My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me and He Seems Fine — He Broke Up With Me and Seems Happy

Kelly Lacey
8 min readAug 21, 2021


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Being a dumpee is never easy especially if you still love your boyfriend and don’t understand what happened and why you are now alone and nursing a broken heart. Although you know that it is possible to live without your ex boyfriend, you may not want to and you shouldn’t have to. While some breakups may be permanent, others may not be and if you want to get him back, here are some tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back after he dumped you.

While a man should never be the reason for your existence, and you do not need a man to complete you, being in a relationship with someone you love, who also loves you helps to brighten each day. Life is tough enough to deal with by yourself and having someone there with you to help you through tough times can make everything easier. In addition when things go right for a change, it is also great to have someone there to share the good times with. We are built to connect with others going all the way back to Adam and Eve. Without someone special in your life, life becomes a lonely, dreary journey.

If you know all the pleasures of having someone in your life and he suddenly dumped you, you may be wondering what happened or what you did. The first step is not to beat yourself up and blame yourself. Get out of bed, eat something and get out of the house whether you feel like it or not. After going through something heartbreaking, most of us want to shut ourselves off and become reclusive. Spend a little time with friends or get involved with a hobby or two that you may have neglected so that you can get a fresh perspective on your ex boyfriend and your breakup.

It is not the end of the world simply because your man broke up with you and if you feel in your heart that he is the one for you, one of the tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back is not to wallow in the hurt and pain of the breakup. You may want to get into your bed and cry your heart out. Do this for a day or even for a week, but after that it is time to get proactive if you ever want to get your ex boyfriend back. Allow your friends and family to cheer you up. Do something unexpected. Take a trip or get involved in a new hobby or cause.

When you have some fresh perspective and are no longer crying yourself to sleep, you may be in a better place to win him back however, it is important to remember that this may not be easy depending on the reasons that led to the breakup as well as your boyfriend’s attitude.

If you do not already know, you need to understand what led to him breaking up with you. Getting your ex boyfriend’s input in a non threatening way and environment may be helpful to understand what went wrong. Was there cheating involved? If there was, do you know why cheating happened whether by you or by him. If he cheated, will you be able to trust him again. Can you forgive him if he is sincerely sorry? Is he willing to address his reasons for cheating to make sure that it doesn’t happen again?

Cheating by either party may be one of the hardest things to overcome in a relationship. Many people cheat and then realize what a terrible mistake they made and by then it may be too late because the person cheated on may be unwilling to forgive the cheater. Trust issues may crop up in the relationship. While the wronged party may feel entitled to hold on to anger and resentment, after a while the cheater will just get tired of always apologizing and made to feel like they are the worst person in the world.

Trust is important in a relationship and if you feel that you cannot trust him or he thinks he cannot trust you despite every effort, the two of you may just need to go your separate ways and you should stop thinking of ways to get him back.

If on the other hand he broke up with you to be with someone else, this can be a difficult situation for you. If he continues to maintain a relationship with the other person, he may not want to return to you but there are subtle ways you can convince him to give your relationship another shot.

If you have changed since the first time you saw him, you may want to remind him of the girl he first fell in love with when you see him or talk to him. You want him to remember what a loving and fun person you were when he first met you. One of the reasons that he may have left you besides the new woman may be because he may feel that you changed. If you let yourself go after you got comfortable in the relationship, now is the time to get your body back for him but especially for yourself to increase your confidence in yourself.

If you like the way you like, you will carry yourself differently and others including your ex boyfriend will be able to see the glow emanating from within you which as you will find, will be quite attractive to your ex boyfriend as well as to other men who may become interested in you.

Do remember not to change yourself simply to satisfy him because if you are not happy with the new you, there is no point trying to get your ex boyfriend back. Also, if he is only interested in superficial things about you, he is better as an ex boyfriend.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

My boyfriend broke up with me and he seems fine: He broke up with me and seems happy.

Are you feeling hopeless while trying to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back? Relationship breakups can leave you with feelings of dread and devastation. Emotions such as anger and loneliness, among others, are common responses to losing your mate. These things can incapacitate you if you allow them to. If, after giving it some serious thought, you believe your relationship still has a chance and your ex would return, then there are some steps you can take. These tips will help you get your ex boyfriend back.

Tool #1: Mourn your breakup.

This may sound unconventional. But if you view your break up in the form of a loss or a death, you’ll see how this can be beneficial. Grieving is a normal way to begin the healing process when you’ve lost a loved one. This is healthy. During this process, be sure to continue to eat right and get the appropriate amount of sleep.

Tool #2: Identify what went wrong

You’ve been in this process for some time, you should begin to think clearer. Once that happens, you can do a serious evaluation of what happened in your relationship to cause it to fall apart. Try to figure out what went wrong. After that, decide if you really want to reconnect with your ex or to move on. Understand that if you want to get back together, both of you carry some portion of the fault. You cannot successfully implement any changes to recapture your relationship if you do not know what went wrong.

Tool #3: Begin to solve your portion of the issue

After you have identified the core issue that led to your breakup, you can take the time necessary to solve the problem. The issue could be some things that you’re doing that need to be changed. Perhaps you need to hear what his issues are and make some adaptation to him. He could have some qualities that aren’t endearing. You need to ask yourself if you can contend with those from now on. You could also have serious division of a strong issue. Just know that no matter what the problem is it can be worked out if both people are on board.

Tool #4: Satiate your boyfriend’s ego.

If you want to get your ex boyfriend back, you’ll have to identify and satisfy his ego. Men usually have large egos. These get bruised in the midst of a breakup because generally they’re being told the areas where they’re sub-par. Any failure causes their confidence to suffer. You will need to give this a boost in order to have your reconciliation move along. This will call for you to become humble and accept some blame that may not necessarily belong to you.

After a rough breakup, you can employ lots of ways to get your ex boyfriend back. First you need to mourn the loss of the relationship and then investigate why the breakup occurred. Next begin to address what went wrong and solve your portion of the issues. Don’t try to fix your ex boyfriend. Focus on yourself. The only focus on your ex boyfriend should be to sooth his bruised ego.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

