Ex Wants To Give Me My Stuff Back — Ex Wants To Meet To Return My Stuff

Kayla Eden
6 min readAug 26, 2021


If you harbor any thoughts of winning back a beleaguered ex then you will need to act with grace and maturity around your ex.

Use these tips on how to act around your ex if you want him/her to get attracted to you once again and watch him/her walk back into your life for eternity.

Let go of all that anger and frustration before meeting your ex
Do not blow steam in front of your ex since this will only drive him/her away from you.

Practice meditation instead of medication to calm your mind down naturally so as to talk to your ex in a calm and composed voice.

Control your emotions
Do not give the game away by sniffling or looking at your ex with those puppy eyes. Instead, control your emotions, and remain formal and poised in front of your ex.

Do not fidget
Another problem that you might face if you still love your ex dearly is to fidget like a nervous kid in front of the principal.

Do not fidget nervously, bite your fingernails or run your fingers though your hair. You should stand upright with dignity and look at your ex squarely in the eye while talking with complete confidence.

Throw in a few praises and back off
You can praise your ex about his/her looks or dress but remember to back off immediately instead of babbling on.

This will please your ex but also confuse him/her and it is this curiosity that will compel your ex to open up further as he/she tries to find out more about your true feelings from you.

Ask your ex about himself/herself but do not pry
You can ask your ex about himself/herself after the breakup in a general tone but do not try to pry too deeply. You should only indicate to your ex that you are interested in his/her life without looking desperate.

Mingle with others
If you meet your ex at a party then do not latch on to him/her like a leech. Instead, mingle with others while laughing or simply acting in a positive manner.

This will allow you to exhibit your positive side to your ex and also create feelings of desire within him/her.

Keep your distance
Once you have met your ex for a short time then you should get back to your own life and maintain a respectable distance while still remaining within visual contact.

If your ex too misses you then he/she will now be sufficiently impressed by your behavior and will surely try to contact you again on any pretext.

These moves will ensure that your ex watches and respects your mature actions while falling right back in love with you.

By acting positively even while in pain, you can surely boost your chances of watching your ex walk back into your life again.

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast

Ex wants to give me my stuff back: Ex wants to meet to return my stuff.

Breaking up with anyone is painful, sad, and depressing. This is an emotional time for anyone and you have to be very careful. You will probably be asking yourself ‘What should I do to get my ex back and hold on to them?’

If you search across the internet there are many resources available for dealing with this problem. It is easy to be swamped with all of this, but funnily enough common sense can provide the solution to your problems. If you really want your ex back you’re going to have to keep those emotions in check and be gentle with ex.

If you are wondering around asking yourself ‘what should I do to get me ex back and hold on to them’ then stop and think. There are clear steps that you can take to accomplish what you need to achieve. Follow these points to help you get you ex back.

The most important point is not to play games with you ex. When you are upset and angry you can take it out on your ex, but if you want them back then you’re going to have to hold back. You can feel very powerful in this position and its easy to manipulate your ex. You have to get a balance between showing that you care about them but not being desperate. Manipulating people may seem like fun but ultimately it wont make you happy.

Lying and tricking will not work if you want to get back with your ex. It might succeed in the short term but if you base your attempts to get back with someone on this kind of behaviour you will fail in the long run.

Examples of this kind of manipulative behaviour include pretending to date someone else, or pretending to be in love with someone else. This is normally a plan to make the ex feel jealous. If you take it to far then it will backfire and you will lose your chance of making up with your ex.

At the same time you are manipulating the person you are pretending to be dating and you can hurt them badly.

How will your ex react to your behaviour? They could become jealous after seeing you with someone else and want you back. Or they may think that you have moved on very quickly and you don’t care about them any more. Unfortunately there is no way of knowing what will happen until it’s to late.

It is very tempting to be mean to your ex but that is the last thing you should do if you want to get them back. Of course you are going to be upset when a breakup occurs but you will have to find other ways to release that anger. If you want to get back with your ex then you must learn to forgive them. If you can’t forgive your ex then you will never be able to get back with them and you should move on.

Your next question should be, what do I need to do to change myself so that my ex will like me again. Think about what made you break up in the first place. Was there anything you did that upset your ex particularly? Look to make these changes in yourself. Think of all the things they liked about you in the past and work on being that person again. This will help you to become closer to your ex and get them back again.

You have to be on your best behaviour at all times with your ex. From this they will remember the good times and the reasons why they wanted to go out with you in the first place. You can flirt with them a little, smile and laugh with them. Appear relaxed but not desperate to get them back.

Winning an ex back can take a while and the steps we have discussed are just the first stages. An ex can come back very quickly or it could take some time. Whatever happens follow these ideas and be persistent but relaxed. In more cases than not you will win them back.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it’s broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it’s an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex’s decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you’re the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets

