I Pushed Him Away and Now I Want Him Back — I Pushed Him Away and Now I Regret It

Kelly Lacey
7 min readAug 21, 2021


Photo by Mark Pecar on Unsplash

You broke up and now you want him back? If your answer to this question is “yes”, you’re not alone. This is a situation that many women struggle with after their relationship ends. They come through the split only to realize they actually deeply love their ex and they can’t move forward without him. Although many friends may tell you that the right approach is to forget about him and make room in your heart for someone new, you know that’s not possible. If you want to win your boyfriend back, you’ve got to do two things.

The first thing you absolutely need to do if you broke up and now you want him back is apologize to him. This is not going to be an endless apology where you pour out your heart and beg for his forgiveness. You’re not going to get him a gift as a peace offering and you shouldn’t plan on enlisting the help of his close family and friends to convince him you’re truly sorry. All you need to do is call the man up and briefly say you’re sorry for your part in the end of your relationship. Keep your emotions in check when you do this and end the call quickly. Wish him well and hang up. Once you do this, you’ve set the first pieces in place for a reunion between the two of you.

The next step is more challenging but it’s vitally important if your end goal is to be back in the arms of the man you adore. If you broke up and now you want him back you have to stop talking to him for at least a few weeks. Most women panic when this is suggested because they fear that during that time their ex boyfriend will find a new girlfriend and fall desperately in love with her. The chances of that happening are very minute. What is much more likely to happen is that your boyfriend will start to miss you as the days pass. Once a man misses a woman he starts to think about the good things about her. He reminisces about the happier times they spent together and he longs for those again. The key here is to ensure he has a chance to feel your absence in his life. You need him to feel an empty spot that you used to fill in his heart. The only possible way to accomplish this is to give him time alone. If you can do that, it won’t take long before he’s calling you asking to see you again.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

I pushed him away and now I want him back: I pushed him away and now I regret it.

A breakup can be one of the hardest and most hurtful life experiences and this article discusses how to get your ex boyfriend back in your arms again implementing 5 secrets to get him back. You may have tried many methods most of which were the wrong methods to no avail. Try the following starting today and get closer to winning him back.

5 Secrets to Get Him Back

1. If you are searching for tips that will show you how to get your ex boyfriend back, the first thing you ought to do is determine what went wrong between the two of you. Was he to blame? Were you to blame? What did he say to you prior to the breakup? Or what has he been trying to say to you for a long time. Before you can move forward and try to get your ex boyfriend back, you need to learn from the past so that you do not repeat the mistakes of the past.

When you think about what went wrong, you need to be honest with yourself about whether you think there is a chance and whether it would be better for you to simply move forward and forget about him. This time should be used instead of obsessing about him and wanting him back, to determine instead if the two of you are right for each other. If you do decide that he is the man for you, and want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back in your arms again, read on for the next step.

2. The next step that will help to get your ex boyfriend back is to create space. Even if you desperately want him back, you need to make him think that you are not bothered by the breakup. Do not stalk him to determine what he is up to. Do not call him, text him, email him as he will think you are desperate and needy and may be put off by your behavior or use your desperation again you.

If you work with him, hang in the same circles, go to school together, it may be difficult to avoid him. All you need to do is be civil if you do run into him and keep all interactions short. Do not chase him or show up at places that you think he is going to be at so that you can try to beg him to take you back which will not work. You may also think of widening your social circle.

All you want to show him during this time is that you are doing fine without him even though you may not feel this way and are still trying to get him back. You may know this but he doesn’t need to know this. When he knows this, you will give him power over you that he can wield over you when he chooses. This is not what you want if you hope to get your ex boyfriend back for good.

3. Do not stoop to the level when you try to manipulate him by your behavior. If you try to make him jealous by getting your flirt on with his buddies, this will only show you in a poor light. He will be annoyed and even if he gets jealous, he will not be able to trust and respect you since he has seen you flirting with his friends. Stop any games as it will only backfire on you and if you are looking for ways that will show you how to get your ex boyfriend back, this is not it. Do not send your girlfriends over to him to try to determine where his head is at concerning you. He will not be fooled and will simply be annoyed with you.

4. Do not make yourself available to him. Let him wonder what you are up to if he hasn’t seen you in a while like he expected. Learn how to play a little hard to get. Being a little mysterious will intrigue him. Do not be at his beck and call.

5. Another of the tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back is to not become depressed and worry if he has a new girl. If he is with her very soon after the breakup, it may simply be a rebound thing which does not usually last. Use this time until he figures out that this is simply a rebound relationship to work on you and become the person that you want to be as well as the type of girlfriend that you want to be.

Fill your life with new hobbies, new friends, changing your wardrobe or hair/makeup. Be the best YOU that you can be. You may decide during this time that you are too good for him and move on to a new guy or he may see you in a new life and want to try again with you.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

