I Still Love My Ex Even Though He Has Since Moved On — My Ex Hates Me and Has Moved On

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 18, 2021


Photo by Tibor Pápai on Unsplash

If your ex boyfriend has moved on but you really want him back, there are a few things you should consider first. Is he deeply involved in a relationship? If so, you may want to think twice before pursuing him — not only could you end up rejected, but you could be hurting someone else. However, if he’s not deeply involved in a relationship and you want him back, there are a few things you can do.

First of all, it’s important that you do not act as though you can’t live without him. If you seem very desperate, chances are you will ruin your chances of getting him back. Men love the thrill of the chase when it comes to women. If he feels as if it’s less of a chase and more of a simple reach — he will not be that attracted toward it. Sure, men are strange, bit it’s just the way they are. Play hard to get — let him think he will have a difficult time getting you back and he will want to try!

You don’t have to be cruel to him. In fact, be nice and polite, but be confident and sure of yourself as well. Spend time with your friends, having a lot of fun. Flirt harmlessly with other men when you’re in your ex-boyfriend’s presence. This will let him know that you are very confident and that you’re independent and able to live well on your own! You have no idea how sexy this is to men.

Another thing you can do is really work on showing him how much fun you are. Make him remember the great times of your relationship. Just one of the ways you can do this is to have a great time when you’re around him. Laugh, joke a lot and have a hell of a time. Happiness seems to be contagious and if you’re happy around him, he will feel happy as well — this will help you get your ex boyfriend back. If you spend all your time moping around and being depressed, he will associate depression and bad feelings with you — which is not conducive to getting him back!

Improve yourself as much as you can while you’re trying to get your ex boyfriend back. Purchase some new clothing which makes you look drop-dead gorgeous. Tone your body with a new exercise plan and watch him notice you! You could even spend some time trying to move up in your career. The great thing about this is that your ex boyfriend will notice, but you will be doing wonderful things that improve your life as well.

It’s really not that difficult to get your ex boyfriend back if there is even a glimmer of love left in his heart for you. Simply follow the tips and tricks above to see what happens. Remember not to act desperate, to be fun and to improve yourself and then let the cards fall where they may.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

I still love my ex even though he has since moved on: My ex hates me and has moved on.

Do you want to get your ex back and wish that he would change his mind about your breakup? Do you miss being held by him and kissing him and just being in love with him? Do you worry that he will never come back and that he will move on and give his love away to another girl? This is why it’s important to have solid knowledge of what you need to do and say to get your ex back instead of making it up as you go along.

You might think that if you could just get him to sit down with you and talk things through that you could convince him to come back to you. After all, you love him so much and you want the best for him. Of course, he should be able to see that. He should be able to tell that you really do love him, right?

Unfortunately, right now your ex probably doesn’t care much about what you think of him or how much you love him even if your motives are pure and true. Right now he is so resistant to any talk of getting back together that any attempt to even see you again in the near future is going to hurt you and any talk about getting back together is just going to push him further away.

So how do you open the lines of communication again if he is so resistant to even talking to you? How are you ever going to win him back if he won’t even talk to you? The truth is that it is absolutely possible to get him to open the lines of communication with little or no effort but the trick is in knowing what to say and what not to say in order to get him to let his guard down.

Topics that you can try that will open the lines of communication and get him to feel more at ease around you again and talking with you again are the fact that the two of you were always friends first and happy memories that you have of good times spent together. Avoid all talk of the breakup or getting back together or changes that you are making in hopes of getting him to come back to you. He will see these things in time but without a connection with him and communicating with him he will never have the opportunity to see the real you again.

Of course, the real trick is in knowing how to completely disarm him and get him to open up to you once initial contact has been made. Knowing how to create that connection with your ex and make him feel the love and warmth that you once shared is key to getting him back.

Without that connection and without moving him emotionally so his heart over rides his mind and breaks down those walls that he has built to keep you out you are wasting your time. But once you learn how to break down those walls and get him to feel something for you again, getting him back is a piece of cake and you will find that you really won’t have to try all that hard to get him to agree to give your relationship a second chance.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

