I Called My Ex Boyfriend and He Answered — My Ex Still Answers My Calls

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 24, 2021


Photo by Siavash Ghanbari on Unsplash

You know that period after your breakup. You feel empty and incomplete without your other half. You walk around dazed and confused, missing your ex every minute of every day. Well, the good news is that you’re not alone in feeling like this. This happens to everyone. It’s natural to miss someone after they’ve been a significant part of your life. And the even better news is that, many couples do get back together with their ex even as we speak. I’m sure we’ve all known couples who hurriedly get back together with their ex the moment they decide to throw in the towel. So how would you know if your ex wants to get back together with you? How can you tell?

The best news is that you can! Here are some signs to look out for to see if your ex still wants you back.

1. If your ex is still trying to contact you, that’s definitely a positive sign. The question of does your ex still love you is easy to answer if he or she calls, emails or texts you often. Even if they’ve made it clear to you that they just want to be friends, the fact that they are reaching out to you shows they still feel an emotional connection with you.

2. Jealousy, the oldest trick in the book of love. Your ex somehow someway conveys the message to you that they’ve found someone new. It could be through ‘accidentally’ telling your best friend, or they could by some weird ‘coincidence’ bump into you with their new partner in tow. Really, this is just their way of making you jealous. Making you jealous could actually mean two things. They either want you back by using the oldest trick in the book, OR they’ve really moved on and found someone else (and letting you know that you’ve missed out). If it’s the latter, well, sorry mate. Guess it’s time to move on. Or, you could try to identify other signs below.

3. The “Oh, I didn’t know you were here” scene. Yes, they keep bumping into you at the usual spots where you guys used to hang out, or keep appearing unexpectedly near your office. This pretending to bump into you tactic is actually to keep tabs on your activities. They need to see you because they miss you. They’re also wondering if you’ve found someone new (and of course hoping that you haven’t). Just getting a glimpse of you would probably make their day.

4. You become a star in a spy movie. Your ex goes through all possible means to get a glimpse of what’s happening in your life. They want to know your every movement. They need to know if you’re suffering just as much as they are. In this case, there’s a huge possibility that they are desperate to get you back. You might want to give them a chance to do so.

5. The classic grade school call and hang up tactic. Your ex gives you a call, and when you answer your phone, your ex keeps quiet. You know it’s your ex (thanks to caller ID). But your ex is content just to hear your voice. Yes, they miss you that bad. Just the sound of your voice will be enough for them at the moment.

The above are not the only signs that you can look out for. Sometimes your ex may not show any of these signs. That doesn’t rule out the possibility that they still want you back. In matters of the heart such as these, only you can determine what’s best. Listen to your heart and go with your instincts because only you know your ex best.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

I called my ex boyfriend and he answered: My ex still answers my calls.

Do you want to know the secret to getting your ex back? Do you wish that you could make him beg for you back and cry for you to love him again? The simple fact is that if you know what to do and what not to do you can accomplish this quite easily and have your ex begging you to take him back.

Most women think that in order to get their man back they should talk through their problems and address any issues that led to the breakup. After all, once all the issues are resolved and any problems that he might have had with the relationship are addressed he will agree to come back, right?

Unfortunately, men don’t really work this way. As logical as most men seem they are typically driven by emotions and feelings even though they will never admit it. This is because a man’s emotions are buried deep down inside and attached to his instinct rather than his heart. Yes, they work the same way and a man can become very emotional and emotionally motivated if you know what to do. But are you sure you know how to motivate him emotionally? What may work for women might not work for a guy. Actually, I can guarantee that what works for women won’t work on your ex.

Where you might be moved by memories of the time you shared together, the love that you shared and the feelings that are still in your heart for your man. A man has an uncanny ability to shut everything off and build a wall around his heart, as you probably know. This is why it is important to know how a man works emotionally before moving forward with any plans to get him back and why playing to a man’s unique emotions is always more effective than doing what you might think works.

I have seen first hand what happens when you know what to say and do to motivate a man emotionally and a guy that once claimed to hate a woman can turn into a sniveling mass of snot in a very short period of time if you hit the right emotional hot buttons. A guy that claimed that he never really loved a particular girl can become so distressed that it is actually a bit disturbing to see and pathetic to say the least.

The great thing about playing on your ex’s emotions and emotional hot buttons is that he has very little control over his reaction. Men are actually hard wired to react in a certain way when presented with a certain situation the outcome is quite predictable. There is no thought or reason to how they react so you don’t really have to worry about whether emotional tactics will work on your man.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

