Signs My Ex Boyfriend Still Has Feelings For Me — How To Know If My Ex Boyfriend Still Has Feelings For Me

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 20, 2021


Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

Loving a man you are no longer with is never easy. Unfortunately, sometimes in relationships both partners aren’t in agreement for what they want. If your boyfriend has told you it’s over, but you still love him, you’re stuck in a very difficult place emotionally. Your mind is bound to play tricks on you and you may believe that your ex is giving off signals that he still cares just because you don’t want to face the fact that it’s really over. If you’re confused about what he’s truly feeling for you, there are some signs your ex boyfriend still loves you that will help you determine exactly what’s going on in his heart.

After a relationship has ended, you may find out that your ex-boyfriend still loves you. This actually happens quite a lot, but what happens next is up to you. While your ex may love you, the question becomes whether or not you love him. Here are some signs that indicate that he may still be in love with you and aiming to get back together.


You can always pay attention to his emotions to see if he is still in love. In honesty, any type of emotion will do. No matter what he projects in your direction will indicate that he loves you and may want to give a relationship another try. If there are no emotions, then he is ready to move on with his life.

Staying in Contact

A lot of couples say they still want to be friends when the romantic side of the relationship is over. However, this can be easier said than done. On the other hand, if you and your ex-boyfriend do keep in contact with each other, then this is a sign that the two of you still have at least some feelings for each other. If you have some contact, it is likely that you are seeing each other through mutual friends or part of a group. If you find that you are drifting toward each other even while in a group, it may be worth taking a chance on getting back together.


Sometimes you may find that an ex-boyfriend is trying to constantly one up you by telling you how great he is doing since the breakup such as he has a new job or a new love interest. However, this is usually a sign that he is just trying to convince himself that he has moved past the relationship. In reality, he will still have feelings for you.

Push and Pull

You may be confused if your ex-boyfriend seems to push you away only to try and pull you closer in the next few days. This can actually mean that he doesn’t know if he wants to get back together or not. This can actually be a good sign as well since men will give into their hearts a lot and come back to you.


If your ex-boyfriend asks mutual friends about what you are up to, this is also a good sign that he still has feelings for you. He may even seek you out and ask what you are doing himself. If he had moved on, he really wouldn’t want to know what you are doing with your life and if you are dating anyone new. However, if you find that he is asking questions, you may want to consider rekindling the relationship if you still have feelings for him as well.

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Signs my ex boyfriend still has feelings for me: How to know if my ex boyfriend still has feelings for me.

Ever thought that your life will be so hard after breaking up with him?

That even the sound of his name will be so painful to hear?

My best guess is you had no idea. And if you are looking for signs that your ex still loves you, probably you secretly wish to rescue your relationship.

I know, in those moments when you fought and broke up it felt like enough is enough. Like is the only possible way out. But i also know that looking back now, there are many things you wish you have done different. Maybe you should not have said some of the things that hurt him so much, maybe the reason it all started is not so serious as you thought back then. Now you understand things different, but is too late. Your are lonely, your heart is broken, and cannot get him out of your mind and go on with your life.

Actually is not to late to rescue your relationships. Caught in the storm of our own feelings, we sometimes forget that the other one has feelings too. If you have regrets, and heartaches, and miss him dearly, most chances are he feels the same. No matter how strong or unaffected he seems to you, this only a mask. We all are very good at pretending and hiding our feelings, especially when we are hurt. The more effort he puts in pretending detached or unaffected, the more chances are he is as wounded as you are. Those are the best signs your ex still loves you.

If your relationships was meaningful to you, you can be sure it was the same for him. After all he was part of it, and his life was changed dramatically also when you broke up. He also lost something, and that is hard to overcome, no matter who we are. This is how we, humans, are built. One thing you can be sure of is that he also ask himself sometimes, in the night: “she still loves me?”…”what if i have done something different?…” Exactly like you do. Is a fact of life. But still, none of you will be the first to say or do something about that.

This is why i am saying that you can still rescue your relationship. Because it is possible. Even more,it is the best thing you can do right now, and the most recommended. First of all, because is a shame to let all this love wasted. You still have so much to give and to improve in this relationship, there are so many things you two can share together that is worth the effort to step over your pride. If you only knew how to do it right. Instead of just another two broken hearts out there, you can be again a couple. A happy couple.

And secondly, you do not want to spend the rest of your life wondering: “what if…”

Is a heavy burden to live with, i know that from my own experience. And it takes an eternity to heal. Is also a fact of life. My best advice is try to rescue your relationship, and save yourself further pain and heartache. At this point you have nothing more to lose, but a world to gain.

You do not need more signs that your ex still loves you beside your own feelings. And the courage to go and bring him back to you.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

