My Ex Girlfriend Is Ignoring Me After Break Up — My Ex Girlfriend Is Ignoring Me and It Hurts

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 19, 2021
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Ever since you both broke up your girlfriend is ignoring you and does not respond to any contact made by you. She won’t answer your call or talk to you if you made an attempt. She could be ignoring you due to any number of reasons; you have to find out the cause. Here’s how you go about finding her reasons.

She still feels for you
If you are trying to get to her immediately after the break up, chances are she is still not over you and has feelings for you and that the reason she wants to remain away from you. She still cares for you and any contact with you makes it difficult for her to deal with the situation.

She is still in pain
She does not want to see you as she is not over the break up and is still suffering emotionally. She wants to spend time by herself to sort out her feelings and get hold of herself. Being with you is the last thing she wants now.

You came back too fast
Maybe you acted in haste and now want her back. You started pursuing her soon after and, sure, she still cares for you, but she now has an upper hand and is ignoring you. She knows that you are interested in her and is taking her own sweet time to respond.

She is mad at you
She is angry and hurt that you could do this to her. If you were really harsh and did not think about her feelings back then, chances of you winning her back are quite dim. Give enough time for her scars to heal before trying to reach her.

Get the message
She is really hurt by your conduct, and she does not want to see you again. The breakup has not been easy for her and she holds you responsible for it. If this is the message you get, it is better to stay away.

She is dating some one else
She is trying to get over you and is dating other guys. She is trying to give you the message that she does not see you in her life any more and has moved on. She does not want to dwell in the past too much and feels that life has better to offer in the future.

She is giving you silent treatment
Your ex girlfriend is taking revenge on you for treating her badly. She is ignoring you and giving you the silent treatment because she wants you to suffer and feel as miserable as her.

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My ex girlfriend is ignoring me after break up: My ex girlfriend is ignoring me and it hurts.

If you were recently dumped by your girlfriend, that you must have so many questions running through your head. Without a specific plan to get her back you could be making a lot of mistakes. And you should be blowing your chances of ever getting her back.

If getting her back is your ultimate goal then you should read the rest of this article to get the low down on how to win her back.

First Things First

Before you start doing the typical reaction of most guys and thinking of pleading your way back, you have to think first. Many guys make the mistake of trying to get their ex back by buying new things or showering with expensive gifts. The truth of the matter is that this will just make you look more desperate and needy. So if you are guilty of send her flowers, perfumes or expensive, pricey gift, you need to stop immediately. Does this make sense to you? Probably not, but you should just ease up for now and stop this type of behavior.

Cut Off All Contact

What you should be doing is cutting off all contact. Yes, this means all contact. No email, no text, no drunk calling. She dumped you for her reasons and you should respect that. Give her the space and time to think things over and don’t crowd her. This will make her second guess the decision if you are not always “around”.

By giving her time, you can give yourself some time to think over the relationship as well. Remember it takes two to tango and you played a part in the relationship too. If you messed up and caused the relationship to fail then now is the time to consider why you did what you did. Take a good deep look at yourself and figure out what you need to change for the better.

Are you an angry type with a short fuse? Perhaps you have no patience when it comes to what you want. You should consider examining your inner demons and how you can put a lid on your toxic side. There are many ways to put your energies into something more productive.

Trust Issues

Do you have trust issues with your ex girlfriend? Maybe you had underlying feelings of mistrust of her and always wanted to know who and what she was doing. You need to look within and see if you are the jealous type and get insecure with any male figure in your ex’s life. This can be a self-esteem issue that can only be fixed with increasing your own self confidence.

On the other hand, did you cheat on your ex? If you did, then you need to learn why you did it. Was there something lacking from the relationship that you didn’t get from your ex? This will help heal a few things and help you work through this breakup to rectify it or move forward.

The Truth

The truth of the fact is that the breakup is real and whatever the reasons were, you will have to do some soul searching and some work to fix this situation. Buying gifts or simply saying sorry won’t cut it. Women are complicated and it is no easy fix. So take the time and learn the best methods to getting your ex back, no matter how bad the breakup was.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

