I Broke Up With Him And He Acts Like He Doesn’t Care — He Didn’t Even Care That I Broke Up With Him

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 19, 2021
Photo by Dmitry Schemelev on Unsplash

The process of getting your ex back is difficult if you were the one who got dumped. It’s even worse if you’re trying to get your ex back after you dumped him. That is the predicament Amanda found herself in but she was determined to get her ex back.

Amanda’s friend, Renee, told her that Jaime, her boyfriend, was fooling around on her with another woman. Amanda flew off the handle, didn’t verify what Renee told her, and confronted Jaime about this ‘affair. Of course, Jaime was shocked with this accusation and didn’t defend himself very well. This made Amanda think he was guilty and dump him, no more questions asked.

After having dumped Jaime, Amanda finds out that Renee had lied on Jaime because of her own jealousy about their relationship. This left Amanda in a fix. Getting her ex back was something she really wanted to do, but she didn’t want to eat any crow to do it. She wanted to save face.

Amanda decided to give Jaime a call so she could explain what had happened. But Jaime was hurt that she didn’t trust him nor talk to him before just accusing him. He was in no mood for a conversation with her right now.

Amanda was going to have to pull out all the stops in order to get her ex back.

The first thing Amanda did was write Jaime an apology letter — handwritten. She took full responsibility for the way things had happened and promised that it wouldn’t happen again if she was given another chance. In her letter, she reminisced about the great times they’d had together during their long history. She told him the she didn’t want to lose all of that by her rash actions. She cited her love for him as the reason she behaved like she did. Because she loved him, her fear of losing him forever overshadowed rational thinking.

She addressed and stamped the letter then mailed it to him. She decided to give him some space by not constantly texting or calling him. She believed that in order to get her ex back she’d need to proceed cautiously.

When she was blessed to run into Jaime, she was nice and sweet to him. During their conversation, she casually wove in good memories. She purposely did not apologize any further. She’d said she was sorry in writing and in person and left it there.

Then Amanda had the opportunity to purchase tickets for a concert of Jaime’s favorite band. She invited Jaime to go with her ‘as friends’. This was her way of opening the door to rekindle their relationship without overcrowding him.

Getting your ex back after you’ve behaved rashly and dumped him is not easy. Besides having the embarrassment of apologizing, you almost have to start from the beginning of the new relationship. The trust within the relationship has to be rebuilt. This is key for this period.

Amanda’s efforts paid off and she and Jaime got back together. Jaime realized that Amanda reacted that way because she was a jealous woman who was deeply in love with him. Their relationship grew stronger as a result of this misunderstanding.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

I broke up with him and he acts like he doesn’t care: He didn’t even care that I broke up with him.

Are you afraid that it’s too late to get him back? Do you feel as if he has really moved on or maybe that there is actually another woman involved? Are you about ready to give up and just move on yourself but you can’t help yourself? After all, this is the man that you love… the man that you had hoped you would be with for the rest of your life.

None of it makes any sense to you. You try to figure it all out but it just doesn’t make any sense. I mean, how can he go from loving you to not wanting to be with you any more? The key is that it just doesn’t make any sense and there is a reason for that. Do you want to know what it is?

The Truth About His Heart — The truth is that your ex probably does still love you. That love is actually buried deep down inside and covered over by a possible multitude of things. But the truth is that true love never dies and it is possible to not just rekindle the passion that you once had but you can actually make things better than they were before… for you. It is actually possible to have your ex wanting you more than he ever did and begging you for another chance.

But right now his heart is clouded with doubts, anger, resentment and frustration at this point. It could be that he has jealous friends that filled his mind with junk or it might be that your relationship had grown boring as you fell into a rut. There is also the very real possibility that another woman has stolen your man away from you with promises of her loving kindness and the excitement of a new love…

What If There Is Another Woman — While you might feel that all hope is lost if there is another woman involved the simple fact is that you really need to get on the ball as quickly as possible. Once you know the secrets to what can motivate a man to change his mind and come back to you it really is rather simple but you don’t want to wait too long. Every day that you spend feeling sorry for yourself and doubting your ability to get him back could be another day that he is growing closer to the other woman. But what can you do?

Well, the first thing that you need to do is to stop pushing him. Stop hounding him about your relationship and begging him to come back to you. Logic has no place in matters of the heart and in order to get him back you are going to have to appeal to his heart using male psychology. No amount of taking or making concessions will make much difference at this point but if you know the secrets to what can motivate a man it is absolutely possible to having him crying at your door begging you for another chance.

Think of it this way… everything that you have done so far has lead to nothing. You can probably see for yourself that traditional tactics like talking, being nice and making concessions in hopes of getting him back lead nowhere. But I want to share with you stories about women who have used male psychology to get their man back and the surprising success that they have had.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

