My Ex Boyfriend Compliments Me — What Does It Mean When Your Ex Boyfriend Calls You Beautiful

Kayla Eden
6 min readAug 24, 2021


You came to a complete circle. You fell in love, you had a great things going for some time, and then suddenly you broke up. When you thought that everything is over and you are ready to start over, you realize that your heart is still set on your ex. Now you wonder — does he feel the same way?

If that is what is bothering you now, here are signs that would guide you to the answer:

1. Your ex compliments you a lot — This can also be a sign that they want you back. They may still be attracted to you and feel a need to be with you. Sometimes humans want what they can’t have and compliments are a way to express this. Put yourself in your ex’s shoes.

2. Flirt with your ex ever so slightly — if your ex still has feelings for you, he would immediately respond in the same manner. In fact, he would love the fact that there is an avenue to show his affection.

3. Touches hair/ licks lips anytime he sees you — there are certain involuntary body language gestures that would easily give his feelings away. If your ex keeps touching his hair or licks his lips when you are around, it means that he wants to look good around you, which is turn means that he is still fond of you.

4. Becomes touchy when you talk to another person of the opposite gender — try flirting with other people in front of your ex and watch closely for his reaction. Does your ex look irritated and agitated? This is because he has feelings for you and does not want you to get attached to any other person.

5. Have a change over and ask your ex his opinion — try a new hairstyle, new short/ dress, new style and ask your ex for his opinion. If your ex comes up with a compliment, it is good; if all you get is a ‘whatever’, your ex is no longer interested in you.

6. Allude to your relationship and watch your ex reaction — when you are relaxed and chat on neutral matters, steer the conversation to the breakup. Does he light up at the thought of your relationship? Does he talk about ‘good old times’. Does his betray his fondness of you?

7. Ask his help — go ahead call your ex and tell him you need help pronto. Watch for his reaction. If your ex still loves you, he would drop everything and rush to your aid.

8. You are upset and you go to your ex for a shoulder to cry on — your ex leaves all he is doing, no matter how important and gives you undivided attention for as long as you need it.

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast

My ex boyfriend compliments me: What does it mean when your ex boyfriend calls you beautiful.

If you are hoping to get your ex boyfriend back you may have already tried talking with him with mixed results. You might have even had moments when you felt that there was hope for your relationship only to have your hopes dashed the next day when he turns back into that cold, uncaring man that doesn’t resemble the man you love in the slightest.

There is a reason for all of this and a reason why the time to sit down and talk is not upon us at this moment. There is a time for talking and a time for taking action and right now it is a time to take action. You might even find that later on talking isn’t even going to be necessary and once you do get him back all the problems that you want to discuss and rectify might very well be water under the bridge.

Why Talking is a Waste of Time — The reason why talking is getting you mixed results right now is that right now comes from a multitude of reasons. The chief of these is that your ex really doesn’t want a relationship with you. This may be harsh and difficult to hear but this is what is on his mind and what he is probably feeling right now. While it might be true that you might be able to convince him or get him to agree that what the two of you had at one point was marvelous and fun but right now all he sees is the problems that cropped up between the two of you and right now every time you get together or discuss getting back together all he sees is the problems.

Sure, you might be able to convince him or seduce him into getting back together but these techniques are not long lasting and often once he is left alone with his feelings and emotions he will go back to feeling that he was better off without you. Often once the emotions have subsided a little bit a guy will often break up with you again and be even more determined and on his guard to make sure that he never caves in again and lets you back into his life. Can you see how this can be a big problem and why you really need to do your homework before attempting to get your boyfriend or husband back?

What Will Work — The key to a successful plan to get him back as opposed to one that will only work short term is in getting your ex to come to the conclusion himself that he is better off with you than without you. Appealing to both his logical mind in a round about way by appealing to his male psyche you need to basically lead him back to you instead of forcing the issue by being in his face.

As a word of warning you should know that your window of opportunity is rather limited. There is a very good chance that there are women that have been waiting for the two of you to breakup so they could make him their own and there is also the possibility that seeds of discontent were actually sown by another woman without your knowledge. And also, as you know, many guys look to overcome the loneliness and pain by seeking out a rebound relationship. So let’s get to it!

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it’s broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it’s an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex’s decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you’re the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets

