My Ex Boyfriend Still Wants To Sleep With Me — Slept With My Ex While In A Relationship

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 23, 2021


Photo by We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

It’s a common question for both guys and girls out there these days…although for the most part it’s an issue girls come across more often: my boyfriend/girlfriend dumped me, but still wants to have sex…should I? Will this help me get him/her back? The answer is most definitely “NO,” and let me tell you why.

If your ex still wants to get into bed with you, but has already broken up with you anyways…it’s a classic case of him wanting to have his cake and eat it too…or perhaps more of wanting to get paid without having a job. I know it’s a little harsh to call being in a relationship with you a “job,” but the point is that sex with you and a relationship with you should be a package deal.

Of course your ex is going to want to still have sex with you…he wants free tail without having to do anything for it! Again, harsh I know…but sex without commitment is something your ex will naturally love to get a hold of…and it’s NOT something you should do if you have any self-respect whatsoever.

Your ex gave up the right to your body when he decided he didn’t want to be with you on a more psychological and day-to-day level. Continuing to sleep with him is NOT going to get him to come back…why would he want to come back when he’s already getting what’s apparently the only thing he wants from you? He dumped you, he doesn’t want a relationship…that much is clear.

If you’re in a situation like this, it’s time to cut it off. He’ll probably get all mad, call you names, and throw a hissy fit…but it’s his own fault, and you have no reason to be sorry or feel bad for “depriving him” of anything. If he doesn’t want a relationship, he doesn’t get to have the sex that would come with it.

Giving him free sex isn’t going to get him back, but there could be other ways to do it, depending on your situation. You may have to be content with the possibility that he’s not right for you, but there’s always the chance that you could pull things together with him.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

My ex boyfriend still wants to sleep with me: Slept with my ex while in a relationship.

“I love you but I am no longer in love with you.” How frustrating is that to hear when your boyfriend is breaking up with you. Being in love is important for any relationship to thrive and when that loving feeling is gone, a relationship can be hard to maintain and breakups or divorce may ensue. If you are wondering how to get your ex boyfriend back if he said he is no longer in love with you, here are a few tips to help him get that loving feeling towards you again.

Unless he was never in love with you in the first place in which case any attempts to get your boyfriend back will be fruitless, it is always possible after falling out of love with each other to fall back in love again. When trying to get your ex boyfriend back by getting him to fall back in love with you, you need to determine his state of mind.

Although there is a thin line between love and hate, if he hates you and has told you so, you may have trouble getting him back. If he is indifferent or has some feelings still left for you since being in a relationship and then breaking up does not mean that all feelings go away, you may be able to win him back as long as you use the right tools and techniques. There remains some level of soul attachment between people who were once in love which you can use to get him to fall in love with you again.

A Few Steps To Get Him To Fall In Love With You Again

When trying to determine how to get your ex boyfriend back by getting him to fall in love with you again, you need to be aware that you need to be patient and it may take some time to get him to fall for you again. If you are not willing to be patient and do whatever it takes, you might as well move on.

Not all methods to win him back will work in every situation and you need to not get frustrated with the methods. This simply means that you need to continue the search for the right methods that will not only show you how to effectively get your ex boyfriend back but that will make sure that he falls back in love with you.

One helpful thing to remember when you are trying to get him to fall back in love with you again is that if he was ever in love with you at any time during your relationship, it is possible to reignite those feelings again.

You need to discover why he says he is no longer in love with you again and he may have let you know in the past why the love is gone. Did you do something that he was terribly hurt by? Did you change or otherwise let yourself go? Is there someone else? Do you no longer want the same things? What is the reason? Someone doesn’t just wake up one morning and say that they are no longer in love with you.

After getting to the root of this, then you have to determine whether these are things that you can change about yourself or the situation in order to win him back. Can you get back to the person you used to be that he fell in love with? Can you become the fun loving person that he fell in love with? It is quite common for those in a relationship to start to take each other for granted and before you know it, a breakup occurs. Can you ask him for forgiveness? Can you both forgive each other?

In order to get him back especially if your relationship was characterized by arguments towards the end, you need to figure out whether you can let go of anger, resentment and bitterness which certainly help in destroying loving feelings. Can you learn to just let some things go and not bring them up again especially when you are trying to get him to fall in love with you again? This means no yelling or screaming. If you have no self control, your effort to win him back will fail.

Physical attraction is important and we are all superficial to some extent and physical appearance helps with feelings of attraction in many cases before you discover the person within. If he is turned off by the extra pounds you gained, is this something that you can change about yourself without doing it solely for his benefit but for your own health concerns first and foremost?

There are many questions that you have to ask yourself when you are trying to determine how to get your ex boyfriend back and get him to fall back in love with you and the above are just a guide. Be very honest with yourself in your responses to the questions raised and what you discover about yourself in the process of trying to get him back.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

