Is There Still Hope For Me And My Ex — Is All Hope Lost With My Ex

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 23, 2021


Photo by Alan Quirvan on Unsplash

If you have just split up with your ex but you are still in love with him/her, then it is only natural that you want to get back together with him/her as soon as possible. In fact, you are probably wondering about your chances of getting back together with your ex.

Well, whether you can get back together with your ex depends on several factors. However, do not despair if you think you have a very low chance. It is possible to get an ex back even if the situation seems impossible and the odds are against you. You can always find couples who get back together even in the most impossible situations. With that said, let’s look at the various factors that will affect your chances of getting back together with your ex.

1)The first thing that affect your chances is the cause of the break up. For example, if the break up is due to you cheating on him/her, then naturally, you will have a lower chance to win back your ex.

2)The second thing that affect your chances is the length of your relationship. Generally, the longer both of you have been together, the easier it is for you to win back your ex. This is because the love between the both of you will be much stronger.

3)Third, you need to ask yourself if you have made the most common mistakes when you are trying to get him/her back. Hopefully you have not done those things. For example, calling an ex over and over again, begging your ex etc. You do not want to show the desperate side of you in front of your ex.

4)Fourth, the personality of your ex is also something that you should consider. For example, if you have cheated and your ex has a very strong personality and will never get back together with someone who has cheated, then your chances of winning back an ex is probably quite low even though it may not be entirely impossible.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

Is there still hope for me and my ex: Is all hope lost with my ex.

Not to make light of a heartbreaking situation that you may have found yourself in with this game, set, go title but sometimes winning your ex back can be like a game and you have to be ready to play this game in order to win. This article shows you how to win your ex back after a breakup which will only happen if you are 100% committed and are willing to do all that it takes to come out a winner on the other side.

Although winning your ex back after a break up can be approached as a game, please note that this is a very important game. Your life and your future happiness may depend upon you winning and although you may be solely concentrating on winning your ex back, you want to ensure that the actual relationship will thrive after you get your ex back.

The results of winning this game will have a great impact on your life and so you need to take this seriously. You are not playing to come in second. Like in any other game, you have to believe that you can do it and that you have the skills to get the job done and come out on top. You are not playing just for the sake of it or to come in second.

The first question you have to ask yourself is whether getting your ex back is really that important to you. Determine how much thought you have put into getting your ex back. Have you spent any time looking deep within yourself to be honest about your breakup and whether it is really worth getting back with your ex? Is he or she really good for you? Have you spent any time reviewing any areas within yourself that need improvement that may have led to the breakup in the first place?

The honest truth is that you will never be able to win your ex girlfriend/boyfriend back or ex husband/wife back unless you decide to make this mission and your ex the top priority in your life. If you treat this mission of winning your ex back as the most important thing in your life and remain focused on this, you will improve your chances of getting your ex back.

A relationship breakup may be one of the hardest things you will ever have to go through. In order to win your ex back if you think that your former relationship with your ex still has a lot of potential for joy and happiness for both of you, you will have to put the breakup and the pain and bitterness associated with the breakup behind you in order to move forward in learning how to win your ex back.

When you decide to seek relationship advice to help you with your question, “how to get my ex back?” you will only be able to take action on the advice and strategies given to you if you believe that this is something that you are capable of accomplishing. If you want the romance in the relationship to return to the relationship, you have to believe in this possibility. Without belief you cannot do anything and this includes being able to win your ex back.

If you have no confidence or belief in your ability to win your ex back, do not waste your time or your ex’s time in attempting to win them back.

The real and only way on how to win your back is to just jump right in with both feet and give this mission of winning your ex back everything you’ve got. This applies with whatever strategy on how to win your ex back that you decide to employ. Commit yourself 100% and do not mess around. If you know or have a better understanding of what your ex wants and needs, then do not hold anything back in satisfying their needs. If you have no idea what they want and need in a healthy relationship, commit yourself to finding out what these needs and wants are and providing them.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

