My Ex Boyfriend Wants To Be Friends With Me — Why Does He Still Want To Be Friends After Breaking Up With Me

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 19, 2021


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Getting your ex boyfriend back when he wants to be friends is not an ideal situation to be in.

This is a common misconception among women. They think they can get back with their ex boyfriend by just hanging around with him and staying friends.


This couldn’t be further from the truth. Think about it. If you just remain “friends” with your ex boyfriend, then he will think exactly that, you’re happy to be just friends.

In fact it will make him feel better about the separation because you have taken it so well.

But you don’t want that at all right? You want to get back together as his lover.

So what should you do then?

Step 1 — You must accept the break up first

This may seem obvious, but the first thing you need to do is accept the break up. You have to get on with your life.

In fact tell you ex boyfriend that you accept the break up.

Take note that accepting the break up by no means signifies that you want to be friends. You’re only doing this to relieve the tension between you and your ex.

Now is the time to think about your relationship and why you broke up. Think sensibly about whether you would be happier with or without your partner.

Many couples in the process of doing this have actually found that they actually do love their partners and get back together.

Step 2 — It is very important that you resist contact

Obviously, this is going to be quite difficult for you but right now, but I don’t want you to contact your ex. Doing this creates space between the two of you. It also gives him a very important message.

What’s that message?

You have moved on with your life and don’t need him to be happy. This makes you look strong, because he himself may not have totally moved on yet.

By resisting contact, you take away any pressure that your ex may be feeling. It allows him to assess the true value of your relationship.

He gets the chance to miss you, which would not happen if you were in constant contact with him. It lets him think about the beginning of your relationship, at time when he really enjoyed your company.

Do you remember what I said about getting your ex boyfriend back when he wants to be friends? Not contacting him gets you out of the “friend” zone.

He will wonder where you have gone and why you haven’t contacted him.

Step 3 — Plan what to say when you eventually meet up with your ex

After you have followed the previous two steps, you will have put yourself in a position where you will meet with your ex boyfriend again. This will be a crucial encounter.

Plan this meeting very carefully, from the place you meet, to what you are going to say to him.

Make sure you are in a happy and calm state of mind when you meet up. You don’t want to be emotional or act irrationally when you see him.

In this meeting you will find out if your ex still has feelings for you and whether or not you will actually get back together.

You don’t want to act too keen to get back with him either. Show him that you have moved on with your life already. In fact you’ve already done many exciting things with your life since the breakup.

Your ex boyfriend will see how much you have changed and will feel attracted to you again.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

My ex boyfriend wants to be friends with me — Why does he still want to be friends after breaking up with me.

Are you trying with everything that you have to get your ex back but you feel that it is just no use? Does it feel like everything that you say gets twisted around and taken out of context and there is no use in even trying to talk with him about getting back together? Is your ex just being stubborn and ridiculous and you wish you knew how to get him to change his mind so the pain from your broken heart would heal?

This stubbornness and childish behavior from your ex is really nothing surprising. It is actually a very natural reaction in the wake of your breakup and a way for him to maintain control of your relationship and to make him feel justified in breaking up with you in the first place. It can be a frustrating situation to be in but you should not lose hope or feel that getting him back is impossible.

You see, as he pushes you away and frustrates your attempts to love him, connect with him and actually do something positive to salvage your once loving relationship he is actually hoping that you quit. As tensions rise and emotions overflow he also feels in control of himself, the relationship and you, at the same time. Have you noticed that as you become more determined to work things out he grows more apathetic about you and your relationship?

Your relationship actually might be on the brink of total and utter catastrophic failure but with a little understanding and patience it is actually quite easy to get him to change his mind about your breakup and want to be with you again. Without a desire on his part and in his heart to mend the relationship you really are dealing with a person that is just about as stubborn as an old mule and perhaps even more childish than a 2 year old with his heels dug in as he refuses to even consider the possibility of getting back together.

The key to getting your ex to change his mind and getting him to desire you again, want you again and actually begin to pursue you instead of the other way around is in understanding how his heart work. As logical and task oriented as most guys are the only way to get your ex to come back to you is by appealing to his heart by using psychological techniques. In spite of what he might think or tell you, the love that he felt for you is still there just waiting to be uncovered and once you are able to get him to come to his own conclusion that he loves you the emotions will come flooding back to him again.

No amount of talking or therapy or logical conversations will make him feel the love that he needs to feel that will make his heart overrule his mind. But once he begins to feel that love that is waiting there for you, beckoning to you to set it free, the landslide of emotions will be overwhelming. He will not just fall in love with you again but the emotions of regret and sorrow for the pain that he has caused you by breaking up with you will be devastating to him and he will have little choice but to beg you for forgiveness and for a second chance.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

