I Told My Ex I Missed Him and He Didn’t Reply — I Told My Ex I Miss Him and He Ignored Me

Kelly Lacey
7 min readAug 20, 2021


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

“How to get my ex boyfriend back if he ignored me? I called him so many times but he doesn’t answer my call. He didn’t even want to reply my text messages.”

Are you in this situation now and is at a loss of what to do. Well, this is the same problem that many people face and you are definitely not alone. In this article, we will talk about some of the things that you can do.

First, you need to acknowledge the fact that since he doesn’t answer your call, it means he is purposely avoiding you for certain reason. So, by calling him again and again, it is not going to help.

Here is what you can do instead. Write a short letter and send it to him. Preferably, the note is hand written. You do not want to use email as he may not check his email regularly. You do not want to send text messages since he is ignoring them. Therefore, a hand written note will have the highest chance of being read.

So, how to get my ex boyfriend back with this letter?

These are the points you want to include in the letter:

1) Agree with the break up

You want to tell him that you agree with the break up. A bit counter intuitive I know, but it works. First, it is very normal for people to want to argue about breaking up. So by doing the opposite, you can actually arouse his curiosity. And this can also set the stage for your next move if you are really serious about getting him back to your side.

2) Tell him you will see him some time in the future

Ok, if you have just broken up, it is advisable not to see him so soon. First, you may not be emotionally ready to see him yet, and it may also be the same for him. You want to allow both parties to have time to cool down. So, just give him this suggestion in the letter.

3) Tell him you have many interesting things to share with him

Tell him that you have very interesting activities going on in your life and you would like to share the details with him. The reason why you want to do that is because you want to tell him that your life doesn’t revolve around him. You can still live happily without him. You don’t want to show that you are eager to get back with him even if you really feel so.

By using the note above, you are setting the stage to get ex boyfriend back and you are more likely to succeed.

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I told my ex I missed him and he didn’t reply: I told my ex I miss him and he ignored me.

Are you looking for an effective way to get him back? Have you thought that using male psychology to get him back might be a good solution to your problem? After all, if you could get him to decide for himself that he wanted to come back to you then he could never say that you talked him into coming back, right? It would be his decision and it would be because he wanted you, needed you and desired you and it would be up to you to decide if you wanted to take him back.

How It Works — Using psychology can be an effective way indeed to get him back. Actually, it is probably the most effective and common sense way to help get him back at your disposal. Using psychology to get him to change his mind requires less effort and time typically than the traditional methods of confrontation and talking through your problems. These methods are often suggested by friends, family and therapists but are rarely effective. After all, if your ex really doesn’t want the relationship right now and he has left you what chance do you have of getting him to talk through the problems that were in the relationship? What is his motivation to spend any time talking about such unpleasant things.

But if you can move him and make him feel the love that still dwells in his heart for you then you have a man that is motivated to work on a relationship or even start a relationship completely over. A man that feels desire and devotion for a woman will go to any length to get her back and that is what you want, isn’t it? You want him to want you, desire you and begin to pursue you instead of the other way around. You want him to show up at your door with tears in his eyes begging you for another chance and proclaiming his love for you. This really can happen and often does when using psychology to get him back.

Is Psychology Effective? — Using psychology is a technique that is used in child rearing all the time. And is your ex acting like a small child at times these days? Do you feel that he is being unreasonable and defiant at times? Are his reactions to you often blown out of proportion and maybe just a little childlike? Well, if psychology can help to tame a three year old’s tantrums do you feel that it might be helpful in calming your ex down long enough to begin to look at his actions and start thinking long term about your relationship again?

Using psychology to get him back should be your method of choice not just if you want to get your ex back but if you want him to stay with you. Other methods might also hold promise but many fall short when it comes to overall effectiveness and lasting power. You will find that not only will he come back to you a lot more quickly and with a lot more passion but the repentance that you will find in him when he has that realization that he really does love you and that he needs to be with you can be startling. This is why they call it a psychological breakthrough and why it is such a big deal when someone has one. It’s as if someone turns on a light switch and your ex suddenly feels a compelling love and devotion for you again.

Danger — The only down side of using psychology to get him back is that you should be sure that this really is what you want. Be sure that you want him back and that he is the man that you love. Using these methods just to get him back so you can break his heart is irresponsible and it can be debilitating to a man if you don’t plan on following through and taking him back. The love and devotion that you will likely bring out in him will be overwhelming and to bring him back to you just for vengeance would be just wrong.

So, as you can see, using male psychology and other psychological methods to get your ex back is a highly powerful way to end your breakup and bring your love back.Therapists and counselors might claim to know what you should do to rebuild your relationship and get your ex back but the truth is that no amount of talking or counseling is going to do you a bit of good if your man doesn’t feel the love and passion for you that is necessary in a loving relationship. As a matter of fact, if you know how to use male psychology quite effectively you will never have to talk about what happened in the past in your relationship. All will be forgotten and you can get right back to loving each other again.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

