My Ex Boyfriend Won’t Talk To Me Anymore — Why Is My Ex Boyfriend Suddenly Ignoring Me

Kayla Eden
7 min readAug 26, 2021


Photo by Riccardo Mion on Unsplash

Even though your ex may not be speaking to you at the moment, you can still make strategic moves to better your position. Now we are not talking about harassing them with text messages and phone calls, but instead, taking a more indirect approach. These moves are so subtle that your ex won’t even realize what you’re up to.

Your number one goal right now is to not alienate yourself from your ex’s life. Even though breaking off contact is probably advisable for now, there’s nothing wrong with maintaining close ties with his/her friends and family. One of the main reasons you want to do this is because they can have a direct influence on the decisions your ex makes down the road. They are the people your ex is going to turn to for advice — and if you’re golden as far as they’re concerned, they will most certainly put in a good word for you.

The key to making this work is to be as subtle as possible. If you’re too aggressive, everyone’s going to know what you’re up to and you’ll end up looking foolish. An example of this would be to immediately start hanging around his/her family.

However, there’s nothing to say that you can’t remain friends and be cordial with their closest friends and family members. Don’t go out of your way to initiate contact, but if you do have an opportunity to speak to them, be on your best behavior. Be charming and likable, but definitely don’t talk about the breakup. It’s okay to ask how your ex is doing, but leave it at that.

There can be countless reasons why your ex would not talk to you. It might be because he/she is still recovering from the heartbreak. Hey, just because he/she broke up with you does not mean he/she is not affected by it. You had a relationship; he/she is human too, you know. Or, maybe your ex is mad at you and is ignoring you just for revenge, etc. Whatever reason it may be, you must free yourself from this misery and start doing some of the tips that are exemplified here so you could get back into talking terms again.

Take Things Easy — Keep it cool; stop those irritating calls and messages urging your ex to holler you back. Your ex is not fine and so are you. Do not make matters worse by pressuring him/her to respond. Give your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend some time so he/she can clear his/her mind. Your ex might also be thinking of ways to get back with you and is just waiting for that very right moment.

Casually Converse with Your Ex — While doing this, remember the first tip and only do this whenever necessary. The chances of you bumping into your ex are very likely and every time it happens, remember not to avoid him/her. In case your paths cross, act normally and casually. If he/she shows signs that he/she wants to talk, do this as if you are talking to a friend. The more comfortable you feel when you are around him/her, the more likely he/she is to feel the same.

Exude Confidence — Look your best always. People who display self-worth and confidence are attractive, remember that. You also attract opportunities and new friends if you do this, and exes are not an exception. Seeing that you are fine with all that has happened will arouse his/her curiosity and could mean a call from him/her that might patch things up.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn’t stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don’t throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

My ex boyfriend won’t talk to me anymore: Why is my ex boyfriend suddenly ignoring me.

Have you almost lost all hope of ever getting your boyfriend back? Have you tried just about everything to get him back and convince him to change his mind about your breakup? Have you cried until there are no more tears and then cried some more at the loss you are feeling?

What you are experiencing is perfectly normal and the loss that you are feeling is real but only temporary. It really is possible to get your boyfriend back and get your life back on track again. Wouldn’t that be great?

Think of it this way, how often have you seen couples breakup and get back together. Surely you have friends and family members who have broken up and gotten back together almost by accident. Every day couples reunite in spite of even some of the most overwhelming circumstances. Couples who have cheated on each other, said some of the most horrible things to each other and worse have put their differences aside for the sake of love and reunited and you have witnessed these scenarios play out.

Now, what makes you think that your situation and your relationship with your boyfriend is so different? Sure, the words exchanged and the circumstances may be unique but the feelings probably are not. Keep all of this in mind when you feel hopeless and desperate to get your boyfriend back. Every day on this planet couples get back together and you are going to be no different.

As frightening as it may seem to have to deal with your boyfriend who is acting so mean or cold towards you it is possible to thaw that heart the is encased with ice. Right now your boyfriend has built a wall around himself and he isn’t letting you in. Chances are this wall has grown taller and thicker as you have tried and tried to convince him to talk and reconsider getting back together.

As much as you might think that talking things through and addressing each problem that your boyfriend gave as a reason for breaking up with you, the truth is that trying to talk with him right now about the relationship is a mistake. He doesn’t want to talk about getting back together, what went wrong or what you have done to try to remedy the situation. Right now he is putting all of this effort and brain power into resisting your advances and arguing with you over his reasons for breaking up with you.

Now… in order to bust through that wall and thaw that heart of ice you need to think. If he doesn’t want to talk about getting back together and work on the issues then what can you do? Talk about anything and everything under the sun that is pleasant to draw him closer to you. You are trying to open up the lines of communication and create a bond with him again, first of all. Without communication and a connection with your boyfriend you hold little to no chance of getting him back.

So talk about funny things that have happened in your life lately. Give him a complement without expecting anything in return. Tell him about a time that you really appreciated him and how he treated you. Tell him that you are sorry that things didn’t work out but that you will always laugh at a particular memory that you have. Make him believe that you have given up on trying to convince him to get back together and give it a little time to sink in. Before long you might be surprised by how he begins to open up to you.

Of course, this is only one step in moving towards a resolution to the conflict that has caused him to break up with you but it is a step in the right direction.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it’s broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it’s an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex’s decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you’re the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets

