My Boyfriend Wants To Take A Break — My Boyfriend Says He Wants To Take A Step Back

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 21, 2021


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Your boyfriend wants to take a break. It is nearly as big a lie as “yes I really do love you” when all he wants to do is get you in bed. Certain phrases just have the word “lie” painted all over them.

Your boyfriend wants to take a break usually means that he is interested in someone else but wants to keep you in reserve if it doesn’t workout, or he is trying to weasel out of the relationship without being honest. Either way those words tell you that your relationship is in trouble, perhaps they tell you there wasn’t much depth to the relationship to start with. You need to ask yourself if you are willing to let things go and see how they work out or just dump him.

Either way there is really no other course than to let him go. If he is hot for another woman and you try to hold him then you will just be pushing him away. It is strange, but that is how it works. Clinging to him will force him to just end the relationship. This is probably for the best, if he is all that hot for someone else then you don’t want to be second and wait around for him.

On the other hand, if he doesn’t have the guts to admit to you that he just wants out then he is probably not the kind of man you want anyway. If there is something that you deserve in your life it is truth. Truth often hurts but as they say, “the truth will set you free,” never be afraid to face the truth.

Either way move on with your dignity intact. Cry if you must but don’t cling to this guy or beg him to stay and just be pathetic. Even if you want him keep out of this behavior if you ever expect to get him back.

Give yourself time to find out what you really want and whatever that is don’t text, email, or call him. Don’t show up all the time where you know he might be trying to catch his eye. Give yourself the time and space that you need to sort things out. You might find that this breakup is OK and you are happy to move on.

If your boyfriend wants to take a break, just say “absolutely.” Perhaps he is just trying to build his own ego at your expense or maybe it is real and he will leave. Either way be strong and have no regrets.

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My boyfriend wants to take a break: My boyfriend says he wants to take a step back.

How to get your ex boyfriend back in your arms again for good is one of the questions that someone losing a boyfriend will attempt to answer after a breakup. Hearing the words, “I need space” or “It’s not you, it’s me,” etc, can only lead to dark clouds forming over your life. These dreaded words usually mean that the one you love, the one you may have even thought is “Mr. Right” and you dreamed of spending the rest of you life with him just does not feel the way that you do.

A breakup can be very devastating especially if you are still in love with your ex boyfriend and want him back. What should you do? Should you beg and plead with him? Stalk him? Call or text him repeatedly? Show up where you know he is going to be? Flirt with his friends to try to make him jealous?

There are many techniques you can use if you are trying to determine how to get your ex boyfriend back in your arms again for good. Many of these techniques are usually ineffective and will only result in pushing your ex boyfriend farther away from you and maybe into the arms of another.

If he told you that he needed space or “it’s not you, it’s me,” the first step is to listen to what he is saying. Do not reject what he is saying to you simply because you cannot face an hour, a day, a lifetime without him. If he wants space, give it to him.

Even if your heart is breaking and you do not think that you can go on without him, you need to give him what he asks for. Do not try to beg him not to leave. Do not try to call, text, email him repeatedly. Although it may sound like a cliche, you have to believe what people tell you even if you may think otherwise.

Limit the interaction and any communication that you have with your ex boyfriend for a while. This will allow you to clear your head and get to a better place mentally. It will also allow you to clearly determine what went wrong with the relationship and why he suddenly wants space and why he no longer wants to be with you.

If you do not take time away from him, you will not be giving him what he requested of you and will cause him to react in anger or hugely turned off by your attempts to win him back. You do not want to appear desperate to him. If you really want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back in your arms again, do not act desperate. Let him believe that you are not bothered by the breakup if you try to limit your communication with him.

This will arouse his curiosity and he will wonder why you are not around and why he may have trouble reaching you when his curiosity gets the better of him. Give him this space which may make him realize that he actually misses you.

Use this time away wisely to reconnect with your friends and family that you may have neglected. Develop other interests. Take this time to get in shape or change your hairstyle or wardrobe so that next time he sees you, he does a double take.

In order to determine how to get your ex boyfriend back in your arms, you need to realize that many men may not be ready for the responsibilities of a relationship. They may think that they are missing out on something if they are in a serious relationship. They may have fantasies of “sowing their wild oats” and feel that being with you is only keeping him back. You and I both know (and he may also know) that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. But he needs to fiat out for himself.

It is important not to pressure a guy who is not feeling up to the demands of the committed relationship even if you know that he loves you. He needs to come to the realization that you are the one for him on his own.

Trying to make him jealous by flirting with his friends or other men will simply not work. This will only cause further problems even if you get him back. Playing games will only hurt everyone involved and jeopardize any chance of getting your ex boyfriend back. You do not want your ex boyfriend to see you flirting with all his friends or various other men. It will appear very immature and reek of desperation. You are better than that!

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