I Pushed Him Away By Being Too Clingy — I Acted Crazy and Pushed Him Away

Kelly Lacey
7 min readAug 21, 2021


Photo by Naomi August on Unsplash

Since a breakup is one of the most emotional times in our lives, it’s only natural that we’re going to be making some mistakes in how we handle it. What’s important is that we not let those mistakes affect us too much, or they could really damage our chances to get back the ones we love. One of the easiest traps to fall into is excessive clinginess.

Especially in the beginning of a breakup, it’s human nature to panic and try to grab for solid holds and drag yourself back to stability. This is instinct, it can save us if we happen to tumble off a cliff or something…but it can have the opposite effect on your tenuous hold on your ex when he or she is thoroughly sick of dealing with all of the emotions of the breakup, and is associating all of that dramatic turmoil with YOU.

Panicking and latching onto your ex has many forms, and none of them are good. There’s “Drunk Dialing,” when a late- night binge puts the idea into your head that a rambling voicemail message could actually help your relationship…and then there’s “Text-Message Terrorism,” when you’re so freaked out by what’s going on that you assault your ex with a neverending avalanche of phone calls, emails, text messages, or voicemails.

Nothing like that is going to have a good effect on the outcome of the breakup. Breakups have the potential to actually pull couples closer together by bringing to light and dealing with some of the deepest troubles in the relationship…but not if you handle them like this. Flustering your ex with an onslaught of attention will only push him or her away and cement the breakup firmly into permanence.

If you want to get him or her back, you’re going to have to let him or her go for a little while (experts suggest about a month). While you’re apart, you can rest assured you’ll be on your ex’s mind, and even though it’ll initially be in a rather unpleasant way your ex’s feelings will gradually turn to missing you and wondering if dumping you was the right idea. While all that’s going on, you can be dealing with any unresolved issues and preparing yourself for the attempt at convincing your ex to take you back.

There’s a technique to it, a process that can work for 95% of all broken-up relationships…but if you allow your desperation to show itself in such an extreme manner, your odds of healing the rift between the two of you drop pretty quickly. Don’t lose your handle on yourself…keep your head and stick to your plan, and you’ll soon be reunited with your ex and happier than ever.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

I pushed him away by being too clingy: I acted crazy and pushed him away.

If you have had a relationship breakup and are trying to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back and you are conflicted about whether he wants you back, here are some signs that he wants you back. Breakups happen to all of us and while they can be trying, they can provide a great opportunity to grow as a person and in some cases may help you get your ex back after spending some time apart.

Relationships end for various good or bad reasons. Sometimes an argument gets out of hand and someone says the wrong thing that leads to the end of the relationship when both parties may not really want this. Or one of the parties may feel at any moment that they need to breakup only to reconsider at a later time that they made a mistake. Others may breakup just need some time apart and have gotten scared because of the level of commitment required of them.

Whatever the reason for your breakup and if you are beginning to feel that the breakup was a mistake and you want to get your ex boyfriend back because you still love him and want nobody else because he is the man for you, there may be some clues that your ex boyfriend may also want you back. You may not know how to interpret the signals that you feel that you are getting from him so I am here to help you out with your dilemma.

If you are trying to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back, it makes no sense to chase after him and get rebuffed and rejected repeatedly because he doesn’t want you back. If however, your man wants you back, there will be certain signals that he will send you.

You need to be careful about the signals emitted by your ex boyfriend. Some men while they may want to break up may still want to keep in touch and keep you around just so that they can get what they want from you when they need it without wanting to be in a relationship with you.

Do not let yourself be disrespected by this type of man. He wants you around for his needs but does not want to give you what you need and is too cowardly to let you go and find someone who really wants all of you. Forget about trying to figure out how to get this type of ex boyfriend back. Move on. Maybe he will grow up one day. Maybe he won’t.

Whatever the signals you receive from him, do not let your imagination run away with you. Be sure that you can distinguish between real signals and your imagination as you try to get your ex boyfriend back. I know you are trying to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back but you do not want to push him further away because you are misinterpreting the signals he is giving and you also do not want to get used by him.

Does My Ex Boyfriend Want Me Back? Some Signs to Look For

As you try to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back, one of the fist signs that he wants you back is whether he tries to communicate with you more frequently. Are you receiving more texts, phone calls, emails, IMs, etc, from him? He may be testing the waters to determine how you feel about him and if you are willing to give him another chance. While this may be a sign that he may want you back, you need to see if there are other signals that he is sending to make sure that he doesn’t just want you back or around in order to get what he needs from you before disappearing again only to reappear when he needs to use you again.

Another of the signs that he wants you back is if he asks you certain questions when he calls, texts, emails, etc. Is he very curious about what you are doing and who you are spending time with without him simply making conversation? He may want to know whether he still has a chance with you or if you have a new man in your life by asking you probing questions about your life since the breakup.

Another of the signs that he wants you back is if he tells you new or exciting things that are going on in his life without any prompting from you. He may be trying to impress you by showing you how he is changing with the various things that he is getting into. By telling you about new ventures, he may not have felt good enough in the relationship but now is starting to feel better about him and being able to make the relationship work the second time around.

If he is telling you about a new gym he has joined, or a new promotion or a new business that will improve his financial outlook, etc, he is simply trying to impress you and wants to prove himself to you which is kind of sweet if you think about it.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

