Still In Love With My Ex After 10 Years — Getting Back Together With Your Ex After 10 Years

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 24, 2021

If you find yourself saying, “I’m still in love with my ex” and yet you have this feeling that you ex does not feel the same way, then that surely is a difficult situation. To begin with, you can’t really be sure that your ex is no longer in love with you. Your ex may tell you that he or she doesn’t love you at all, but there are also chances that he or she still has feelings for you. Couples who still love each other still end up apart for one reason or another.

If you can truthfully say that you are still in love with your ex, there’s a slight chance that your ex feels the same way too. However, it does not mean that getting back together will be easy. There’s a reason why you broke up. Even if it was your ex who initiated the break up, you should seriously consider what the reason is behind the break up. It is never easy, right after a break-up, because there is too much pain, but in due time, you might probably realize that breaking up was the best thing that could happen for both of you.

If it was a mutual decision to end the relationship and suddenly now it’s hard for you to accept this fact, because you keep thinking, “I’m still in love with my ex”, then you really need to do some serious reflecting. What caused the break up? Why did you allow it to happen? Was it a big mistake? Yes, there’s a possibility that the break up was just a mistake. But think again. Now that you’ve broken up, is it better to love your ex from a distance rather than go through a romance that is full of pain and grief?

There’s still the possibility that you’re still in love with your ex and he or she wants to get back with you. This can make you feel that there is a big chance that you two could work things out the second time around. Do not be deceived, however, that things will be easier. The reasons why you broke up still exist. Think hard, if getting back together will change everything. Perhaps things will be good again on the first few days of getting back together, because you both are just happy to be in each other’s arms again. But what happens after the excitement is over?

If you ended the relationship and still hear yourself thinking, “I’m still in love with my ex”, you may be so excited if you suddenly find out from your ex that he wants to give getting back together another try. Sure, it will be like a honeymoon stage for both of you, just like when you were still a new couple. There will be a feeling that you were able to save the relationship and prevented a big mistake. Eventually, the happy honeymoon phase will wear off. What will you do if that happens?

What are you going to do to avoid problems which may cause the break up to happen again? So if you hear that small voice saying, “I’m still in love with my ex”, work on saving the relationship and keeping it. A good idea would be to go for couples counseling in order to face the real issues in your relationship and stop another break up from happening.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

Still in love with my ex after 10 years: Getting back together with your ex after 10 years.

We all had relationships that we did not want to end. A breakup is the last thing one would want to go through. But, there are times when nothing goes as planned and everything you expected out of the relationship didn’t work out.

A breakup can be a very nasty situation especially if you didn’t want it to occur. But you see there are no impossible situations and you can easily get your ex back if you follow the right steps.

If you are in a situation right now that you need your ex to fall back in love with you again, here are four ways to do it.

Old to New…Change is the name of the game…

You cannot go back to ex your and ask them to love the exact same person that t hey fell out of love with. You have to offer something new that they can fall for. The same person that you were able to get to fall in love with you may not be the same person now.

Check out and see what you need to change in order for your ex to fall in love with you again.

One of the easiest ways to do this, is to consult your family and friends and ask them where they think you should improve the most.

Apologize and mean it! It’s important to see everything from your ex’s point of view…

Most of the time, relationships end when someone refuses to do something the other one really wants them to do. If you are in a position that you want your ex back to fall for you again, then whatever you did wrong, apologize and show them that you really mean it.

Saying sorry is not enough at this point. Actions speak louder than words so do something that will show you are really sorry.

You can show you are sorry by getting as many self improvement resources as you can, and applying them to your life. This will show your ex that you are not playing around, and that you are really someone they would want to take back.

Get the cavalry to help you out…

Your ex might not believe anything that you will say or do, so get people that they would believe. Look for their trusted friends and get their vote on you and your ex’s reconciliation. Your ex might not believe you but if their closest friends start talking about you changing for the better they might just take a look and that will be your opening.

Give them what they want…

Sometimes they will tell you that they need time on their own or they just need some space to sort things out. Most people will say this is just a ploy to get rid of you, but sometimes it is exactly what you just need to get them back.

So if they ask for it, give it to them. But do not stay away for some time, keep yourself updated so you will not fade away.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

