Will He Regret Breaking Up With Me — Will My Ex Boyfriend Ever Regret Leaving Me

Kelly Lacey
7 min readAug 23, 2021


Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Going through a split with the man you love is a heart wrenching experience. It can leave you feeling confused, sad and unsure of your future. Many women also feel a degree of panic imagining a future without the man they adore. If this sounds like your life at the moment, there’s something you can do to change the situation. Learning how to make your ex boyfriend regret breaking up with you can change the entire dynamic of the relationship and actually make him want you back. If you believe that he’s the guy for you, there are steps that you should be taking before it’s too late and he meets someone new.

Understanding how to make your ex boyfriend regret breaking up with you starts with recognizing the power in rejection. Rejection is a very difficult emotion for most of us to process. You feel a twinge of it when you’re younger and you’re the last one chosen during sports and it’s also there if you’re ever fired from a job. It’s a difficult emotion to shake. The only real way to cleanse yourself of it is to get back whatever rejected you. That’s the same reasoning that you need to be using when it comes to your ex boyfriend. Since he was the one who rejected you, you feel the undeniable urge to get him back. If you can shift that feeling over to him, he’ll feel the need to get you back. Doing this is actually quite simple but you have to be determined. You need to tell him that you’re fine with the break up. You can take it a step further and tell him that you were considering a split too. You must stay calm when you do this and you must walk away from him with a smile. If you can accomplish this, he’ll already be regretting the break up.

The next part of your plan to get him back seems obvious but it works. You have to spend the weeks after the break up improving who you are as a person. You have to transform yourself into the best version of you that can be. The key to doing this is to focus on the parts of yourself that you want to improve and then make it happen. This can range from improving your career status to becoming more involved in volunteer work. Do the things that make you happy and make you proud of who you are. Your confidence will shine through and when you see your ex again, he’ll be amazed at who you’ve become. He’ll see that you can actually thrive without him and it will remind him of the woman he initially fell in love with. Once this happens you’re on the brink of getting him to want you even more than he did before.

How fast do you think you can win back the one you love? If you could trigger the interest of you ex to desire you passionately again, will you do it? Click here to learn how to make the one you love to feel a burning desire to be back with you again. It is simply amazing!

Will he regret breaking up with me: Will my ex boyfriend ever regret leaving me.

Would you do anything to get your boyfriend back? Is there a hole where your heart used to be since he left and the pain in your chest is so real that you feel that the wound will never heal? You feel that you would do anything to get him back and you make deals with God if he would only bring him back to you.

What you are going through can be one of the most painful things in life but you should know that it is entirely possible for you to get him back without selling your soul. You really can reunite with your boyfriend without begging, pleading or promising him the world, even if it is your world that you wish to give to him. Every day couples get back together and overcome some seemingly impossible circumstance… and you can be one of those couples! All you have to do is play it cool for a little bit and have a little faith.

While traditional relationship advice might tell you that in order to get your ex back you need to sit down and go through all the issues in your relationship and resolve your differences, I’m here to tell you that this is wasted time. Your time could be better spent recreating that connection with your boyfriend and getting him to change his mind using other methods. After all, what is the sense in digging up old battles when these memories will only serve to further damage your relationship. There is also little chance of you getting your ex to sit down with an open mind to perform this emotional equivalent of elective brain surgery.

Signs Of Weakness — And if you think that you need to make a bunch of concessions or promises in order to get your boyfriend back I need to tell you that you need to pump the brakes here. By offering to change or making a bunch of promises to your ex you are lowering your value as a girlfriend and probably coming across as desperate. You actually might find that even if you did wind up getting him back under such circumstances that you would live to regret them once you begin to settle into your life together. You would be handing over much of the control in your relationship to your boyfriend and only further boosting his ego, which might not be such a great thing at this moment.

You see, every time you tell him that you love him or that you will wait forever for him or that you want him back or even when you contact him you are boosting his ego and lowering your own confidence and self worth. Every time you contact him these days you make him feel great and in his eyes your attention loses more and more value. His internal dialogue tells him silently that your attention hold little value because you want to communicate with someone that has hurt and rejected you. Do you understand? This is why you need to regain some of the control in your relationship before it ever moves forward.

Want To Be In Control For A While? — It might seem like an impossibility at the moment; You being in control of your relationship. You being the one calling the shots. You being the one making the decision about whether or not this relationship moves forward and whether or not he comes back to you. But typically this is the way things work out for women that figure out how to motivate a man and move him beyond what he can handle emotionally. Once this skill is learned it changes the relationship dynamics drastically and very quickly.

You see, once you discover what makes a guy change his mind and decide that he can’t live without you the ball is in your court. Once you learn how a guy thinks and the psychology behind what makes a guy pursue a girl with the dogged determination of a salmon swimming upstream it is actually ridiculously easy to call all the shots. You see, guys react in very predictable ways when you say and do things to them emotionally. It is basic human psychology that is peculiar just to guys and powerful information that you can use to literally turn the tables on your ex.

While you may doubt at the moment, the reality is that thousands of women your exact same situation or worse have effectively used male psychology to get their ex back with a minimum amount of effort. There was no begging or pleading. There was no playing let’s make a deal or promises to do better next time if their ex would only give them the chance. Just like little kids who can be taught a lesson and brought back into line, your ex will become extremely repentant and find you more irresistible than you can imagine!

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you’ll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late and time runs out- Click Here

