My Ex Boyfriend Hates Me How Do I Get Him Back — My Ex Boyfriend Hates Me but I Still Love Him

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 20, 2021


Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

Do you feel that your chances of getting him back are pretty much hopeless? Has everything that you tried ended dismally? Are you wondering if you will ever hear the words “I love you” come from his lips again or if you will be forced to watch him walk off into the sunset with another woman?

Even if things seem beyond your control and you feel that he will never come around again, there is always hope. Even if he has said that he doesn’t love you any more or that he hates you, there are ways to get him to change his mind. No matter what anyone says the simple fact is that people do change their mind and the reasons why might be difficult for you to understand and see from where you are right now.

Right now, you are in a very difficult position. Your view and outlook are obscured by the fear and loneliness that have been an every day reminder in your life since the breakup. All you might think about is getting back together with your ex and all you wish for is to hear his voice and have him come back to you. Your feelings are so powerful and so important to you that they might even take on a life of their own. You feel helpless and powerless.

But once you understand what moves a guy to change his mind about a relationship and once you begin to see these changes in your man you will slowly but surely begin to regain your confidence. Once he starts coming around, starts calling you again and once you see that smile on his face again your fear will disappear and you will be able to actually see the two of you back together again.

And what will make your guy go from where you are right now to being helpless to your advances, desires and actually want to be with you again? It is emotions. Once you understand what emotions can wreck havoc on his mind and make him obsess about you it will be quite simple to have him not just wanting you again but actually chasing you and hounding you. It can actually be rather pathetic if you know how to play the game.

Keep in mind though that the emotions that will make your guy crazy like this are not the same emotions that might move you to want him. Guys are wired just a little bit different than women and in order to slip in under his radar you need to know a little about male psychology and the emotional hot buttons that are unique just to men.

Once you understand how guys work and what kind of emotions will make a guy go from apathetic towards you to almost ravenous for your attention you will have him eating out of your hand. All other methods of getting your ex to change his mind will pale in comparison and no other method will be quite as easy for you to use than using male psychology to get him back.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

My ex boyfriend hates me how do I get him back: My ex boyfriend hates me but I still love him.

I don’t know if there’s anything worse than having your boyfriend break up with you. This can be a real tough time in your life because you’re questioning your worth and wondering what caused your boyfriend to break up with you.

While you can use this time in order to take a look at yourself and where you are currently in your life, you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. You need to know that the reason behind your boyfriend break up is not within you, but with him. He had his own issues. The statement that most men use, “It’s not you. It’s me.” is a true one.

Now you have a decision to make. Are you going to try to get your boyfriend back or are you going to move on.

If you decide that you’re going to work on getting your ex back, you need to utilize this key knowledge:

1. Don’t be a nuisance to your ex. When he decided to break up what he was also doing was limiting, if not eliminating, your access to him. So stop texting him or calling him.

2. It’s alright to flirt with other people while he’s around. This might actually work in your favor and make him want you back.

3. When you do get the opportunity to get with him for a ‘trial date’ be happy, joyful, and friendly, but don’t put any pressure on him. Don’t bring up any past issues. Let him decide what happens next.

On the other hand, if you believe that your boyfriend’s decision to break up was more of a permanent one, you need to start the process of moving on.

The first thing you should do is get some closure. You can do this by writing a long, detailed letter to him. Tell him everything you wanted to say to him, good and bad. Put it all in down on paper. You can call him all the names you want and let him know about your hurt and disappointment, as well as your happiness and joy. Pour out your heart. But don’t mail the letter. Burn it! Your love for him and the loss of your relationship can go up in smoke with the letter.

The next thing to do is a property trade-off. Return whatever things of his that you still have and get your things back from him. If there are some small things that aren’t worth the time it’ll take to set up the meeting, throw them away. If this exchange can’t be arranged, box up his items and put them away. If there are any dangling money issues between you two, like debts or joint accounts, get them resolved as soon as possible.

Okay, once this is done, agree that you will not have any sort of communication with each other for 30 days. This may be real tough, especially if you’re used to seeing each other everyday, or worse living together. Doing this after the break up will allow you to get him out of your system. You need some distance from each other.

Believe me, I know it hurts a lot when your boyfriend breaks up with you. But this is in no way the end of your life. See it as a good thing because now you’re free and available to meet your true soul mate.

You want to keep your options open. Just because your boyfriend broke up with you doesn’t mean that he won’t be back after some time to think about what he’s lost. If you really believe that he’s the one, you should take the opportunity presented to you to get yourself together and present him with an offer he can’t refuse. The lyrics to a popular song say don’t be a nickel when he’s looking for a dime.

True love can survive a break up. My best friend always says that sometimes people have to separate in order to come together. Some time apart will give both of you a chance to see what else is out there and what you’ve lost. Don’t be surprised when he comes back.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

