value as lover even lower in the eyes of your ex because you had given him or her a point to choose and a perfect reason to leave you.

2. Don’t be desperate and beg. Give your ex time to think and reflect. As a big responsibility, you must always maintain your self-worth and always strive to be strong. If you appear so in-need of your ex, he or she will even try to avoid you more. Right fresh from the break-up, your presence will just lower down the chances of restoring back the relationship and begging will just be a turn off that will be blurring all the chances of reuniting.

3. Do not push changes. At first, this would be the most obvious solution at hand. But, this covenant to change may just make things to be at its worst if not done and shown. Instead of making promises to change, put efforts in understanding each other’s weaknesses and flaws. Adjust and try to live with all your differences.

4. Maintain self-worth. Maybe you have lost some qualities because of the circumstances that came to your life. Focus on bringing out the best in you despite of the circumstances you are in to. Try to list strategies or steps to attract him or her again. Remember, you all have the qualities and traits that are so irresistible that even made him or her fall in love with you. Live with the right attitude, spirit, and confidence.

5. Recall how both are you are attracted. Try to remember the first time you two met and how did it happen for both of you to get together. What make you wanted to be together with your partner. You may feel good through this process of going through your past good memories.

Love and Relationship is proven to be complicated, but as they believed, “Love is sweeter the second time around”. It is one but possible to get your love back into your life because it is a fact that you have all the chances of getting back together with your love. The only problem making it happen is whether you use all the chances and make the most out of it, or just blow them away.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

