My Ex Keeps Coming To My House — My Ex Popped Up At My House

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 23, 2021


Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Do you want to know if your ex still loves and cares for you? There are specific things that people do in order to tell their ex they still have feelings — maybe you should key onto some of these signs to make sure you are not missing anything!

Are you searching for signs that your Ex still cares for you? Here are some signs:

Your Ex Contacts you All the Time
Does your ex call you on a regular basis? Do they apologize for the break-up all the time, and always call to make sure you are alright? There are some things that you need to notice. A lot of people tend to overlook this fact, and their self-esteem is so low that they believe that their ex is simply just trying to make them feel better.

Your ex might make every excuse under the sun to visit you at home, just to be able to see you, even for a minute or two. Of course, the one thing that will almost guarantee that your ex still loves you is when you hear certain things from your mutual friends.

Believe it or not, your ex could be regretting the break-up and wondering if it’s too late. You should definitely be aware of this sign because it can be the thing that gets the relationship back together!

You See your Ex in Places when you Go Out
There are probably times that you see your ex in places where you are. This may be coincidence if it happens once, but if you notice a little trend — it could be happening on purpose. Maybe your ex is trying to predict when and where they can see you again.

For example, if you go to the mall every single Wednesday — they could be putting themselves in the position to go to the mall that Wednesday “without noticing”. Or they could go to a variety of stores that you visit, on a regular basis. You just never know.

Ex Wants to Know if You’re Seeing Other People
When you come in scarce contact with your ex, they probably want to know if you are seeing other people. This is a tell-tell sign that your ex probably wants you back because they do not want to imagine you with somebody else.

They realized how valuable you were in their life, and want to hold on to you for as long as possible. This is an important sign that can give away if your ex still has feelings for you.

There are also tons of signs that your ex still feels for you, these are not the only ones — there are thousands of signs, and there are thousands of techniques that you can literally do to help repair your relationship!

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

My ex keeps coming to my house: My ex popped up at my house.

Your partner has broken up with you. You may feel almost desperate to get your ex back. But before you go jumping into the deep end of the pool you should look before you leap. At least think about this piece of advice if you hope to have a long lasting relationship with them.

Now that you are officially broken up it might be very tempting to do just about anything to get them back. Emotions are running high and it just hurts to be without them. This is also a very emotional time for your ex and there is always a chance that at some point they might have second thoughts and decide that they may have made a mistake by breaking up with you. It is advisable to proceed with caution now because you might find that it actually benefits you to make your ex sweat it out a little bit.

Sometimes an ex’s mind can change right back again and it can be awful tempting to jump the gun and allow them back into your life too easily. Soon you will find yourself on quite a ride as your ex changes their mind back and forth trying to decide if they want you or not. This can be very devastating to you emotionally and is commonly referred to as the Yo-Yo Effect as you are jerked back and forth in your relationship. The bigger problem with this scenario is that the next time your ex might not be so tempted to come running back to you when they begin to have a change of heart.

This is why it is important to keep your distance and not immediately allow your ex back into your life quite as easily as you might be tempted to right now. As much as you dream of holding them in your arms (in addition to other pastimes) take 2 minutes to think things over before welcoming them back with open arms. It is necessary for your own mental health and for the future of your relationship to proceed slowly and carefully.

The good news is that having this leverage in the relationship will allow you to solidify your partner’s devotion to you. This technique is often suggested by many relationship gurus to create a more solid bond between you and your ex as your ex does everything possible to finally get back together with you. It is almost as if the tables are turned and an ex that was so bound and determined to end a relationship suddenly begins to pursue the relationship that they previously wanted to be rid of.

It is almost like an invisible game of tug of war as the dynamics of your relationship change. Once you don’t appear to be pulling for the relationship your ex will naturally and almost uncontrollably begin to do everything that they can to get back together with you. This is the naturally way in which people react in such cases and it can be a powerful tool to help rebuild a relationship.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

