Long Term Relationship Breakup Get Back Together — What To Do After A Long Term Relationship Breakup

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 23, 2021


As soon as you realize your relationship with your loved one has failed emotions take you on a ride of wild extremes. One of the first questions that surfaces as you work through these events is Can You Get Your Ex Back? The world looks different; going to work is different, seeing friends are different simply because a part of you disappeared.

For the first few days waves of anxiety, fear, possibly even nausea sweep over you. It does not matter if you are male or female the effect is the same.

From the midst of this misery stew, it becomes clear that you have a life with different dimensions today than a few days ago. Now is the time to review the fallout of the loss, the why, the how and what caused the breakup.

Long relationships are difficult as any who are in relationship multiple years in duration can attest. The link between the two partners shifts over time. They leave the instant flame of desire, love, of physical gratification to a more meaningful gratification based on deep emotional ties. Passion does not leave a long-term relationship, it remains as intense as ever however the spark triggers from a different place.

There is no pattern, which works in all relationships. However, some basic guidelines exist in all successful long-term relationships. They also serve as the basis of rebuilding a relationship so you Can Get Your Ex Back.

1. You always place your partner’s interest first in any decisions. If a disagreement, surfaces recognize the need to leave personal ego out of the solution.

2. There is no ratio, the adage of 50/50 fails. Whatever it takes to keep the bonds safe, secure, and trusting is the ratio. It is not numerical but emotional.

3. Share your love frequently with your partner, also demonstrate the feelings often, and make time actually to see each other when your eyes meet.

4. The foundation that brought the two of you together in the first place is the foundation of maintaining or rebuilding the relationship. Make sure you rediscover it if lost, polish it if set aside.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

Long term relationship breakup get back together: What to do after a long term relationship breakup.

Relationship breakups are tough enough and especially so if you are the one that was dumped. Whether you saw the breakup coming or were simply blindsided, the breakup can cause a lot of hurt and pain especially if you are still in love with your ex and believe that they are truly the one for you while your ex feels otherwise. If you have said to yourself “I am still in love with my ex and want my ex back but my ex is not in love with me,” here are some tips to consider.

It is not uncommon to find yourself in a position of having to deal with unrequited love. This can be a very difficult position to be in when you think that your ex is no longer interested in you while you long and pine for them and wish to get back with an ex.

If you are saying to yourself “I am still in love with my ex but my ex isn’t,” the first thing to remember is this might not necessarily be the truth. Did your ex say this to you? Also, although your ex may have actually said this to you, although this may be possible, this may also not necessarily be true. People say things all the time that they do not need in a moment of anger, stress, etc. People who have been in a relationship with each other especially if it was based on love at some point, will still carry some feelings for each other even after a relationship breakup.

If you find that you are still in love with your ex, there is a good chance that they may still be in love with you too but it may still be possible for you to win your ex back and restore the broken relationship despite both of you still having feeling for each other. This does not mean that you need to rush into trying to get back together quickly since you obviously broke up for a reason especially if the breakup was initiated by your ex.

In order for you to be able to get your ex back, the reason for the breakup will need to be addressed and you cannot rush this process. This process may not be easy but it is necessary especially if you have asked yourself “how do I get my ex back after being dumped?” The reason for the breakup will need to be determined and then fixed in order to be able to get back your ex.

If your ex truly has fallen out of love with you while you are still in love with him or her, you need to determine what led up to this point if you want to ever have a chance of winning your ex back. Did you stop spending time with each other? Did you spend more time arguing over nothing? Did you stop trying to look good for your ex and let yourself go? There are many reasons that may have led up to your ex falling out of love with you. If you ever want to have a chance of getting your ex back, you need to determine the cause.

Once you determine the reasons that led to your ex falling out of love with you, then you will be in a better place to determine the steps you need to take to rekindle your ex’s love for you. If they were in love with you at some point, there is always a way to remind them of the love that he or she once had for you if you are willing to put in the time and effort required to get back with an ex.

Whatever the reason for the breakup, unless you are willing to address the issues that led up to the breakup, there will be no chance of you being able to get your ex back and rekindle the relationship. All your efforts to get back with an ex will fail.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

