My Ex Says He Wants Me Back But He Has A Girlfriend — My Ex Boyfriend Still Has Feelings For Me But He Has A Girlfriend

Kayla Eden
7 min readAug 26, 2021


Photo by Alan Quirvan on Unsplash

Going through a love break up is a nasty experience. It causes most of us pain and despair, regardless how much we know that the relationship ends for the best. Then we would have days, weeks, or probably months to recover from the grief and to let go all memories and simply accept the fact that our ex partner is no longer part of our life, and that we now should move on and start over. Time is what we depend on to heal our wound, and it does take a long time for some people to completely deal with the situation.

Now, after all that hard work, when we finally managed to get over them, they come back to us saying how sorry they are and how much they wish the relationship could be restored. How nice if we can give it another shot.

There we are, at the intersection with our wound recently healed, torn between the bitterness of the break up, the sweet memories from the past and the hopeful future. There comes the million dollar question, should I accept my ex back?

Do you realize the extent of responsibility once you decide if you are going to take them back? You are basically gambling the next portion of your life to again be involved with this one person that has caused you so much pain, with a promise that things will turn out better this time. Have a quiet time with yourself and think about it very carefully. Don’t let your emotions get in the way as they will only obscure your judgment. Use your head and logic, as this is the time you need to take the correct decision rather than what you may feel like at the moment. Think back what went wrong in the relationship, why it led to a break up. If you could turn back time and you knew this problem by then, would the break up still happen? Is the break up caused by some fundamental issues that is unchangeable, or was it due to your or your ex’s fault that given you are willing to work on it, things would be okay?

As a basic guidance, you can follow these basic rules:

Accept them back if:

1. You see that the break up was avoidable.

2. You still have strong feelings for them.

3. You both are willing to work on it and make necessary changes in yourselves to make it last this time.

Don’t accept them back if:

1. The cause of the break up was fundamental issues that cannot be changed.

2. You don’t really have feelings for them anymore, but you are confused because they say they still love you.

3. YOU both still blame each other on what happened and expect the other party to change in order to make the relationship work this time.

You may ask for advice from your family of friends, but the final decision is yours and yours alone. You are the only one who has the final say if you should accept your ex back.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn’t stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don’t throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

My ex says he wants me back but he has a girlfriend: My ex boyfriend still has feelings for me but he has a girlfriend.

Have you been doing everything in your power to try to get your ex boyfriend back? Have you tried being really nice to him and even attempted to change some of the things that he complained about when he broke up with you? Have you been wracking your brain trying to figure him out and convince him to come back to you?

Your problem might be easier solved if you started thinking like a guy instead of thinking logically of how to get your ex back. Right now your boyfriend is in a very emotional state and depending upon what you have been doing to try to get him back you may be further complicating the issue and actually making it more difficult to get him back than is necessary.

You see, guys are pretty simplistic creatures and they are motivated by two things. Their first instinct is to seek out pleasure and their second instinct is to avoid pain. While all human beings have these same instincts a man isn’t overly aware of the stimulus that causes him to make decisions and react in sometimes peculiar ways.

Seeking Pleasure — You might be thinking with your mind in the gutter a little bit but if you’re ex boyfriend is a guy he is probably like most guys in his desire for as much pleasure as he can pack into his life.

Now you should be asking yourself if you are providing him with anything that might be pleasurable these days. When you do talk with him are the conversations pleasurable or are they painful? Is he happy to hear from you or does he seem annoyed? The topics that you discuss, are they fun to talk about or are they painful and boring? If you have been trying to talk about what went wrong in your relationship or how you think you can fix things then this is painful to a guy and not in the least pleasurable.

Avoiding Pain — This brings us to the second very simplistic thing that motivates men. A guy would rather sit through a root canal without Novocain than talk about all the unpleasant things that went on in your relationship. This is one of the main reasons why he might not want to talk to you and may be avoiding your phone calls and text messages.

While you might be thinking that resolving the issues in your relationship and getting back to the good parts of being together might be motivation enough for him to want to work through your problems, he doesn’t see it this way. All he knows is that it is annoying and painful to have to sit through talking about feelings and emotions. In his mind it would be easier just to get another girlfriend than have to deal with all of that and this is probably what he will wind up doing unless you can do a little damage control and get on the right track.

Damage Control — If you have been pushing the relationship down his throat and wanting to talk about getting back together you have indeed been doing damage to your chances of getting him back. You have probably successfully turned him off and maybe even given him reason to believe that he did the right thing by breaking up with you.

All hope is not lost though. It may take some doing but it is not just possible but probable that you can get him back and undo the damage in short order if you know what to do. Given a little time, a good plan and the ability to use your new found knowledge of what motivates your man you can reverse what has been done and get him back.

The first step though is to back off a bit and regroup. Take a serious look at what you have been doing to try to get him back and come up with a game plan. Take some time to rebuild your confidence and go into this fully armed and ready to knock his socks off the next time you see him. Anything less will avail you nothing but a continuation of what you have been getting and his further resolve to move on with his life and find another woman that can make him happy.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it’s broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it’s an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex’s decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you’re the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets

