I Saw My Ex Boyfriend With His New Girlfriend — My Ex Boyfriend Has A New Girlfriend After 2 Months

Kelly Lacey
7 min readAug 21, 2021


Photo by Misunderstood Whiskey on Unsplash

So your ex boyfriend is with another girl now and you want to get him back. You miss him so much you would do anything to get him back. Be careful about doing just anything, you may actually push him further from you. You are going to have to get sneaky on him and maybe underhanded to get him back.

There are some things you can do that have proven successful to others in the past to get their ex boyfriend back. One of them is just playing it cool for awhile and not hounding him to come back to you. Don’t keep calling or texting, just leave him alone. So what your boyfriend is with another girl, it does not mean they are serious.

It’s important for your ex to know that you are moving on with your life and are happy. Telling him this should make him think you are not interested in him and he will feel like he has no control on you. His curiosity will start to get the better of him because he will have to know what you are up to.

Time to make some improvements to yourself. If you need to lose some weight, do it. Change your hairstyle to something new and sexy. Get some new cloths your ex has not seen you wearing. Go out with friends and have fun, if you go where your ex may hang out you want him to see the new you.

If you get a chance to exchange a few words with him be positive and upbeat, act like everything is going great. If the two of you are in the same place like a club or some hangout, keep looking over to him and catching his eye, smile at him when you do this with a little sexy smile. He will have to come to you at some point to talk, it’s the way men are.

You still have feelings for your ex boyfriend and you are convinced that he is the man that you want to be with together. There are ways to win his heart again and you can learn how to get him back even when he has a new girlfriend already.

Be mature
Most women when knowing that their ex boyfriend has a new girlfriend, they start to get very emotional and kick a big fuss about it. Dealing with such situation, it is best to stay mature. When desperation is shown out, you probably will call him non-stop or even start badmouthing his new girlfriend. Doing something out of desperation will definitely make you look terrible and this will give your ex boyfriend a firmer decision to keep a distant away from you and he will feel that he was right to break up with you because you are immature.

Buy his heart
One of the ways to win his heart again is to make him feel comfortable with you is to become his best friend. Be someone that he can trust and confide with. Learn to overcome the pain of the break off and re-establish yourself as someone he can look up to. Support him, but yet keep away any emotional feelings in the friendship. Once he feels the trust in you, he will naturally go to you whenever there is problem in his relationship. Soon, he will think that you are still the right person for him.

Be confident
Many women when going through a break up, they will lose their confidence in many things. Whether it is your appearance or character, you should make sure you are in your best form. It is only when you feel the best, you will naturally release a positive energy to attract the people around you.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

I saw my ex boyfriend with his new girlfriend: My ex boyfriend has a new girlfriend after 2 months.

If you are crying yourself to sleep wishing you could have him back, this is a wasted effort. There are more productive actions you can take to determine whether you still have a chance with him and to get him to fall in love with you again. When you are trying to determine how to get your ex boyfriend back, the first step is to find out whether you have a shot with him. Based on that information, you can then discover the actions you need to take to get him back or you can decide to move on with your life and find someone new.

While no single individual should be your everything and your reason for living, having someone special in your life adds so much to your life because we are social beings and it is not good for anyone to be alone. Even when you find “The One,” it does not mean that it will be smooth sailing. There will be many ups and downs. Even when you break up, there is always a chance that you may get back together.

If you lost the man you thought you would spend the rest of your life with and do not know how to go on, here are some ways on how to get your boyfriend back. Fighting for your man is not something to be ashamed about even if he may have fallen out of love with you. Some hearts can be won back and the love can be stronger and richer than it ever was before.

Can I Get My Boyfriend Back?

1. Find Out From His Family

If you are still friendly with his family members, this will be a great way to determine if there is still a chance with him. If he is from a close family, these will usually be the people who know him best and who are in the best position to know whether you still have a shot with him.

Be very subtle in your questioning. Do not be too aggressive when trying to get their view point so as not to put them off because obviously they care more about him than they do about you. Wait for openers in the conversation that will naturally lead to a conversation about your ex boyfriend.

2. Find Out From His Friends

The second tip on how to get your boyfriend back is to talk to his close friends who in many cases may know more about him than his family. His friends may be able to divulge to you his current feelings for you. If you have a common friend who is close to both of you, you may want to discuss your issues with him or her.

While he or she may not want to divulge all of your ex boyfriend’s confidences, they may be able to give you some sense of whether he is thinking of you, talking about you, etc. They may also have some advice on how to get your ex boyfriend back.

3. Where You Currently Stand

You will next need to determine where you and your ex boyfriend stand in order to determine whether you still have a chance with him. Think about your last encounter with him. Did he attempt to run out of the room as soon as he saw you or did it seem like he didn’t mind being around you? Was he curious about what was going on in your life? This will give you important clues on whether you still have a chance of getting back with him.

4. Meet Face to Face

The other tip on how to get your boyfriend back is to talk to him if he is open to meeting with you. He is the best person to tell you whether he is still pining for you or not. Talk to him about the relationship and the breakup and get his take without getting defensive. Let him just speak his mind about his issues. This will be very helpful information on whether you can get him back and get him to fall in love with you again and what your strategy should be to get him back if there is a chance.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

