He Blocked Me Everywhere Will He Come Back — He Blocked Me After Argument

Kayla Eden
6 min readAug 26, 2021


Photo by Kev Costello on Unsplash

The only things that are certain to come back to you in life are STD’s and homing pigeons, and sometimes the homing pigeons come back with STD’s. Your boyfriend may or may not waltz back into your life but read these tips to see if you can get a better feeling for what’s going on in his head.

Step 1:Stop The Pattern: You’ve got a better chance of your dude coming back if you desist doing what drove him away in the first place. Play the odds to your favor and start getting your act together which might mean getting a job, stopping the nagging, or just being nicer.

Step 2:House Or Group Home: When your boyfriend was around, was it home sweet home or a mental institution? If the relationship was volatile, it probably always will be without therapy or some other sort of intervention.

Step 3:His Jailbreak: Where is your boyfriend at now? Did he use the breakup as his opportunity to flee to Montana and start living under an assumed identity? If your boyfriend is still around and keeps in contact, there’s a better chance he’ll give it another try down the line.

Step 4:Make Him: Your boyfriend might just need some time to get his head straight but if you start shaping up your look and become a commodity that other guys are interested in investing in, you’ll quickly find out that his timeline got shorter.

Step 5:Over & Over: You can get back into shape, sport a better personality, and be a better overall catch but every fellow is going to get sick of breaking up and getting back together over and over. If you want him back, make sure you’re certain and likewise don’t break up at the first sniff of trouble.

Step 6:Begging Or Offering: You should remember to keep your dignity by not begging him to come back and instead offering him a chance to get back with you. Give off the impression that you’re in control of whether you two crazy kids make it.

Step 7:The New Way: If he does come back, try and make the relationship a more pleasant experience for everybody’s sake. Your friends are sick of hearing about the drama and even your dog goes in the other room when you start fighting so try and get along for the greater good of everybody’s sanity.

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast

He blocked me everywhere will he come back: He blocked me after argument.

Do you really want to get your ex boyfriend back but he just doesn’t seem interested at all in you anymore? Are you about ready to lose hope and you wonder if you should just move on? But you love him and you want to try to get him back again just one more time.

Even though your ex boyfriend doesn’t seem to care anymore or seems to have moved on you really do still have a chance to win him back. Often when a guy breaks up with a girl he will build a wall around himself to protect himself. If your guy is doing this he probably just doesn’t want to give you false hope that the two of you might get back together.

You can rest assured that deep down inside he does still care for you. He might not show it and given the possible circumstances his emotions might be all over the place right now but if you know what to do and what not to do you can coax those loving feelings back out of him again.

First, if you have been spending a lot of time trying to talk about the relationship or the possibility of getting back together, quite simply, you are pushing him away. You are coming off as desperate and probably a little crazy. You will appear needy and depending upon how often you try to contact him your contact might be bordering on stalking. I don’t want to offend you but I want to be truthful with you here because I want you to be able to get your boyfriend back…. That is my goal.

So, take a little breather from the phone calls , text messages and requests to get together to talk about things. Give yourself some time to heal and rebuild your confidence back up again. Let the dust settle and also give him a little time to both begin to miss you and also wonder what is going on in your life. After a very short period of time his attitude towards you should go from being defensive to at least neutral.

It can be painful to be separated from the man you love but it is a necessary evil that will help you to make a good impression when it is time to re-initiate contact with your ex boyfriend again. You want to not only look like a million bucks the next time he sees you but you want there to be a stark contrast between the woman that stands before him then and the woman that he broke up with.

You want to make him regret breaking up with you and also fear that he might actually lose you if he doesn’t act and do what is necessary to get you back. In order to make a powerful impact it is necessary for you to get your emotions under control and learn what works and what doesn’t when trying to get your ex boyfriend back.

It may be necessary at times to be a little deceitful or sneaky and the methods that most women have found to be most helpful in getting their man back often require a bit of manipulation. While just letting nature take it’s course and allowing time to heal the wounds from your breakup is the advice that you will receive from counselors and therapists, my suggestion is that you be prepared to throw everything that you got at him emotionally if you really want to get him back.

Traditional methods of reuniting with an ex boyfriend might sound logical, the sooner you can get him back the better. Wasting time waiting for him to contact you or come to his senses might take years if it ever happens at all and if you are serious about getting him back before he moves on you might want to consider alternate methods that are more effective.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it’s broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it’s an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex’s decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you’re the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets

