My Boyfriend Wants A Break To Find Himself — My Boyfriend Wants A Break But Still Loves Me

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 21, 2021


Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash

It sounds so innocent doesn’t it? If it wasn’t for the fact that the implications are anything but fun and games for most relationships it would all be good.

The truth is that when your boyfriend wants a break it’s rarely a good sign unless you use the break to change the course of your relationship.

You’ve probably figured out by now that what he says and what you hear are not always the same thing. It’s time to sift through what’s he’s saying so you know what needs to come next. Asking for time apart usually means that he’s looking for a way to call the whole thing off. You need to take action during this break to make him change his mind.

So, what can you do to make this break work in your favor instead of against it?

1) Use this time to make changes that will matter for you both. Do some soul searching and find out where the relationship problems exist. Now is the perfect time to fix those problems and make personal changes that will eliminate the problems that divide you as a couple.

2) Spruce up the packaging. While you don’t want a relationship that’s all about looks you should know by now that looking good gives you a confidence boost and gets his attention. Make sure you use this time to look your best. Take off a few pounds, tone up, try a new hairstyle, and get a makeover. You don’t have to spend a fortune to look your best but it will get his attention like nothing else.

3) Go out and start having fun without him. Have you ever noticed that long term relationships seem to suck all the fun out of life? They can if you let them. That’s probably a little bit of what he’s feeling. Go out and be fun. Word gets around and he’s bound to find out about it. He may even realize that he desperately wants to be the one making you laugh and have fun together.

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My boyfriend wants a break to find himself: My boyfriend wants a break but still loves me.

How to get my ex boyfriend back has never been easier. There is a lot of free information scattered all over the net giving advice on this topic but most of this information is not specific. It is mostly geared towards “Get Ex Back” which can be too general for you if you want to exactly know how to win back your ex boyfriend. The best and most effective way on how to get back with the ex boyfriend is by only applying those proven strategies and techniques that are only specifically geared towards helping you to get an ex boyfriend back. The reason why I say this is because men and women are different psychologically. The same techniques that help a man get a woman back may not work in helping a woman get a man back, you see what am saying. Therefore I advice you to look for only specific information on how to get my ex boyfriend back.

The Relationship is Over — I can’t do this anymore, We are done, I want to be by myself, You have hurt my feelings and I will never forgive you, We can only be friends, It is over!. These are all the most common phrases that you hear when a break up happens. Let me tell you something, if you have broke up that means he is your ex. So what do you do after a break up happens? do you persuade him to come back to you, Do you beg him to come back to you? Well, the first thing that you should do is to accept the fact that you have broken up. Why do I say this? Because when you do so, you start reversing up the process of winning your ex boyfriend back. After you accept that you have broken up, then I want you to agree with him about the break up. I know you are like wait a minute, why would I do that? The simple answer is because you want to be in the position of power, you want him to want you, you want to attract him back again..and to put all this in summery, doing just this is an opening move. So the first thing I want you to do is to agree with the break up and then move on from there.

Why Did We Break Up? — Remember that there are many things that you need to do right in order to win him back. The next step you need to take is very simple. Just find out the reason why you broke up. What was the major reason why you broke up? Did he break up with you, Did you break up with him? Is it because you did not give him enough attention that he broke up with you?. Like I said before, there is always a reason as to why a certain relationship ends. Find out why and move on from there.

Change — after you find the reason behind the break up, the next step is to see if you are willing to change. For example if he doesn’t like some of your habits are you willing to change for what he likes? If he broke up with you because you have too many men friends or you hang out with guys a lot are you willing to stop? Lets say you cheated on him, would you be willing to stop this bad habit? See this are just examples. Sometimes a change is required to put everything back into normal. Do not promise that you will change, start making changes for him to see because actions do speaker louder than words.

How to get back with the ex boyfriend is by learning the psychological triggers that affect a man so that you can increase the chances of winning him back. Don’t get all confused, calm down and start doing the right things. Avoid the so called common mistakes that most women make because they can cost you from having your ex boyfriend back. Stop procrastinating, start doing the right things and you can have a better chance of making up with your ex boyfriend.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

