My Ex Cheated On Me With His New Girlfriend — My Ex Boyfriend Cheated And Left Me For Her

Kayla Eden
6 min readAug 26, 2021


So, your boyfriend has strayed and has landed into the arms of some other girl? After you’ve wiped away sorry tears reeking of self-pity, it is now time to take back what’s truly yours. There are secret ways you can steal back your boyfriend without so much a bat of an eyelash. These seven points are just a tip of the iceberg:

Ask yourself why.
Why in the world would you want to steal back your boyfriend when the very fact that he strayed, means there was something wrong in the relationship from the start? There are many reasons a girl would want to get back with her guy, but is self-esteem, companionship and dependence are yours, then you might as well stay away.

Rebuild your social life.
If your boyfriend has moved on, and you haven’t, he hasn’t so much done it without a budding social life. Do the same and you’d be amazed at the attention you would receive from him. Go out with friends and let them introduce you to people. Building your network helps you forget about being single again.

Take his number off your phone.
If you want him to come back to you, don’t text or call him. But how do you do that when his number’s sitting pretty on your phone? To be really certain you’re not tempted, forget about calling or texting him by taking him off your contacts list.

Take him off your social networking contacts.
So you stalk his Facebook account and see that he’s posted pictures of him having a great time. Why do you need to torture yourself by looking at those? There’s obviously nothing productive that’s going to come out of it except some really bad self-esteem issues, so take him off your list as well.

Look busy.
You’re his ex, so if things don’t work out with his new lady love, there’s a big chance he might be rebounding back…to you. When he does call, tell him you’re busy. Showing him you have a life teaches him a lesson, that he won’t easily forget. He will pursue you after realizing how valuable you really are.

Change your look.
If you want to veer away from the looks he was once used to, it’s time to give yourself a big makeover. It will not only enhance your self-esteem. It will also make you more attractive to the opposite sex, including him.

Have a good time with new friends.
And if all else fails, why not move on too and show him that you know exactly how to have fun? He will soon take notice of how well you’ve been able to cope and will want to be back in your arms again.

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast

My ex cheated on me with his new girlfriend: My ex boyfriend cheated and left me for her.

Do you want to get your ex boyfriend back but you’re not sure if it’s worth the effort? Do you often lie awake at night and wonder if he still thinks of you or if he still loves you? It is possible to know if he still loves you and absolutely possible to get your ex boyfriend back if you know how to play your cards right.

First of all, of course he still thinks of you and he still loves you. He may be upset right now or annoyed with you if you have been pushing him hard to get back together. But all of the memories of all the romantic, touching moments that you shared are still a part of his memories also. There will be a day when all of this comes flooding back to him. It is bound to happen sooner or later. The trick is helping him to remember those wonderful moments sooner rather than later, right?

As far as your ability to get your ex boyfriend back… every day couples break up. While this is true it is also true that every day there are couples that get back together again. You probably have friends or family members that have gone through relationship troubles and decided after a period of time to get back together yourself. Often the difference between couples that do get back together and those that don’t is having one partner that is devoted to the relationship. Are you devoted to this relationship and do you want things to work out between you and your ex boyfriend?

It can be a difficult road to travel if you hope to win him back. There will be days when you feel like giving up and times when you lose all hope. But then there will also be moments when you feel that you are making headway and you can see signs of hope as the connection between you and your boyfriend begins to grow again. It can be a wild rollercoaster ride for a while but with a little persistence, some patience and by keeping your emotions under control you can definitely get your boyfriend back.

During those times when he seems to begin to drift away from you or shut you out again you need to keep your wits about you. Try to remain in control of your emotions and resist the urge to become needy or come off like a “crazy ex girlfriend” by pushing him or becoming demanding. Rest in the confidence that this can often be a natural part of the process and that by being cool and calm you will cause him to lose control of his emotions as he wrestles with his feelings as everything comes flooding back to him.

By causing those emotions of love, attraction, wanting and desire to come to the surface and resisting the urge to be demanding of his attention you will bring about a reaction in him that you never imagined you could cause. By using subtle psychological tricks such as these and those that are even more powerful you will cause your ex boyfriend to feel emotions that he thought were long dead.

The truth is that the key to getting your ex boyfriend back is not in talking through your problems or even becoming friends as a way to weasel your way back into his life. The true key to getting him back is in knowing how he thinks and how to play to his instinctual side. By using male psychology and using a few psychological tricks you can actually cause your boyfriend to not just regret breaking up with you but you can have him begging you for another chance. These methods are not only the most powerful but also the methods that work the quickest in getting your ex boyfriend back.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it’s broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it’s an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex’s decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you’re the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets

