My Ex Boyfriend Has A New Girlfriend But Still Talks To Me — My Ex Tells Me He Loves Me But Has A Girlfriend

Kelly Lacey
7 min readAug 23, 2021


Nothing feels worse for a woman than knowing the man she loves is dating another woman. Relationships end for a number of reasons and when a man decides it’s time to move on, it can feel devastating. You may secretly pine for him and want to rekindle the magic you once shared. Pleading or begging him to reconsider isn’t going to help. If you want to know how to get your boyfriend back when he’s interested in another woman, there are a few things to consider.

If he ended your relationship because of his interest in another woman, don’t try and sabotage her in his eyes. Speaking poorly of her or calling her unflattering names is only going to make him think you’re being petty and childish. If he does talk about her around you, surprise him by telling him that you’re happy for him and that you only want what’s best for him. You likely don’t really feel this way, and he’s probably expecting a much stronger, negative reaction from you. By going against what he is anticipating, you’ve suddenly made him wonder why you don’t seem to care.

When you are trying to forge a plan of how to get your boyfriend back you want to stay away from strong emotions as much as possible. Crying and fussing makes you look childish. It also makes him feel as though he’s completely in control of the situation. If you instead act as though his leaving you is fine, he’ll instantly become concerned. Don’t put on an obvious show and add giddy and carefree. Keep your smile on though and always keep a sense of humor. Doing this will disarm him.

Many couples stay in close contact after their relationship has ended. Both have trouble letting go and as a result they often text message one another, email or spend time talking on the phone. If your ex-boyfriend still wants the reassurance that you’re close by don’t give that to him. If you instead make yourself scarce and avoid his calls and take your time responding to his messages, he’ll wonder what you are up to. Creating a sense of wonder in his mind is something you want to do when you are thinking about how to get your ex boyfriend back.

Some men simply want to test the waters when they have strong feelings for a woman. To do this they end one relationship and start dating other women. Once they do this they often realize that they can’t stop thinking about the woman they left. This is especially true if that woman suddenly seems to have lost all interest in them. The number one tip for how to get your boyfriend back is to start focusing on your own life. Once you do that, you’ll be amazed by how quickly his interest is reignited.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

My ex boyfriend has a new girlfriend but still talks to me: My ex tells me he loves me but has a girlfriend.

So another girl has stolen your boyfriend and you want to know how to get him back? How can you steal him back from the clutches of that wicked tramp and keep him hopelessly and eternally devoted to you and you alone?

Whether your ex was lured away by another woman or if he has moved on and started a relationship with another girl it is absolutely possible to get him back. You might feel that things are hopeless right now or that your chances are slim of ever getting him back but I am here to tell you that with a little skill and some careful thought it is possible to get him back from the other woman.

You Are Suspect — You should keep in mind that your motives from here on out will always be suspect in the eyes of your ex. Both he and his new romantic interest will be watching your every move to most methods that you might think would work to get him back are useless.

Trying to talk to him alone is going to be nearly impossible and even if you could get him alone he is going to expecting you to try to talk him into coming back to you. Any attempt to start rumors about his new girl will point back to you and a cat fight over your ex is just very “high school” and will probably just make you look like a fool.

Move Him Emotionally — If you really want to change his mind and make him fall back in love with you again you are going to have to hit him where it hurts. You are going to have to attack him where he is most vulnerable and that is his heart. You need to be able to move him emotionally and get him to feel something for you again without being obvious.

While most guys might say that they aren’t emotional at all, every guy has a heart and every guy is subject to the emotional tactics that we’ll be using. That is what makes them so powerful and effective. His emotions will overcome any obstacle that stands between him and you and once you learn how to move him emotionally his feelings about you, your breakup and his new girlfriend will change almost overnight.

While others might tell you to just move on and find someone new to overcome the pain of your breakup the truth is that getting him back using emotions is not only simple but also highly effective. After all, the pain of knowing that he is with someone else is something you have to deal with every day and the sooner you can get him back the better, right?

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

Are you having relationship trouble and you have tried everything to try to get the love of your life back to no avail? Are you only managing to push him away with each strategy to win him back? If you are feeling dejected and think that there is no hope for bringing him back to you, this article gives you proven steps on getting your ex boyfriend back.

One thing to remember is that behaving overly anxious no matter how badly you want him back will only drive him farther away. If you are serious about restoring your relationship with him, you may want to watch yourself to ensure that you do not come across too strong.

When we are pressured about anything in life, it only makes us resist the pressure even more and dating life is not an exception. This is simply human nature and you cannot fight human nature no matter how hard you try. Pressuring him will only result in driving a wedge further between the two of you.

If you are calling, texting or emailing him too much, you are only driving him away. Also, if you are trying to make him feel pity on you, you need to stop this at once.

Step One to Getting an Ex Boyfriend Back

Break any and all contact that you have with him immediately for a while. By doing this, you will give yourself time to work on yourself to improve your personal life without being obsessed with the breakup of your relationship and your ex boyfriend. Doing this will not be easy and will be quite challenging but you need to discipline yourself to get away from your old way of thinking and behaving.

Since you will not longer be pursuing your ex as he expects based on your past behavior, his feelings towards you will start to change since he will no longer feel the pressure and stress of your pursuit. By becoming a mystery to him during this time since he has no idea what you are thinking or doing, he may begin to miss you which will not happen when you continue to smother him.

With this strategy and getting back together with your boyfriend, you are working with human nature and not against it. This strategy will allow your boyfriend to remember why he fell in love with you and wanted to date you in the first place.

When you avoid pressuring him to restore the relationship, you are giving yourself time to think clearly. Becoming a mystery to him during this time by ceasing all contact with him will cause him to remember what was so great about you that attracted him to you in the first place. By playing hard to get without overdoing it, you allow him to make the first move. In order to get an ex back, this step is crucial.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

