My Boyfriend Hasn’t Talked To Me In A Week After A Fight — We Had A Fight And I Haven’t Heard From Him

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 19, 2021


Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Any relationship takes work and commitment to succeed. Both parties have to be willing to compromise on things and to sacrifice on other issues. Life is like that. If you are asking yourself how to get your ex boyfriend back after a big fight, you need to accept this. There will be work involved and you need to realize this is not a quick fix. You have to give him a reason to want to try again with you.

First you need to stop asking yourself how you are going to get him back and look at possible causes of the breakup. The last days or weeks of your relationship were stressful and tense which lead to the final blow up. You have to be honest with yourself here because if you start sugar coating the issues you will never get your ex back.

Because you two broke up in the first place you have to acknowledge that there were problems. Your ex might think that you had lost interest and were too distant. Possibly its the opposite, maybe you didn’t let him breath and were always clingy. No man likes this for long, they have a tendency to run for the hills. Now if you are still asking yourself how to get your ex boyfriend back you need to be willing to look at the issues.

This is going to be harsh but you must look at the breakup and see what the issues where that cause the split. How much were your fault or your actions and how much were his. Be honest with yourself as you would only be fooling yourself otherwise.

You can rule out his issues because they are out of your control. But you can work on the problems that you own. Here is where it gets touchy. Are you willing to do what it takes to make the changes in your own life. That is the crux of the matter if you want to get back with your ex.

Depending on the problems you two had is what will affect what changes need to be made, If you were too clingy you will have to learn different coping skills for your emotions. If he felt you didn’t need or respect him that is a different set of problems. It might be time to learn about basketball or whatever he is interested in. Its your decision. Do you really want to get back with your ex boyfriend or not?

Its not enough to have the desire to get back together, you have to be willing to change to make it happen. Getting back with your boyfriend is possible under the right circumstance. You have to make the decision.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

My boyfriend hasn’t talked to me in a week after a fight: We had a fight and I haven’t heard from him.

While you may have moments when you wish to use other types of pain to get your ex boyfriend back, you probably know that physical violence and revenge will only make things worse. Taking a baseball bat to his car or truck might give you some short term satisfaction for how he has treated you but it’s not going to bring him back. And in spite of the title of this article, sitting him down and telling him exactly how you feel about him and how he has treated you throughout this breakup probably won’t result in much more than a solidification of his feeling that breaking up with you was a good idea.

So what kind of emotions or pain are we talking about that can actually help you to get your ex boyfriend back? Well, as you know, most men really aren’t in touch with their emotions and this is the reason why using emotional triggers and psychological tactics are so powerfully effective. All your ex is going to know after a while is that he can’t stop thinking about you, that he is sorry for breaking up with you and the pain of being apart from you is so overwhelming that it is less painful to break down and ask for your forgiveness and try to get back together with you. Understand where I’m coming from?

Contrary to how you might be feeling right now or what you might think is the best thing to do, right now it is important that you take a little bit of time to step back and take a look at both yourself and your relationship. You know your ex better than anyone right now and while there are a few character traits that are common the vast majority of men, there are probably a few things that you know about your ex that are unique to just him… both positive and negatives that you can keep in your hip pocket as you are coming up with a plan for what might really tweak your ex’s ego and emotions.

At the root of your plan to get your ex boyfriend back though you should know that it is vitally important that you get yourself together and prepared for this endeavor. There are going to be times when you just want to cry or break down and tell him that you love him. But in relationships where emotions are all out of whack it is important that you keep your composure. You are going to have to hide your feelings and your heart from him so you don’t appear desperate or needy.

Desperation and neediness are two of the biggest turn-offs for guys. A woman that is easily obtainable and is actively pursuing a guy lacks value and is often taken for granted, as you probably already know. Meanwhile, a woman that is happy all the time, fun to be around and is a little coy brings out the hunter in any man and the challenge of the chase can be a motivating emotions in itself for most men… your boyfriend included.

As you reflect upon your relationship and your ex boyfriend I think you will see that just like a little boy who puts his hand on a hot stove because he likes the color of the burner, he will soon find the pain of being away from you unbearable. When done correctly and with your whole heart, using emotions and emotional triggers that lead to twinges of pain in your ex boyfriend’s heart, you will be able to get your ex boyfriend back without having to convince him of anything.

That is the sweetest and most powerful part of this whole system. It will actually be his idea to come back to you and soon you will see that it is him pursuing you instead of the other way around. Soon it will be him hurting from your breakup and wanting to get back together instead of you… or at least that will be what HE will be thinking!

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

