My Ex Avoids Me When She Sees Me — My Ex Avoids Me At All Costs

Kelly Lacey
8 min readAug 20, 2021


Photo by Amir Hosseini on Unsplash

Your ex avoids you, basically, because of how you are acting now. You may be calling or contacting your ex a lot, which makes you look desperate, or simply your ex needs some space from you. The only way you can get your ex back, is if you learn to master your emotions and to control the situation from your end. See the thing is, you have been trying to control your ex in their decisions, and in doing so you lost control of your own emotions. Here is how you can get your ex to want you again and beg you back almost instantly….

Get your ex to miss you- Frankly, this is the only possible way to really have your ex’s emotions naturally return to liking you. How do you get your ex to miss you? Absence makes the heart grow fonder; while you were pushing yourself on your ex to take you back; in reality you must do the opposite, you must give space, no contacting, and a lot of space.

You must be strict on yourself here, not on your ex; because you should be able to exercise enough control to give your ex what he or she wants: space. Your ex has had an overdose of you, and when you constantly try to contact him/her you look desperately, lonely, needy and a bunch of other unattractive things.

When you remove showing any emotions to your ex, you will always win. The longer you leave your ex questioning if you still want them, where you have gone, what you are up to- the faster you can get what you want. If you can remain dry towards your ex for now, you will find your ex working to get your attention again, even begging you back…

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

Tristan’s girlfriend broke up with him. He was devastated and wanted to get her back. From the tour of duty in Iraq he learned that every good battle needed a battle plan. So he decided to put together a strategic battle plan to get his ex girlfriend back.

Tristan’s ex was named Macy. She dumped him because she’d met someone she saw as a better catch — a poet. Even though Tristan knew that Macy was also of the artistic sort, he didn’t believe she’d be happy for the long haul with someone who thought sonnets and open mic nights were exciting times. Basically, Tristan knew the poet wasn’t the kind of man that he was.

So Tristan designed a strategic battle plan to get his ex girlfriend back. He had a three-pronged approach.

His first prong concerned himself. He knew he needed to smooth out his rough edges. Instead of wearing the short military cut, he grew his hair out to a short, but more stylish, cut. He bought several of the books that Macy had previously mentioned to him and began reading them. He figured that if he wanted to get his ex girlfriend back then he needed to be the kind of boyfriend she was looking for.

His second prong was his outward look. He wanted Macy to know that he was a virile man and other women would be interested in him. His plan of attack here was to call up Jennifer, Macy’s friend, and ask her out to a casual dinner with him. After she accepted the invitation, he sent Macy a text asking where Sarah might like to eat dinner for their date.

This text got an immediate call from Macy. She wanted to know why Tristan was taking Jennifer out for dinner. His response was that she’d broken up with him and he was working towards moving on. He told her that he’d always found Jennifer interesting and figured now would be a good time to get to know her better.

Of course, Macy slammed down the phone. His plan to take Jennifer on a date had rattled Macy. But he had met his goal — to let Macy see that he was indeed a desirable guy. This was a key part is his ‘get your ex girlfriend back’ strategy.

His third prong was to get key information back to Macy. He planned to use his date with Jennifer to do just that. He planned the evening perfectly. He picked her up wearing a nice, updated outfit. Upon handing her a single rose, their date commenced. He was the perfect gentleman, opening doors, pulling out her chair, allowing her to talk about herself in the conversation. During their dinner conversation, he strategically mentioned the books he’d been reading and the new activities going on in his life. He was careful not to say anything negative about Macy.

After the date was over, he dropped her off. At the door he gave her a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek. Nothing further. The next day, he had a lovely bouquet of flowers sent to her with a note that said, ‘I really had a good time. I hope you did, too.’

Jennifer immediately called Macy and asked why she dumped such a great guy. Macy’s relationship with the poet had waxed cold and she told Jennifer that she was missing Tristan an awful lot.

After a few days, Macy gave Tristan a call. After making some small talk she asked if there was any hope for them to try their relationship again. Tristan readily agreed.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

My ex avoids me when she sees me: My ex avoids me at all costs.

Are you doing everything in your power to get her back but it feels like you’re talking to a brick wall half the time? Have you wondered why your wife or girlfriend won’t talk to you and any attempt to discuss your relationship or the possibility of getting back together is met with resistance? There are actually two reasons for this phenomenon and one solution for both.

First, nobody likes to talk about unpleasant things. Nobody wants to talk about what went wrong in a relationship and at this stage of the game your ex is a “don’t wanter”. She doesn’t want to talk about the relationship because she doesn’t want a relationship with you. In addition, every time you ask her to talk about things that went wrong you are pushing her further and further away and causing her to be more and more sure that she made the right decision by breaking up with you.

This may sound harsh but it is the reality. The good news is that there is a simple solution to this problem. Stop talking about the relationship! It may take a while before the annoyance that she feels every time you call, text, email or talk to her in person leaves but by promising yourself that you will never bring up the subject of your relationship, what went wrong and the possibility of the two of you getting back together again you will remove one of the biggest obstacles that is between you and your ex right now.

If you do talk to your ex keep the conversations short, light, fun, happy and end the conversation on a high note. Make whatever excuse is necessary to end the conversation on your terms and even though you would love to talk with her on and on for hours the way you used to, it is important that you be the one to end the conversation. This will leave her both wondering what is going on and leave her wanting even if she formerly didn’t want to talk to you.

The second reality of why your ex might not be wanting to talk to you or consider the possibility of getting back together is that she might have already moved on or be in the process of starting a relationship with someone else. Even though most women don’t want to appear that they bounce from one relationship to another, the truth is that they do.

Most women will at least have an idea of the next man that they want to start a relationship with before their first relationship is even over and some women use men to ease the emotional turmoil that goes along with a breakup even if they were the one to initiate the breakup.

Likewise, chances are that if your wife or girlfriend ended your relationship and she doesn’t appear to be sincere or open to the possibility of working on the relationship there is probably another man that she has her eyes on to take your place. It could be a co-worker, a guy that she knows from a fitness club or similar hobby or it could even be one of your friends. Shocking as it may be to think that one of your own friends might scoop up your ex think about this for a moment. Is there anyone that your ex was particularly close to or a guy that she confided in that would be in the perfect spot to start “spending time” with your ex?

This is why it is important to get your act together and come up with a game plan to get your ex back as soon as possible. While it might not be possible to undo what has already been done if your ex has moved on with another guy it is entirely possible to get her back again.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

