My Boyfriend Left Me For Another Woman Will It Last — He Left Me For Someone Else Will It Last

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 20, 2021


Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

Trying to find out whether rebound relationship last? If you want to know how long a rebound relationship last, chances are your ex is seeing someone else now but you still want to get back together with him or her. Fortunately, this kind of relationship usually doesn’t last for long. For some, it may last a few days. For some, a few weeks. And the longest time span is probably up to a few months. It will of course depend on the situation.

So, if your ex is seeing someone else now, he or she is probably involved in a rebound and you will still have chances to get back together with your ex lover. Perhaps you might be wondering why someone would be involved in a rebound relationship. Well, it is really hard for me to pinpoint one single reason because the truth is, there are many possible reasons that push people into this kind of relationship.

However, one of the most probable reasons may be because your ex does not want to face the pain and loneliness of the break up alone. By dating someone else, he or she will be able to take the focus off that pain. Unfortunately, this is usually not a good way to deal with a break up. Sooner or later, both people involved in the rebound are going to break up and even get hurt.

If your ex is dating someone else now, there is also a possibility that he or she is just trying to spike you or to make you feel jealous. Or maybe you have done something wrong and have cheated on him or her. So, your ex is just trying to get back at you.

If your ex is seeing someone else, and you remain in the picture, you then become a safety net for your ex. This means that your ex is not going to worry too much about paying you attention because they are comfortable that you will be there. Instead, they focus all of their attention on their new love interest, knowing you are waiting in the wings if things do not work out.

If you can remove yourself from the life of your ex, you will increase the level of mystery and this, subsequently, will increase their attraction to you. You have to disappear in order to let the ex know that you will not play second fiddle to anyone. Another thing this does is magnify the effect of any mistake the rebound may make because your ex will fear they will have nowhere else to turn. They will then, begin to chase after you, in an effort to keep you around for their comfort.

You must not allow yourself to fall for this. Simply tell your ex that you cannot sit around and pretend to be their friend. You have to move on with your life in the same way that they have. This will make your ex think twice about their decision.

We always want what we think we can’t have and we do not miss what we have until it’s gone. So do not worry if your ex is in a relationship, getting your ex back while they are in a rebound relationship is still possible, as long as you do not remain a sure thing.

Make sure she/he knows you are available without it being too obvious and don’t worry too much about time frames. If it is meant to be then it will happen trying to force the issue could have an adverse affect. So play it cool and try to keep in touch without becoming a pain and it will slowly but surely happen.

Best to set your stall out and try to stay as friendly as possible and things will happen in your favour sooner or later

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

My boyfriend left me for another woman will it last: He left me for someone else will it last.

Ignore your friends and family that say that you can’t get him back or that you’re better off without him. Only you know what’s best for you and if your man is the love of your life and you can’t imagine your life without him then you should put forth every effort to salvage your relationship and get him back.

While your close friends and family may be just looking out for you and trying to make you feel better they don’t have to live your life. While advice such as to just let him go and hope that he will come back might come from their heart leaving your relationship to chance would be foolish. How would you feel five years from now if you found out that your ex really did love you but because he never heard from you after the breakup he thought you really didn’t care?

No Contact — Sure, a period of no contact while the dust settles is a wise choice, during this period of no contact should be spent doing things that will be productive in helping you to get him back. Healing your heart and working on yourself as you prepare to get him back is a necessary step in any plan to win him back. Some cry and times of doubt will come and go but if you really do love your ex you can push through these periods.

Think of it this way, do you want your ex to see you 2 minutes after a crying jag or would you rather that he see the sparkle in your eye that comes only from true love? Will you know what to say and what to do to get the reaction out of your ex that you desire? Will you know how to make him wonder why he broke up with you in the first place and regret that he made that decision? Will you know how to move him emotionally beyond what he can stand so he’ll come running back to you wanting you more than he ever did before?

The Plan — Ignore the doubters who say that he will move on without you and the nay sayers who say that you just need to let him go. Doing nothing will get you nothing and relying on the no contact rule is only part of an effective plan to getting him back.

An effective plan to get him back will take into consideration what you need to do to open the lines of communication with your ex and rebuild that connection with him that you once had together. A really good plan will help you to create some good positive tension between the two of you and make him want to get back together with you instead of just deciding that he would like to give your relationship a second chance. In order to quickly and easily get him back you are going to need to know how to take control of your relationship and make his heart yours again.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

