Why Is My Ex So Cold and Distant — Why Is My Ex So Cold and Heartless

Kelly Lacey
6 min readAug 24, 2021


There can be many reasons why your ex is ignoring you after your break up but the most common reason is them feeling as if you are not getting the message and refusing to accept the fact that your relationship is over. Breaks ups are rarely final but how you conduct yourself post break up can ruin your chances to put your relationship back on track.

Regardless of the reason your ex gave you for the break up you must accept the break up and respect their decision if you wish to win your ex back in the future. More often than not a break up will see a bitter ex doing and saying things out of character that quickly destroy the chances of reuniting with their ex.

Why your ex is ignoring you after your break up? Do you refuse to accept the break, are constantly try to convince them to stay with your or doing your best to bombard them with calls, messages and emails in fear that you may lose contact with them?

The only way you can turn things around is to keep a hold of your emotions and respect your exs decision that they no longer want to be in a relationship with you. As difficult as that might sound, there is no reason that you can not get your ex back if you avoid making the silly common mistakes that will push them away forever.

If you find yourself in this situation, do not worry as there are some ways you can get your ex’s attention. If your ex is ignoring you after your break up, you can leave your ex a voicemail or send an SMS thanking him or her for what he or she did and that you would like to get together with them so you can thank them personally. Your ex will wonder what it was that he or she did, and then when they do meet up with you, use the opportunity to your advantage.

Another way to get your ex’s attention especially if your ex is ignoring you after your break up is to set a time and date so that either you can return his or her things or he or she can pick them up at your place. Always remember to use every opportunity that you get to speak with your ex that you use it wisely and to your advantage in your quest of getting your ex back.

If your ex is ignoring you after your break up, they probably need time and space. Give them the distance they need so that they’ll realize for themselves what they’re missing without you by their side. Let your ex feel what it’s like without you, but make sure that you keep your presence felt and that they know you’re still there.

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Why is my ex so cold and distant: Why is my ex so cold and heartless.

It’s a fact that no one in their right mind would ever want to experience the feeling of loneliness especially during holidays. The holiday season is one unique period that can prove to be quite a nightmare for those that are alone. This is one of the reasons as to why so many broken hearted people are in dire need of effective guidelines that will bring their ex boyfriend or girlfriend back in their lives.

Some of the things you need to put in mind as you think of how to get your ex back are:

1. In most cases, getting back with your former love flame is possible and there is no time that is too late for it to happen. Despite the time that has lapsed since you parted ways, there is still hope and possibilities of you mending and getting back into your former relationship.

2. The underlying causes that led to your breakup will greatly determine the best way to reconcile with your ex. For instance if you were unfaithful to your ex then this will pose a huge task for you in your reconciliation journey. It is hard to gain back the trust of those you betrayed. By breaking the trust your ex had in you, you made her/him go through so much emotional anguish and as a result they will naturally be hesitant to trust you again after what you did.

They trusted you wholly before and you broke this trust so what will be different this time round if they were to trust you again? That is what your ex is likely to question.

On the other hand if infidelity was not the reason for your split then you have a higher chance of reconciling with your ex; in this case the process will be smooth and much easier for both parties.

3. Giving your ex ample personal space is the best thing to do immediately after your break up.

This sounds a bit weird but you both need to have some breathing room for you to sit down and evaluate things. This action comes with a number of positive effects such as an undistracted time period to clear your thoughts and breathe. If your ex left you then it is only natural for you not to want to see them or talk to them as you may be quite emotional.

Another reason as to why it’s best to give some time apart is that communicating too soon after the split might cause drama, verbal abuse or usage of regrettable words and this might kill your chances of ever getting back again. Last but not the least, giving each other time is great as it gives you time to enjoy your personal hobbies and you also get to enjoy some more time. Take this time to complete some desired personal plans and fully focus on being a better person. By so doing, your ex will be highly impressed by the changes in you the next time you

4. You can’t read your ex’s mind and know what your ex thinks of you, but there is a possibility that they miss you as much as you miss them. There is also another possibility that your ex is hoping to get back together with you, and this is something that is pleasant for both of you.

Do not lose your dignity if they do not want to mend the relationship after all the reconciliation efforts you have put into effect. In this case, move on with your shoulders held up high. Causing unnecessary drama, teary scenes and obsolete threats will just add a pitiful image to your name. As long as you have tried your best to get back together, leave the scene with your dignity and confidence in check.

It is my sincere hope that you will identify the best way of getting back together with your ex. It is very important to keep in mind that all the actions you take in the reconciliation process as well as all the things you fail to do in the process matter significantly.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

