Slept With My Ex and Regret It — Slept With My Ex What Does It Mean

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 20, 2021


Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

While it is certainly easy to fall prey to sex with your ex — they are comfortable and familiar, and you really want to get them back — but this is perhaps the least effective way to get your ex back there is. The idea behind wanting to get him or her back is that you want to rebuild a complete relationship with them that is both intimate and more than that.

You may think that sex with your ex is a great way to get your ex back. You may have feelings relating to sex that make you think that if he or she is willing to be intimate with you, there must be some feelings there. Believing this is setting yourself up for heartbreak and leaving yourself open to losing self-respect. There is a high likelihood that to your ex, it was just sex — not emotional connection, a physical connection and nothing more.

This could put you squarely in that dreaded “friends with benefits” category, which is the last kind of relationship you want with your ex. But by having sex with your ex, without the “strings” of a relationship, you are giving the impression that this type of relationship is all right with you, and it isn’t, you want a real relationship with a deep connection.

Relationships must be built upon more than intimacy, and likely you know this. But by having sex with your ex, you are jumping the gun by putting the intimacy before the friendship and foundation that a long lasting relationship will stand upon. Sex with your ex is a bad mistake and it only hurts to injure your heart and your pride.

After a breakup, you are heartbroken, and when you want to get your ex back, you are desperate and willing to try anything possible to get him or her back. While it isn’t easy to get them back, it is possible, but there are things you’ll want to avoid. And one of those is sex with your ex. By doing this, you will destroy the ability to do what you really need, which is to start a relationship on the basis of friendship and move on from there. Do not lose your self-respect or ruin your chances of reconciliation by having sex with your ex.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

Slept with my ex and regret it: Slept with my ex what does it mean.

Are you flip flopping over whether you think you really have a chance of ever getting your ex back? Are there times when you feel supremely confident that you can get him back? And then often moments later you can feel the bottom fall out of your stomach as you worry that you will never be able to get him back? The emotional roller coaster can be devastating to you emotionally, physically and also to your very chance of ever getting your man back. So if it really is your desire to get him back and have him fall madly and most passionately in love with you all over again so you can feel his warmth and his love then it is time to start doing the right things and forget about doing those things that are hurting your chances of getting him back.

Do You Have a Chance? — But first… if you really do wonder if you have a chance of ever getting him back you should know that in spite of the fact that your ex might be acting like he doesn’t even have a heart at times the truth is that he really does still love you. The problem is that your relationship turned into a big ole train wreck before the breakup and probably even after the breakup.

Did you spend a lot of time trying to convince him not to break up with you? Did you ever cry or beg him to reconsider? Did you try appealing to his heart and tell him that you loved him? Did you try being nice to him or even agreeing to be friends in hopes of winning him over? Did you try talking through the problems that he said were the reason why he was breaking up with you and agree to change or make rules to try to overcome his objections? If you did any of these things you were hurting your chances of getting him back. That’s the bad news. The good news is that you can overcome all that bad stuff and still get him to feel the love that you once shared if you know what to do.

Force Him to Fall For You — While it may seem underhanded and manipulative, it is absolutely possible to get him to change his mind and want to come back to you. It is possible to force him to feel that love and passion that you once shared and have him come literally running back to you… forgetting the past and just wanting to be with you. It is possible to open his heart and make him feel that he is making a huge mistake and every moment apart from you will become the torture for him that it has been for you since your breakup.

The secret is in using male psychology to change his mind and motivate him to come, often times crawling, back to you. You see, men think differently than women and they feel emotions quite differently. This is why it might be difficult for you to understand what you need to do to get him back. You are thinking with a woman’s mind of what might cause you to change your mind or how someone might be able to manipulate you emotionally to feel something again. Unfortunately, men don’t work the same way… they’re simply not wire the same so what works for you will backfire and definitely not work to help you to get your man back.

The really great part of using male psychology to help to motivate your ex and cause him to want you back is that this stuff is very much hands off. You’re not going to be spending any time trying to convince him of anything. He is going to come to the conclusion all on his own that you are the woman that he needs to be with and chances are he won’t know what hit him. And even if he does suspect that you are up to something or trying to manipulate him and his emotions he is helpless to do much about it. That is exactly how powerful male psychology is and how it can turn a guy that is a serious “don’t wanter” into a sniveling pathetic little man that would do anything to get you back. That is the power of psychology.

As a warning though… these methods really should only be used if you are truly in love with your ex and you want to get him back because you wish to pursue a meaningful relationship. Using male psychology or any psychological tricks to get him back if you are only planning on breaking his heart would just be wrong. If you don’t want him then just let him live his life. But if you do want to get him back and you really do crave his love and the passion that you once shared there really is no better way to motivate your man emotionally to come back to you than using male psychology.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

