My Ex Is Being Mean To Me — How To Make Your Ex Stop Treating You Badly

Kelly Lacey
8 min readAug 21, 2021


Photo by KELLY SCOTT on Unsplash

Is your ex ignoring you? If he/she is, then you need to do something about it now, before they leave you forever! Read on to find out the 3 steps which will literally make your ex think about you all the time…

Step #1: Give the silent treatment

The first step to making your ex want to talk to you again, is to return the silent treatment. Every human being HATES the silent treatment, because you NEVER know what the other person is thinking or feeling.

That mystery drives anyone nuts and they also feel extremely challenged trying to figure out “what is wrong”, within a short amount of time. Not only this, but any time someone gives you the silent treatment, you automatically psychologically assume that you must have done something wrong.

Thus, when you give your ex the silent treatment, they will immediately notice you aren’t calling anymore, and will think they have done something wrong. Then, without realizing it, your ex will subconsciously seek your attention again, because they will want to know why you are suddenly ignoring them…

Step #2: Play hard to get

So the longer you use the silent treatment, the quicker your ex will actually respond. In fact, within about 14 days MAX, your ex will be contacting you again, because his/her curiosity will be so overwhelmed that they just won’t be able to stay silent and ignore you anymore!

BUT, when he/she does call you back, get a bit sneaky and play hard to get. Don’t answer right away, and don’t immediately desperately start blabbing on about how much you missed them or want them back etc…

Instead, tell your ex you have been doing a lot of things lately, and that you are busy. Then hang up. This will drive your ex nuts, furthermore not knowing what is going on in your life, because your ex literally expected to always find you predictable.

Step #3: Give your ex the impression that you have moved on

This step may be a bit tricky for you, because you will literally have to act as if you have moved on. You can try dating someone again, or you can simply just suggest to your ex that you are dating again.

You can also give your ex the impression you have moved on by pretending you no longer care about him/her anymore, and simply talk about your future plans WITHOUT your ex involved in them.

This will make your ex feel rejected and completely outcast, which in turn will make them think about you literally all the time. When combined with all 3 tips, your ex will literally be constantly thinking about you and will not be able to ignore you after this, because you will have successfully challenged your ex’s emotional and mental side.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

My ex is being mean to me: How to make your ex stop treating you badly.

If you have been making yourself feel sadder and more alone by singing Adele’s latest song, you may want to consider another approach. If you are missing your ex and wondering how you could possibly win him or her back or what you have tried so far has failed, discover how to get your ex back in this article.

If you find that you are still in love with your ex and may be despondent because you feel that your ex no longer feels the same way, you may want to reconsider that. While it may be certainly true that they may no longer have any deep feelings for you, it may also be possible that your ex still harbors some feelings for you that they do not know what to do with or how to reach out to you.

Your ex may regret the breakup as much as you do but may let pride, fear, etc, get in the way of reaching out to you especially if your ex was the dumpee. Pride and not wanting to make a fool of oneself in case you get rejected is a common reason that many lose the person they love for good.

Some people may even feel that the breakup happened for a good reason and that they should leave the past in the past. Depending on the reason for the breakup this may be true e.g. if the ex was abusive, a cheater, a liar, etc. Many other breakups however, do not have to be permanent especially if there are genuine feelings involved.

So if you find yourself still in love with your ex and want to know how to get your ex back, the first step is not to let pride and fear get in the way of getting back together. Remember that nothing ventured, nothing gained.

It is normal to be afraid to make the first move but you have to move beyond the fear no matter what the outcome. You do not want to look back in regret at what you could have done or said to your ex. Do you really want pride and fear to control your actions?

If you feel that your ex is the man for you or the woman for you, being afraid that they will reject you when you try to get your ex back is pointless. Standing in you own way of happiness is a waste of time and a waste of your life. While there is no guarantee if you reach out to your ex that you will get him or her back in your life, you will definitely know that you gave it your best shot and will have no regrets.

If on the other hand you give into the fear and do not try to get your ex back, you may run into them 15, 20 years from now and you ex may admit that he or she never stopped carrying a torch for you and wanted you back all this time. They may say that they never found someone quite like you. You would probably kick yourself at the wasted opportunity. You may ask, well why didn’t your ex make the first move? It is a valid question but at the end of the day you are responsible for your own actions and creating your own happiness. You cannot go through life waiting for someone else to take the initiative.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

Do you know the reason why the love of your life is leaving you? Why is your sweet love now avoiding you more than before? What went wrong? If you would like to know how to win back the one you love fast by ignoring the dangerous advice of your friends and build a happy and successful relationship after your breakup, then read on to learn.

First you must not be clingy as this is the best way to sabotage yourself from winning back the one you love and you must NOT do it… even though… it’s the one thing you want to do now.

You must remain calm in order to deal with the situation to that led to the breakup to the best of your ability. Knowing what to do when faced with a breakup will help you to get your bearings and handle it with a minimal amount of mistakes. You need a clear head to fashion out the best plan to win back the one you love.

You need to have a plan. To successfully win back the one you love, you need to have a good game plan. Develop a reliable making up or reconciliation plan that you can put into place during a breakup. Include ways to deal with potential relationship conflicts as they arise. For instance, make a plan for how to deal with any unplanned expenses that may lead to conflict. Or, take some time to discuss with your partner not to use abusive speeches when angry.

Spend some time with your friends and family members to help douse the emotional stress you are currently going through now. This is will help in the making up process. You will discover winning back the one you love will become a lot easier if you take the time to get reconnect with friends and enjoy yourself. As well as making you free from depression and other negative tendencies, the one you love will get to hear that you are fun to be with and this will increase a renewed interest in you.

If you are the type that always insists on getting your way or constantly checks up on the whereabouts of the one you love or accuses your ex of flirting with others when there is no basis for doing so, you must make a major character change in order to win back the one you love. You must destroy every negative character from your life.

Speak truthfully about your desire to make amends and build the relationship to a more stable one. Acquire new relationship building techniques that will help reignite the passion in the relationship. This is one sure fire way to win back the one you love.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

