I Miss My First Love So Much It Hurts — Getting Back Together With Your First Love Years Later

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 21, 2021


Photo by Chen on Unsplash

Break ups are always hard to deal with, especially first love break ups. There are a large number of hurt emotions and feelings and surviving first love break ups involves a great deal of personal strength. It may seem discouraging, especially with a big void in your chest. This feeling is painful and difficult to handle, and you cannot fill this void easily.

Sometimes we feel that we are over an ex but when we bump into them even a long time after, your heart says otherwise. If you feel that you want to get your ex back after it has been a while here is what you need to do:

Start with contacting your ex
When you want to get an ex back after too long, you need to first revive contact with him/her. Send your ex a casual e mail asking to call him/her to just casually catch up. Your ex will be pleasantly surprised and will oblige.

Keep mails and calls infrequent yet friendly
Once the contact has been revived you need to take some baby steps. Get into your ex’s calling circuit but you have to make sure that you don’t bombard your ex with too many messages. And please don’t keep forwarding random stuff to your ex as that isn’t going to help you. Be discreet in your endeavor.

Don’t surge ahead with vehemence
Once the contact has been revived and you get on comfortable talking terms with your ex you need to keep a tab on your feelings. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you. Try to remain focused on what you want to achieve and make sure that you don’t come on too strongly. Be persuasive but gently so.

Prepare to meet your ex
Once your ex and you plan to meet up you need to prep for the occasion. Make sure that you go looking your best as creating an instant physical attraction is as important as creating an intellectual one.

Don’t gloat when you meet your ex
If you find that your ex has done very well for him/her you shouldn’t get on the defensive. When you want to get back with your ex do it for the right reasons. Don’t get jealous and begin to gloat about how well you have done after he/she went out of your life.

Be nice and show your ex how much you have changed
Show your ex that you are a nice, humble and intelligent person. Wow him/her with your humor and try to show your ex that you have made the changes that he/she wanted when you were together.

Talk about the pleasant times
Get talking of the happy times that you both spent together. Make sure that every meeting is eventful and entertaining. When your ex sees that you are still the same person but better in all other aspects then gradually he/she will want to get back with you.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

I miss my first love so much it hurts: Getting back together with your first love years later.

If you have just gone through a relationship breakup and are still in love with you ex and wondering how to get your ex to like you again, this article provides some suggestions on how to get your ex back and rekindle the love lost. In order to accomplish this goal, you need to know the right methods that will help you get back with an ex.

Getting your ex to fall back in love with you will not be an easy task and you need to be committed and patient in order to bring your ex back into your life. Many heartbroken people who try to get an ex back usually do the wrong things that only push the ex girlfriend, ex boyfriend, ex wife or ex husband away and do not bring the ex back like they want.

In order to get back with an ex, you first need to figure out what went wrong with the relationship and what led to the breakup. Knowledge is power and it will also help you to not repeat the mistakes of the past if you do get back with an ex. If everything was perfect, you would not be dealing with the hurt and pain of a broken relationship and trying to figure out how to get back with an ex.

When trying to figure out what went wrong, you will need to determine what you did wrong, what your ex did wrong or if you both got complacent and let the love die. Relationships take work and if the lovers start to take each other for granted, the love can die.

In order to get back with the ex, you will need to address the issues that led to the breakup and determine whether it is possible to fix the problem. Determining the problems in the relationship will also help you determine the best way to bring your ex back into your life and restore the relationship.

In order to get your ex back and get him or her to like you again or to fall in love with you again, you will need to be patient with your efforts in getting your ex back. You may need to apologize to him if you determine that you were at fault in the breakup. You will definitely need to proceed very slowly with your ex so that you do not scare them away or push them away if you are overzealous in your attempts to get back an ex.

While proceeding slowly, you still need to be sure of yourself in an effort to get back with the ex. If you sense your ex pulling away, simply back off for a period of time. Do not become pushy. It is not attractive and will not help you get back with an ex.

It is important to remember before you try to determine how to get back with an ex especially if you are saying to yourself “I want my ex back,” that you ask yourself whether you are sure that this is what you truly want for yourself and are not simply trying to get back with an ex because you are lonely and you had gotten used to being in a relationship with your ex. Make sure that you have the right intentions before you try to get back with the ex.

If you decide that you have the right intentions and wish to proceed with the efforts to get your ex back, you want to be able to give your ex the space that they may need to think things through without being bombarded by you. In an effort to get back with the ex, you will need to apologize for any mistakes that you may have made in the past and start communicating better with your ex. Really listen to him or her and the things that they have to say about the relationship even if it is hurtful.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

