Should I Wish My Ex Happy Birthday If I Want Him Back — Should I Call My Ex Boyfriend On His Birthday

Kelly Lacey
7 min readAug 21, 2021


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

So you have an ex but you’re not sure what you should get him for his birthday or whatever the occasion. You want it to be something he’ll use and not just throw away. This is especially useful when you want him back and want him to think about you each time he sees or uses the gift.

Gift Cards

Gift cards are out of the question. It might be the easiest cop out ever. If you give him a gift card he will see right through you being nice. Plus, after he uses it he won’t have something constantly reminding him of you. One more thing, what if you got him a gift card to a restaurant and he used it to take another girl out! So, steer clear of gift cards, unless you like giving horrible gifts.

Stuffed Animals

Once again, don’t do this. You might like them and cherish them, maybe even have a collection of them, but he doesn’t. He might think it’s nice but come on, what guy wants a stuffed animal reminding them of their ex? Not this guy. And I mean what guy wants some cute little stuffed animal from his ex that his friends will make fun of him for having?

What he needs, and you want

He needs something he’ll use day to day. Something he won’t just throw away. And that’s the gift you want to give him. This gift can be anything he’ll use. The important thing is that he uses it, and doesn’t feel like he has to store it away somewhere. Even better, get him something that he wants to use…

Good Ideas

* A t-shirt — it has to be one that he’ll like to wear though. (no flowers, duh)

* A knife — guys love blades, not sure why, but we do. Personally I can never have too many.

* Video game — you hated when he ignored you for them, now every time he sits down to play it he’ll think of you (subconsciously at least)

* Something for his car/bike — is he going somewhere? no without thinking of you

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Should I wish my ex happy birthday if I want him back: Should I call my ex boyfriend on his birthday.

You did not come across this article on how to get your ex boyfriend back by accident. You have probably been searching for this kind of information for a while because you want him back and do not know how to go about it. If you need to convince your man to take you back, discover a few of the secrets to get your ex boyfriend back and never leave you again.

Although he left you or you left him, you may have come to the realization that you do not want to lose him and desperately want him back and are becoming frustrated with your fruitless attempts to win him back. You know that he is the one for you and due to your failed attempts, you are now looking for effective ways that will show you how to get your ex boyfriend back.

One of the first secrets on how to get your ex boyfriend back involve getting clear on why you want him back. Are you simply scared of being alone and are trying to get him back because of this fear? If this is so, he will never be able to fulfill your needs because no one can. If you are simply afraid of being alone, face this fear first.

Did you do something to cause the breakup? Be honest with yourself. If you were the cause, the first thing that you need to do is apologize to him with no expectations on your part. You do not want him to feel that you are only apologizing just to get him back. You need to be sincere and convey how truly sorry you are for any hurt that you caused him. You then want to take some time to determine why you caused the breakup and what you need to do to mend your ways and become better.

If he decided to breakup with you, in order to get your ex boyfriend back, you need to determine if you think there is still something left between the two of you upon which a reconciliation can be built upon. Did he cheat? If he truly apologized to you would you forgive him and let the hurt and bitterness go without reminding him how much he hurt you?

Holding on to past hurts will only hurt you because you will never be able to trust him or another man again. You will always be suspicious and resentful which is not good for you or for him. Being this way will steal your joy and happiness.

As you try to determine how to get your ex boyfriend back, you need to ask yourself if he broke up with you, if you think he did this because he got cold feet. Is he scared because of the level of commitment that is required of him in the relationship? Does he still want to play the field instead of being with you? Determining what his motives were in dumping you will help you determine if you will be able to get your ex boyfriend back.

Before looking for secrets on how to get your ex boyfriend back, you also need to consider whether your man is the one for you and not get caught up in your emotions or your obsession with being with him. How did he treat you while you were still together? Was it with love and respect or not? Did you meet his friends? Did he show you his apartment or house which may be funny however there are many women who have no idea where their boyfriend lives and have never been because he always has some excuse or other. Have you met his family especially his mother. If he is not serious about you, he will have no desire to do any of the aforementioned things and you need to let him go because you deserve better. You deserve a man who will cherish you and be proud to show you off.

Another secret on how to get your ex boyfriend is to determine whether you can see the breakup from your ex boyfriend’s perspective. Can you honestly see why he would want to get back with you or why he wouldn’t? Talk to him in a non threatening way and environment to hear what he has to say about the breakup. If you are not ready for him to be honest with you which may include many hurtful observations, you need to get ready if you ever hope to get your ex boyfriend back.

Do not get defensive or angry. Simply listen and see things from his perspective and hopefully he will be willing to see things from your perspective if he does not feel defensive or uncomfortable. Respect him and he will respect you and not say hurtful things just to hurt you.

You both need to be very honest with each other about your expectations in the relationship. If he cannot meet your needs and expectations, you do not need to give in to his needs just to have him back otherwise you will be facing another hurtful breakup very soon. If he cannot give you what you seek, someone else will and vice versa if you cannot meet his needs in the relationship if you were ever to get back together.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

