My Ex Wants Me To Beg Him Back — Should I Beg Him To Take Me Back

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 20, 2021


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

You’re not about to accept the break up as is. You want him back and you’ll try anything to get him to take you back. Be careful however as you’re stepping on thin grounds. Here I’ll show you some common pitfalls to watch out for and the secret way to get him to beg you to take him back.

Common pitfalls:

Don’t appear desperate or needy. It wouldn’t make sense for him to come back if you’re the one acting clingy and begging HIM back. So this is the first thing to make sure to avoid. If you want him to beg you to take him back, you’ll have to be the one who is better off than he is in the relationship. The less you need him, the easier it will be to have him want you.

Don’t do things just to make him happy. If you give him the impression you’ll do anything he asks, there’d be no need for him to want anything more out of you. You need to play a little hard-to-get. Not go so far as to completely ignore him or play stupid games, but just put your foot down on certain matters that mean something to you. Being confident in yourself is a big key factor to get him to want you back.

How to get him to beg you to take him back:

To understand this, you’ll need to understand how human nature works. People usually want what they don’t have, but more important what makes them want to be with someone else is when that person possesses the things they want for themselves.

What this means is you take what he wants most out of life, or what he wants to become and make sure that YOU are the only who HAS it. Once he sees this, he won’t be able to help but want YOU because you hold the thing he most wants. Understand?

You can see examples of this everywhere, in celebrities, heroes and idols and other great figures in history. People admired them or respected them because they had something the majority of us wanted but couldn’t obtain (wealth, beauty, status etc).

You will need to tap into what he wants most and make sure those are the buttons you’re pushing. Of course this sounds a bit manipulative, and it is if all you’re doing is holding up a facade. The problem with this is it’s usually short-lived and once the masks come down, he’ll be running away again.

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My ex wants me to beg him back: Should I beg him to take me back.

Are you asking yourself “How can I get my ex boyfriend back?” Has this breakup been really rough on you and at times you wonder if you will ever feel his loving embrace again or hear the words “I love you” come from his lips again? Would you do just about anything to turn back the hands of time so you could do things over again? The truth is that there is a very good chance that this breakup isn’t your fault. There could be underlying causes that you just aren’t aware of that could be easily remedied and before you do try to get your ex back you should visit these possibly scary truths.

Another Woman — You might think that your boyfriend would never cheat on you and I’m not saying that he has or would. But another woman is often at the root of many breakups and even if nothing has happened between the other woman and your man her influence might be the root cause of your breakup.

Often another woman will set her sights on a man that is already taken and try to seduce him. After all, your man makes you happy and another woman might be jealous and wish to have that happiness herself. So she will fill his mind with doubts and tell him that she would treat him better. All it takes is one little argument or a look of boredom from your man and another woman will often set to poisoning your man’s mind against you. This is how many marriages are broken up and many men are seduced away from a good life with a wife, home and children so don’t think that it couldn’t happen to you.

His Family — If your boyfriend is very close to his family or his mother in particular, it could be that they have tried to turn him against you. Often a mother will find fault in her son’s girlfriend because nobody is ever going to be good enough for her little boy. She might ask him to confide in her and support him and begin to plant doubts in his mind about you. The degree with which many mothers mess in their son’s relationships can often be startling.

This is dangerous ground here and, in the end, even if you do manage to get your ex boyfriend back you are still going to have to deal with his family and his mother in particular. Things might be awkward at first but if you do a good job of getting him back his mother will fall into line once she realizes that her plan didn’t work. Often his mother will actually cozy up to you even more than before and this is a good sign. She will feel that she is helping you to be a better partner for her little boy.

His Friends — While his friends may have seemed like your friends when the two of you were together it could be that one of his friends has turned against you. Maybe you made a snide remark at some point without really meaning it or thinking twice about it. Or maybe his friends are jealous of the time that he spends with you instead of with them.

Winning over his friends is often the easiest thing to do once you get him back. After all, friends come and friends go and once you are back together you can even pull the offended friend aside and make peace with them. You can also leave it up to your boyfriend to deal with this stuff. Often a statement made that you are back together and anyone that doesn’t like it doesn’t have to be a part of his life is usually good enough and respected enough by all to smooth any hurt feelings so the two of you can move on with your lives.

But what is the answer to the question “how can I get my ex boyfriend back?” Well, once you know what you’re up against you are more prepared to come up with an effective plan. Knowing what the root cause is and being prepared are necessary steps but being able to cut him away from the people that have turned him against you emotionally is key. Knowing what to do to make him motivated emotionally to come back to you is often the most powerful and effective way to get him back. His emotions will help him to see the truth and trust you again so you can connect with him and get him to fall in love with you again.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

