I Broke Up With Him and He Didn’t Chase Me — I Broke Up With My Boyfriend And I Want Him To Chase Me

Kelly Lacey
7 min readAug 20, 2021


Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash

Are you thinking, “I just broke up with my boyfriend, now what do I do?” If so, you may be experiencing pain over losing him. It hurt you to break it off, but he did something that really upset you and made you feel taken for granted. Maybe he cheated on you, or forgot an important date for the hundredth time. It does not matter what it was, you felt like you had no choice but to dump him. But just because you are apart does not mean you will never get back together. Many times this time apart ends up being just what both parties needed to realize just what they meant to each other. You just need to do the right things while you are apart to train him to respect and love you, so you will never have to think I just broke up with my boyfriend, now what?

Your boyfriend probably still loves you. After all, he did not dump you. You are the one saying, “I just broke up with my boyfriend, now what?” He might have been caught off guard by your move, and may be begging to come back, but you need to stay away from him for a while, and cut off communications for a short period. It is very important that he sees you as strong and self-sufficient. One of the things that human beings crave more than anything else is something they can not have. By you being strong even though you are hurting, you are letting him experience some pain, and he probably does not like it.

If you never again want to have to say, “I just broke up with my boyfriend, now what can I do?” then you have to allow him to miss you. Stay active, fill your days with positive activities. This does not mean sitting at home eating ice cream and watching American Idol. It means going out with friends, taking up a hobby you may have neglected, visiting family members. You have got to stay busy, and if you do, you will begin to feel better about yourself. This will translate into a positive, happy appearance, and this will be what causes him to miss you even more.

When it comes time to arrange a date with him to talk about possibly seeing each other again, you must stay calm on the outside, even though you might be going crazy on the inside. Stay relaxed and in charge, and do not let things deteriorate to a booty call. Let him know that you are doing fine, but would like to see about maybe going out on a date with him. Keep it light and informal, a day date, and if you feel sincere change in your ex, you may never again have to say, “I just broke up with my boyfriend, now what?”

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I broke up with him and he didn’t chase me: I broke up with my boyfriend and I want him to chase me.

When trying to get your ex back it can often feel like his heart has turned to stone. It can feel like he has no feelings for you whatsoever and that where there was once a warm and loving man there is now nothing but contempt and hatred. While this may break your heart over and over again each time you see your ex there are things that you can do to soften his heart and open the lines of communication again. It is possible to restore that connection that the two of you once had and pave the way to actually getting back together.

While many experts suggest that you try to talk through your problems you have probably seen that at this stage of the breakup talking is almost useless. Are you noticing that any time you try to talk to him about the breakup he closes up a little more and maybe even gets angry if the topic of the breakup or possibility of reuniting comes up? This is very typical and right now any talk of your relationship is going to bring about this reaction from him. Save talk about the breakup for when you are back together and when he is apologizing to you for breaking up. Yes, you got that right… when he is apologizing.

For right now it might be best if you avoid him for just a little while. How long is dependent upon how stubborn he is being and how thick the walls are that he has built up around himself. Give him some time to begin to miss you and realize that life probably isn’t going to be the same without you around anymore. Let him wonder a little bit what happened to you and if you have possibly moved on. It might be a little bit scary for you at this stage to sort of let him go but in the long run you will find that it is to your own benefit to give him this time.

Instead spend some time focusing on yourself. Work on your own mental well being. After all, you have a tremendous chore ahead of you in getting him back. It is going to take some willpower and great restraint to do the things that might be necessary to actually get him back. There will be times when you will want to tell him that you love him. There will be times when you will want to call him just to hear his voice. There are going to be moments also when you become so frustrated that you are going to want to throw your hands up in the air and just call it quits. Stand strong and remember the good times that you shared. Remember what it felt like to be held in his arms and how much you loved to hear the words “I love you” come from his lips. That will be the payoff for you and the reward for your persistence and patience when trying to get him back.

As easy as it might be to try to fake all of this, it is necessary that you really are all pulled together before you re-initiate contact with him again so the quicker you are able to heal your heart and get your head screwed back on straight the better. Practice some positive visualization and build up your self confidence that you really can do this. You really can get your ex back. Imagine what it will look like to have him come walking in that door. Imagine what it will sound like to hear him tell you that he loves you again. Imagine how things might go that first time he pulls you close and kisses you again for the first time. Mentally knowing it and feeling it in your heart can make all the difference in the world.

Now spend some time thinking about things that you might want to talk with him about the next time you see him. Yes, things are going to be awkward that first time but it’s always a good idea to have a couple of topic or items that you can tell him about when the conversation gets stale or strained. But most of all, it is necessary that you exude the confidence from within that you really can get your ex back. Without that you are alike a rowboat without any oars or a sailboat without a rudder. Without a clear direction and plan you aren’t going to be able to take control of the relationship and steer it in the direction that you desire.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

