Why Is My Ex So Angry When He Broke Up With Me — Why Is My Ex So Angry When He Left Me

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 23, 2021


After a relationship break up, it’s possible there may be some signs your ex boyfriend wants you back. It’s not uncommon for relationships to end for the wrong reasons, and this creates a lot of confusion for the person feeling the most hurt.

In such a state of hurt and confusion, we may find ourselves looking for signals that give us a small ray of hope that the the relationship can be rekindled. It’s important not to cling desperately to a lost cause, but if you feel you are receiving signals that your ex boyfriend wants you back, there are some things you have to consider very carefully.

It’s sad but true that there are some men who only want to keep you on their radar so they can get what they want from you whenever they need it. Having said that, not all men are the same, so you have to distinguish if the signals you’re getting means your ex wants you back for the right reasons, or not.

When you’re still in love with your ex it’s so easy to read every sign as being a positive one when in fact it’s not. At this point you will have to try and put your feelings on hold so that you’re better equipped to spot the signs that mean your ex really does want a chance to start over again.

Signs Your Ex boyfriend Wants You Back:

Your ex still attempts to call you-

If your ex has tried time and again to call you on the phone or cell it will tell you that you have not been forgotten. Your ex wants to make up with you. May be your ex wants to apologize for hurting you or making you angry. Your ex is finding ways to cajole and coax you into forgiving them, because your ex still loves you.

Your ex keeps asking you for a date-

Has your ex made attempts to ask you on a date in spite of the break up? Well that is a sure sign that your ex still loves you and is seeking a way to reach out to you. He or she has found this a way to be in touch with you by being near you. If you too love your ex then this is a sure sign to accept the date and allow things to continue as they were before.

Your ex has been sending you messages-

Your ex has been making a number of attempts to get in touch with you with the number of messages that he or she is sending you. All these messages are no doubt from a person who still loves you. Your ex is keen to reunite with you and is availing every opportunity possible to rebuild the relationship. May be they’re not sure if you will answer their call, hence the messages.

Only if a person is still in love will he or she try to contact the person they love.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Ex Back Secrets

Why is my ex so angry when he broke up with me: Why is my ex so angry when he left me.

There are definitely actions that if you do them can push your ex boyfriend further away. Unfortunately after a breakup, a lot of people still in love with their ex boyfriend will do these wrongs things to try to win him back. Fortunately there are also actions that if you do them will make your ex boyfriend fall for your again. If you are serious about knowing how to get your ex boyfriend back, here are some of these tips that are more helpful when you are fighting for your man and trying to get him back.

Can I Make Him Love Me Again?

Love is a great feeling and even better when the one you have cast your affection upon feels the same way about you. When you realize that you are still in love with your ex boyfriend after a breakup, it can be the worst feeling especially if you suspect and may have even been told by him that he does not feel the same way about you.

Unrequited love is the worst. How will you get your ex boyfriend back and get him to fall for you again? Many couples go through ups and downs and sometimes the love can grow cold. It is always possible for the embers of love that have grown cold to start smoldering again.

Avoid These In Order To Win Him Back

1. Confrontation

One of the first tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back is to ensure that you avoid being confrontational with him. You are hurting and your first instinct is to lash out at the one that you feel is hurting you. If he has fallen out of love with you, being confrontational will be the nail in the coffin for the relationship. Men hate confrontation and the more confrontational you are with him, the more he will feel justified in the way he feels about you so simmer down.

2. Narcissism

Love is really about going beyond ourselves and our natural self obsession to think of another person. The second tip on how to get your ex boyfriend back is to limit or avoid obsessing too much about what his lack of affection is doing to you. Do not make this issue all about you but instead make it about him. Let him know that his needs are very important to you and ensure that your actions match what you are saying to him.

If one of the reasons that led to the breakup is because he feels that you do not take his feelings and wants into consideration, taking a different approach and starting to make everything about him and not you will give him pause and he may start to feel differently about you.

3. Tackle The Issue

It is easy to avoid the issues that led to the breakup especially if they are hurtful to you or if they require you to make a change. If you want to get your ex boyfriend back, it is important to confront the problems in the relationship head on and do not be afraid to get his input on why his love grew cold and if there is a chance for rekindling the love.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

